精英家教网 > 小学英语 > 题目详情





I'm going to be very busy ________ ________.I'm going to the ________ and ________ a ________ ________ for my little sister.Then I am going to plant trees in the ________.I'm going to ________ a ________ to my father ________ ________.Father and mother are hawny a trip in Shenzhen now.


(  )1.A.Take a trip.


C.With my parents.

(  )2.A.Read a book.

B.Sing and dance.

C.Do sports.

(  )3.A.Yes, it is.

B.No, it isn't.

C.It's Saturday today.

(  )4.A.By bus.

B.By train.

C.By bike.

(  )5.A.Yes, I am.

B.No, I'm not.

C.I'm going to be very busy.

(  )6.A.I'm going to the supermarket.

B.I'm going to the bookstore.

C.I'm going to buy a new CD.


(  )I'm going to Beijing with my parents.

(  )I'm going to visit the Great Wall in winter holiday.

(  )I'm going to Beijing by plane.

(  )I can ski in Beijing.

(  )Father and mother are going to Harbin.It's snowy there.


  答案:一、5 2 4 7 1 3 6

  二、1-5BABBA 6-8AAB

  三、next week bookstore buy comic book afternoon post card this evening

  四、B A B A B A

  五、× √ × × √


  一、I'm going to be very busy this weekend.In the morning, I'm going to sweep the floor and I'm going to the supermarket with my mother.Then I am going to the pet shop and buy a cat.Mother is going to the shoe store and buy a pair of slippers for my grandparents.We are going to buy some apples in the fruit stand.Mother and I are going to see a film on Saturday evening and we are going to visit my grandparents by.train on Sunday.

  二、1.I'm going to buy a comic book in the post office.

  2.Please pass me the dictionary.I want to look up a word.

  3.I read a magazine every Saturday.

  4.Let's go to the Great Wall this summer.

  5.I'm going to the cinema with my classmates this afternoon.

  6.I'm going to take a trip with my parents by train.

  7.-What are you going to do this evening?

  -I'm going to the supermarket.

  8.I do sports every afternoon.


  -What are you going to do this summer?

  -I'm going to take a trip to Beijing with my parents.We're going by train.

  -That's great! Here's a comic book for you.You can read it on the train.

  -Thank you very much.

  Q:1.Where are you going this summer?

  2.What can you do on the train?


  -We are going to visit my grandparents on Sunday morning.

  -Are you going by train?

  -No.We're going by bus.

  Q:3.Is it Sunday today?

  4.How are you going?


  I'm going to have a busy weekend.On Saturday, I'm going to buy a new CD and some story books.Then I'm going to read the new books at home.On Sunday, I'm going to the supermarket with my mother.

  Q:5.Are you going to have lessons this weekend?

  6.What are you going to do on Sunday?

  五、It's winter holiday now.I'm going to Beijing next week.I'm going by train with my teachers and some classmates.We're going to visit the Great Wall.It's cold in Beijing, but it's not snowy.Mother and Father are going to take a trip, too.They're going to Harbin by plane.It's snowy in Harbin.They can ski.How wonderful!


科目:小学英语 来源:期中题 题型:听力题

 Dear Larry,    
How are you?    
  I want to__1_you some changes in my life._2_ years ago,I__3_ to school.  Now I    go to school__4__
school bus.1 wrote a_5_ then,but now l write__6.Myfamily_7_    in a ___8___ house. Now we_9___ in a____10__beautiful house.    


科目:小学英语 来源:小考真题 题型:听力题

A: Is the weather in your town ______________?
B: Yes, it is. The ______________ in four ______________ is quite different.
A: How about the weather in ______________?
B: It's ______________ and ______________. It's very ______________.
A: Is it ______________ in ______________?
B: Yes, it's very ______________. People like ______________ ______________ ______________
   in the evening.
A: How about in ______________?
B: It's ______________ and ______________.
A: Which ______________ do you like ______________?
B: I like ______________ best.
A: Why?
B: Because it often ______________ in it. I like to ______________ ______________ and
   ______________ ______________ ______________ with my friends.
A: So you have a lot of fun?
B: Yes, we do.


科目:小学英语 来源:江苏小考真题 题型:听力题

      Mr and Mrs Green are from ____________. They are working in Shanghai now. Mr Green 
is a teacher in a school. He is a French teacher. He likes reading and ____________. His 
daughter, Kate, is a ____________. She likes playing the piano ____________ ____________.
She likes school, too. She does her ____________ every day. She ____________ watches 
cartoons before dinner. Mrs Green is a teacher, too. She can ____________ a little Chinese.
She likes Chinese ____________. She doesn't like doing housework at all, but she likes 
cooking. They all like China a lot. They think the Chinese are ____________ friendly.


科目:小学英语 来源:期末题 题型:阅读理解

      What a beautiful nature park! I can see many animals. Look! The monkeys are hungry. They are eating 
peaches. Here comes two tigers, they are walking. The pandas are lovely. They are climbing the bamboos. I 
see three giraffes over there. They are drinking water near the river. The two elephants are so strong. They are
running. I love all the animals. They are our good friends.
1. 看图判断,在图片下面打“√”或打“×”。 
       (     )                       (     )                          (     )                    (     )                   (     )
2. What are the tigers doing? 
3. What are the giraffes doing? 
4. Are the elephants running?  


科目:小学英语 来源:北京小考真题 题型:听力题

(     ) 1. A. 123 
(     ) 2. A. 9: 05
(     ) 3. A. fine
(     ) 4. A. don't 
(     ) 5. A. make    
(     ) 6. A. pick up 
(     ) 7. A. take off
B. 132
B. 9: 55
B. nine
B. aren't
B. music
B. pull up
B. talk about  
C. 213
C. 10: 05
C. my 
C. can't
C. machine
C. put on
C. talk to   
D. 312
D. 10: 50
D. mine
D. isn't 
D. more
D. plan for          
D. take with
(     ) 8. A. sing bcautifully 
(     ) 9. A. It's on Oct. 1st.
(     ) 10. A. How can I get there?
B. singing contest
B. It's on Sep. 2nd.
B. How old is this boy?
C. sports meeting
C. It's on Dec. 3rd.
C. How far is it from here?

