精英家教网 > 小学英语 > 题目详情
选择Who,Where, How, How old或How many填空。
1. — _____ is my pencil? 
    — Sorry, I don't know.
2. — _____ apples are there on the tree? 
   — Let me see.
3.— _____ is that boy? 
   — He is my friend, Mike.
4.— _____ are you? 
   — I'm fine. Thank you.
5.— _____ is your sister? 
   — She is nine.
1. Where     2. How many     3. Who     4. How     5. How old

科目:小学英语 来源:期末题 题型:听力题

1. — What color is the _____________? (dress, jacket)  — It's _____________. (yellow, blue)
2. — _____________ my bag? (What's, Where's)  — It's _____________ the desk. (on, in)
3. — How many _____________ can you see ? (books, bikes)  — I can see _____________. (five, ten)
4. — _____________ that man? (Who's, Where's)  — That's my _____________. (uncle, father)
5. — _____________ that ? (What's, Where's)  — It's a _____________. (fan, fish)


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

who     where     what
1. —              is the dog?    
    —It is under the table.
2. —              is under the table?          
    —The dog is under the table.
3. —              is in the car?    
    —Mary is in the car. 
4. —              colour is the car?    
    —It is blue.
5. —              has a cat?   
    —Betty has a cat. 
6. —              is the cat?     
    —It is in the box.
7. —             is watching TV?    
    —Amy is watching TV.   
8. —             is Amy?     
    —She is in the living room.


科目:小学英语 来源:专项题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

How, OK, Who, will, Where, What, How much, How old, Thank, think
1. A: ____________ was your trip? 
    B: It was wonderful.  
2. A: Here you are.
    B: ____________ you. 
3. A: Let's play the guitar together.   
    B: ____________.     
4. A: ____________ will go to Dalian with you?     
    B: My parents.   
5. A: Will you visit a friend next Friday?    
    B: Yes, I ____________.  
6. A: ____________ is your friend from?    
    B: He is from Canada.   
7. A: This comic book looks more interesting.
    B: I don't ____________ so. 
8. A: ____________ do we need to make a sandwich?
    B: You need flour, butter and sugar.
9. A: ____________ ____________ is he?     
    B: He is seven years old.   
10. A: ____________ ____________ is this book?
     B: It's twenty yuan.


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

(     )1. Where's your dog?
(     )2. When do you get up?
(     )3. Do you visit grandparents every Sunday?
(     )4. Who is she?
(     )5. How many books do you have?
A. No, I don't.
B. She's my mother,
C. It's under the tree.
D. I have six.
E. At 7:00.

