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--My stomach hurts.

A. What's the matter?

B. How are you?

C. Can I have a toy?


科目:小学英语 来源:剑桥少儿英语 天天练预备级上册 题型:003

Listen and choose(听录音,看图,选择)



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科目:小学英语 来源:期中题 题型:阅读理解

Hello, friends!
      My name is Zhou Dan. I'm a Chinese girl. I'm twelve. I'm from Zhengzhou, China. Do you know
Zhengzhou? It's in the middle of China. I'm in No. 8 primary school. There are about nine hundred students
and fifty teachers in our school. It is a good school in Zhengzhou. I'm in Class 2, Grade Six. There are 49
students in our class: 29 girls and 20 boys. My English teacher is Miss Zhao Dan. Our names are almost
(差不多) the same, right? She is nice to me. We're good friends. I like English, and I like music, too. I want
to find a pen-friend. Please write to me.
                                         Zhou Dan
1. Who is Zhou Dan?
A. She is a student.
B. She is an English teacher.
2. Where does she come from?
A. She comes from Zhengzhou.
B. She come from Zhengzhou.
3. Is Miss Zhao her Chinese teacher or English teacher?
A. She is her Chinese teacher.
B. She is her English teacher.
4. What does Zhou Dan like?
A. She likes English.
B. She likes English and music.
5. What does " pen-friend " mean (意思是)? And do you have a pen-friend?


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:听力题


(     ) 1. A. How are you?
     B. How old are you?
     C. How heavy are you?
(     ) 2. A. Which season do you like best?
     B. Why do you like summer?
     C. When is your birthday?
(     ) 3. A. May I use your pen?
     B. What colour is your pen?
     C. How many pens do you have?
(     ) 4. A. What's your hobby?
     B. What's he like?
     C. Where are you from?
(     ) 5. A. What are you going to do tomorrow?
     B. What did you do yesterday?
     C. What do you do on the weekend?
(     ) 6. A. What can your mother do?
     B. What does your mother do?
     C. What's your mother going to do?
(     ) 7. A. Are there any tomatoes in the box?
     B. Are these tomatoes?
     C. Do you like eating tomatoes?
(     ) 8. A. What do you have for lunch on Sundays?
     B. What do you do on Mondays?
     C. What are you?
(     ) 9. A. What time is it?
     B. What day is it today?
     C. What's the date?
(     ) 10. A. May I use your pen?
    B. Would you like some water?
    C. Fine, thank you. And you?


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:听力题

(     ) 1. A. There are three birds in the tree.
     B. The birds are in the tree.
     C. I have three birds.
(     ) 2. A. I went to a park.
     B. I went ice-skating.
     C. I went by bus.
(     ) 3. A. He is tall and strong.
     B. He likes diving.
     C. He would like some apples.
(     ) 4. A. He is 52 kg.
     B. He is 164 cm.
     C. He is 14.
(     ) 5. A. She's happy.
     B. She's Amy.
     C. She's strong.
(     ) 6. A. It comes from the clouds.
     B. It comes from the vapour.
     C. It comes from the water in the river.
(     ) 7. A. I'm a singer.
     B. I'm a girl.
     C. I'm kind.
(     ) 8. A. Because I can swim.
     B. Because I can skate.
     C. Because I can sing.
(     ) 9. A. It's Wednesday.
     B. It's 9th.
     C. It's January.
(     ) 10. A. Yes, there is.
       B. Yes, he is.
       C. Yes, it is.


科目:小学英语 来源:专项题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

(     ) 1.
    Is this pencil yours, Mary?
A. No, it isn't mine. 
B. Yes, it isn't mine. 
C. No, it is mine.
(     ) 2.
      How old are you?
A. I'm 163 centimeters tall. 
B. I'm eleven years old. 
C. I'm happy.
(     ) 3.
   My birthday is on March 4th.
A. When is your birthday? 
B. What will you do? 
C. When is your father's birthday?                                      
(     ) 4.
  Will you go to concert on Sunday?
A. Yes, I will.      
B. Yes, I do.         
C. No, I will.
(     ) 5.
     What did you want to do?
A. I wanted to see a movie. 
B. I wanted to go to school. 
C. I wanted to play football.
(     ) 6.
A. Whose pen is this? 
B. Whose dog is this? 
C. Whose bird is this?
(     ) 7.
       Thank you.
A. Show me the cake, Tom.
B. Pass me the cake, Tom.
C. Have a cake, Tom.
(     ) 8.
  Who will play the guitar in the concert?
A. I will. 
B. Mary will not. 
C. Yes, I will.

(     ) 9. |
       Of course.

A. How can I help? 
B. Can you help me? 
C. What do we need?
(     ) 10.
             What will Mrs Lee do tomorrow?
A. She will go swimming. 
B. She will see a film. 
C. She will go to the market.

