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A: Excuse me. I'm going to the museum. Do you know ____1___it is?

B: It's ____2____ the People's Square. It's far ____3____here. You can ____4____ the underground to get there.

A: ____5____ the underground station?

B: Look, it's between the shop and the hospital.

A: Thank you very much.

B: You are welcome.

1. A. what       B. where      C. how

2. A. near       B. in       C. to

3. A. from       B. with       C. at

4. A. have       B. get       C. take

5. A. When       B. Where     C. What


科目:小学英语 来源:期中题 题型:单选题

Choose. 根据所给汉语,选择正确的答案完成单词。
(     ) 1. li _ _  (狮子)         
(     ) 2. eleph _ _ t  (大象)     
(     ) 3. ins _ de  (在……里面)
(     ) 4. t _ g _ r  (老虎)      
(     ) 5. r _ ck (石头)         
(     ) 6. z _ br _   (斑马)      
(     ) 7. m _ _key (猴子)       
(     ) 8. f _ _  (皮毛)        
(     ) 9. kangar _ _  (袋鼠)  
(     ) 10. 1_ _ f (树叶)      
A. on    
A. an  
A. a             
A. a,n            
A. a      
A. e,a    
A. en    
A. ar    
A. ee    
A. ea  
B. en     
B. en       
B. e             
B. i,e             
B. o      
B. a,e     
B. on     
B. er     
B. oo      
B. ae   
C. an   
C. on     
C. i               
C. e   
C. e    
C. i,e   
C. in   
C. ur   
C. eo    
C. ee 
D. in     
D. in        
D. o    
D. e,e     
D. i      
D. e,o     
D. an     
D. ir     
D. oe      
D. ie   


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

1. Are these your _______________ (suitcase / suitcases)?
2. These are our _______________ (toothbrushes / toothbrush).
3. Mother _______________ (washing / washes) dishes in the sink.
4. I'm _______________ (take / taking) a shower in the bathroom.
5. Jenny is _______________ (siting / sitting) on the couch.


科目:小学英语 来源:专项题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

(     ) 1.
    Is this pencil yours, Mary?
A. No, it isn't mine. 
B. Yes, it isn't mine. 
C. No, it is mine.
(     ) 2.
      How old are you?
A. I'm 163 centimeters tall. 
B. I'm eleven years old. 
C. I'm happy.
(     ) 3.
   My birthday is on March 4th.
A. When is your birthday? 
B. What will you do? 
C. When is your father's birthday?                                      
(     ) 4.
  Will you go to concert on Sunday?
A. Yes, I will.      
B. Yes, I do.         
C. No, I will.
(     ) 5.
     What did you want to do?
A. I wanted to see a movie. 
B. I wanted to go to school. 
C. I wanted to play football.
(     ) 6.
A. Whose pen is this? 
B. Whose dog is this? 
C. Whose bird is this?
(     ) 7.
       Thank you.
A. Show me the cake, Tom.
B. Pass me the cake, Tom.
C. Have a cake, Tom.
(     ) 8.
  Who will play the guitar in the concert?
A. I will. 
B. Mary will not. 
C. Yes, I will.

(     ) 9. |
       Of course.

A. How can I help? 
B. Can you help me? 
C. What do we need?
(     ) 10.
             What will Mrs Lee do tomorrow?
A. She will go swimming. 
B. She will see a film. 
C. She will go to the market.


科目:小学英语 来源:模拟题 题型:完形填空

(T = Teacher  W = Wang Hai)
T: Who's on duty today?
W: I am. 
T: Who isn't here today?
W: Wang Yang.
T: Aren't you Wang Yang?
W: No, I'm not. I'm Wang Hai. I'm his brother. We are twins. 
T: Oh, sorry. I don't know you are twins. But where is Wang Yang?
W: He is ill. He is at home. Can I look after him in the afternoon, Mr Li?
T: Sure.
W: Thank you.
      1__________ is on duty today. He and his 2__________ are twins. But Wang Yang 3__________
4__________ today. He is 5__________. Wang Hai will go and look after 6__________ this 7__________.
(     ) 1. A. Wang Yang
(     ) 2. A. friend   
(     ) 3. A. are      
(     ) 4. A. at school
(     ) 5. A. ill      
(     ) 6. A. they     
(     ) 7. A. morning  
B. Wang Hai
B. class
B. aren't 
B. in the office
B. young 
B. him
B. evening     
C. Mr Li
C. brother
C. doesn't
C. over there
C. pretty
C. her
C. afternoon
D. Twins
D. sister
D. isn't
D. at home                                                    
D. fine
D. mine
D. night 


科目:小学英语 来源:期中题 题型:单选题

1. I'm              (非常高兴).
[     ]
A. happy    
B. very hapy    
C. very happy
2. Would you like some            (饺子)?
[     ]
A. vegetables    
B. dumplings    
C. soup
3. —How do you feel?   —I              (感觉很累).
[     ]
A. feel tired    
B. feel sick    
C. feel sad
4. I get up in the               (早晨).
[     ]
A. morning    
B. afternoon    
C. evening
5. I'm              (饿了).
[     ]
A. hungry    
B. angry    
C. thirsty

