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There is not a lamp in his study. John ________ in the evening.

A. can't drink water 

B. can't read his book 

C. can't fly the kite


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

swimming, hiking, but, skate, windy, best, because, fall, kites
      Hello, I am Mike. I like doing sports. In spring I go ___________ with my parents. Summer is the
___________ for me, ___________ I can swim in the sea. ___________ is my favourite sports. In __________,
I fly ___________ in the park. It's ___________. I can climb mountains there. I also like to ___________ in
winter. Skating is an exciting sport. Winter is cold, ___________ I like it.


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

Sunday    park    water    swimming    bike
ice-cream   plant   take   train    weekend
      On the 1____________, I often go to ride a 2____________ in the 3____________. I 4____________
a tree there. I always 5____________ it. It grows fast.
      Tomorrow is 6____________. My mother says she is going to 7____________ a trip with me. It's
wonderful. We are going by 8____________ and go 9____________ in the sea. I can eat 10____________,
too. It's my favourite food. I can't wait.


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题


swimming, hiking, but  skate, windy, best, 
because, fall, kites

        Hello, I am Mike. I like doing sports. In spring I go ________  with my parents. Summer is the____
for me, __________  I can swim in the sea. __________is my favourite sports. In ________ , I fly
____________ in the park. It's ______ . I can climb mountains there. I also like to___________ in
winter. Skating is an exciting sport. Winter is cold, _____________ I like it.


科目:小学英语 来源:专项题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

1. 当你想知道今天的天气怎么样时,你会问:

[     ]

A. What's it?
B. What's the weather like today?
C. What a fine day today!
D. How is today?
2. 你不知道今天星期几,想问他人,应怎么问:

[     ]

A. What day is today?
B. What's the weather like today?
C. What is today?
D. What's the date today?
3. 如果你同一位朋友初次见面,他对你说:How do you do?你应回答:

[     ]

A. How are you?
B. Hello!
C. Hi!
D. How do you do?
4. 同学过生日,你要祝他生日快乐时,你会说:

[     ]

A. What day is today?
B. Today is your birthday.
C. Happy birthday to you.
D. It is fine today.
5. 当别人向你说:How are you?时,你应回答:

[     ]

A. I'm ten.
B. Fine, thank you.
C. How are you?
D. Welcome.
6. 当别人向你说:Happy New Year!时,你应回答:

[     ]

A. Thank you.
B. The same to you!
C. I'm happy today.
D. I'm fine, too.
7. 你是海伦吗?(电话用语):

[     ]

A. Are you Helen?
B. Is that Helen?
C. My mane is Helen.
D. Who are you?
8. 当你想打扰别人时,应先说:

[     ]

A. Excuse me.
B. I'm sorry.
C. Hello!
D. Sorry.
9. 有人到你学校参观,你表示欢迎,可以说:

[     ]

A. Welcome to our school.
B. Welcome back to school.
C. This is our school.
D. Here is our school.
10. 假如有人问路,而你不知道,可以说:

[     ]

A. It's over there, I think.
B. Go and ask the policeman.
C. Sorry, I don't know. You can go and ask the policeman.
D. I don't know. Don't ask me.


科目:小学英语 来源:安徽省模拟题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

(     ) 1. How far is it from here?        
(     ) 2. Where's the stop?               
(     ) 3. Thank you very much.            
(     ) 4. How tall are you?               
(     ) 5. How old is he?                  
(     ) 6. What's the matter with Mr Black?
(     ) 7. Who's younger, you or Su Hai?    
(     ) 8. What did Mike do yesterday?     
(     ) 9. What time did you get up?      
(     ) 10. How can I get there?           
A. You can take bus No. 8.                   
B. He went fishing.                          
C. Su Hai is twenty minutes younger than me. 
D. You're welcome.                           
E. At half past seven.                       
F. I'm 1. 6 metres tall.                      
G. It's about two kilometers away.           
H. It's over there.                          
I. He had a bad cough.                       
J. He's twelve.                              

