 0  8863  8871  8877  8881  8887  8889  8893  8899  8901  8907  8913  8917  8919  8923  8929  8931  8937  8941  8943  8947  8949  8953  8955  8957  8958  8959  8961  8962  8963  8965  8967  8971  8973  8977  8979  8983  8989  8991  8997  9001  9003  9007  9013  9019  9021  9027  9031  9033  9039  9043  9049  9057  159627 

科目: 来源:同步题 题型:完形填空

      There is a     1     called John Brown.      2    people all call him "Mr Going-to-do".
Do you know     3     ? Please read on. Mr Brown always says he is going to do something,
but he does      4    
       Every Saturday Mr Brown     5     to Mr Smith's back door and      6     to him, "I'm
going to clean my house today,"      7     "I'm going to wash my car tomorrow." Mr Smith
usually says, "Are you, John?" He knows Mr Brown is     8     going to clean his house,
or wash his car. Then he says,  "Well, excuse me, John. I'm going to do some work in the
house." And he     9    .
       Mr Smith often says to his son, " Are you going to do something? Then do it. Don't
be     10     Mr Going- to-do!"
(     )1. A. girl     
(     )2. A. But     
(     )3. A. what     
(     )4. A. something
(     )5. A. go       
(     )6. A. say     
(     )7. A. and     
(     )8. A. no      
(     )9. A. do      
(     )10. A. other  
B. woman    
B. And      
B. why      
B. everything
B. goes     
B. says     
B. but      
B. not      
B. are      
B. another  
C. man    
C. Or     
C. where  
C. anything
C. going  
C. saying 
C. then   
C. not any
C. does   
C. others 
D. baby       
D. Then        
D. when         
D. nothing  
D. is going  
D. is saying  
D. or         
D. /                                                    
D. is         
D. the others


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:完形填空

      Jack buys     1     beef. The butcher (屠夫) tells him the recipe and gives him some relish.
"But I can't remember your words." Jack says. "Will you write them    2    for me?" The butcher
does     3     .    4      the meat in his hand and the note in his pocket, Jack goes home     5     .
A dog runs     6     him on the way. Suddenly it comes     7      him, takes the meat away      8    
 him and runs off. Jack stands there and doesn't know      9    . After a while he laughs and says,
"Never mind. You don't know how      10     it. The recipe is still in my pocket."
(     )1. A. a cup of 
(     )2. A. in       
(     )3. A. so       
(     )4. A. Have    
(     )5. A. happily  
(     )6. A.in        
(     )7. A. on       
(     )8. A. of       
(     )9. A. what to do
(     )10. A. cooking 
B. a teaspoon of
B. at          
B. that        
B. With        
B. happy       
B. out         
B. after       
B. from        
B. why         
B. to cook     
C. a box of       
C. down           
C. it             
C. In             
C. sad              
C. of            
C. at             
C. to               
C. what does he do
C. cooked         
D. a piece of   
D. on              
D. such         
D. On              
D. sadly         
D. after           
D. out               
D. with       
D. where he is                 
D. eat     


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

      After I have lunch in an inn (小饭馆), I look for my handbag. I put it on a chair beside
the door and now it isn't there! As (当······时候) I am looking for it, the inn-keeper
comes in.
      "Do you have a good lunch?" he asks.
      "Yes, thank you," I answer. "But I can't pay (付款) the bill. Somebody takes away my bag.
      "The inn-keeper smiles and goes out at once. In a few minutes (过了一会儿) he comes
back with my bag and gives it to me.
      "I am very sorry," he says. "My dog takes it into the garden. He often does this."
1. The woman has a good lunch, but she ______ at first.
[     ]
A. doesn't pay for it
B. can't pay for it
C. refuses (拒绝) to pay for it
D. wants to pay for it next time
2. _______ takes the woman's bag away.
[     ]
A. A thief (小偷)
B. The woman herself
C. The inn-keeper
D. The dog in the inn
3. The inn-keeper knows _______.
[     ]
A. who takes the woman's bag away .
B. the woman doesn't want to pay for her lunch
C. the woman can give him a lot of money
D. the dog can find the lost bag
4. The dog takes the bag away because it _______.
[     ]
A. wants to play with it
B. wants to see if (是否) there is money in it
C. wants to help the inn-keeper to get more money
D. likes to see people looking for their bags
5. The underlined word "bill" in Paragraph 3 means _______.
[     ]
A. a piece of bread
B. a kind of drink
C. a piece of paper, from which you can know how much you must pay
D. a piece of paper, from which you can know what food they sell


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:完形填空

     A little boy wanted $100 very badly and his mother told him    1      to God for it. He prayed
and prayed for weeks, but    2      turned up. He decided     3     a letter to God and asked      4     
the $100. When the postal authorities saw the letter addressed to "God", they     5     it and decided
to send (送给) it to the President (总统) , who told his secretary to send the little boy a check for $5.
He     6      this would appear to be a lot of     7     for a little boy. The little boy was very happy and
sat down to write a     8      to God: Dear God, Thank you very much for     9     me the money.
I told you that you had to send it through Washington, D. C. But those jerks (蠢人) deducted
(扣除)    10     .
(     )1. A. pray     
(     )2. A. something
(     )3. A. to write 
(     )4. A. at       
(     )5. A. opened   
(     )6. A. went     
(     )7. A. paper    
(     )8. A. letter   
(     )9. A. send     
(     )10. A. $5       
B. to pray 
B. anything
B. write   
B. in      
B. took    
B. think   
B. drink   
B. diary   
B. to send 
B. $100    
C. prays  
C. nothing
C. writing
C. of     
C. smelt  
C. to think
C. money  
C. poem   
C. sending
C. ¥95    
D. praying
D. somebody
D. wrote  
D. for                                            
D. bought 
D. thought
D. rest   
D. homework
D. sent   
D. $95    


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:完形填空

      Dick did not live too far away from school, and he liked to     1     to school every day.
On his way to school he always went      2      a playground. When it rained, like many other
boys, Dick liked playing in the water. One afternoon when the boy came      3    , he was all
wet. His mother became very      4   and said, "Don't play in the water after school." The next
day he was very     5     again, and his mother became      6     angner. "I'll tell your father 
    7      you go to play in the water again," she said."And then he'll punish (惩罚) you." The 
   8      day the boy was dry when he came back from school. "You are a     9     boy today,
" his mother said. "You didn't play in the water." "No," he answered. "Because there were     10     
older boys in the water, I couldn't play in it.''
(     )1. A. go     
(     )2. A. past   
(     )3. A. house  
(     )4. A. angry  
(     )5. A. dry    
(     )6. A. very   
(     )7. A. before 
(     )8. A. first  
(     )9. A. good   
(     )10. A. many so
B. walk    
B. pass    
B. family    
B. happy  
B. late     
B. more    
B. if       
B. second 
B. better  
B. so many
C. fly       
C. across    
C. home         
C. worried
C. early     
C. even        
C. for      
C. third      
C. bad        
C. too much
D. come        
D. from    
D. room    
D. sad                              
D. wet      
D. ever     
D. as         
D. fourth   
D. worse     
D. much too


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Bill worked in a big office in the city, and he usually went to the barber's (理发店)
during working hours. This was against the rules. Office workers had to have their hair
cut after work. While Bill was at the barber's one day, the manager (经理) of the office
came in to have his own hair cut. Bill saw him and tried to hide his face, but the manager
came and sat beside him, so he recognized (认出) him. "Hello, Bill," said the manager.
"I see that you are having your hair cut in office time." "Yes, sir, I am," said Bill. "You see,
sir, it grows in office time." "Not all of it," said the manager of the office at once. "Some of it
grows in your own time." "Yes, sir, that's quite right," answered Bill politely (礼貌地). "But
I'm not having it all cut off."
1. Bill usually went to the barber's _____.
A. on Sundays
B. after work
C. during working hours
D. in his own time
2. While Bill was at the barber's, _____ came in.
A. a woman
B. the manager
C. his wife
D. a boy
3. Which of the following sentences is true?
A. Bill was glad to see his manager.
B. The manager came to look for Bill.
C. The office workers could go to the barber's during working hours.
D. The manager came to have his hair cut, too.
4. Why did Bill want to hide himself when he saw the manager?
A. Because he was very shy.
B. Because he didn't like him.
C. Because he had to go at that time.
D. Because he didn't want to let him know he was having a haircut in office time.
5. Do you think it's good for Bill to do this?
A. I think so.
B. I don't know.
C. I think he's wrong.
D.I think he is a good worker.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:完形填空

     This is a story about a man and his son who went out to  1   a walk. The man had on a pair
of odd (不配对的) shoes.    2   he came out in the street, he felt uncomfortable (不舒服).
     Turning to his son, he said, "Why is one of my legs    3   than    4    today?"
     The son   5    his father's legs and said, "You put on odd shoes."
     When he   6   this, the man was   7   and said, "What a clever son!" Then he   8   his son to go
back to the house and get   9    pair of shoes for him. When the son went back, he said to his father,
"I really    10    two shoes, but one has a thick sole (鞋底) and the other has a thin one."
(     )1. A. make    
(     )2. A. Now     
(     )3. A. thicker 
(     )4. A. others  
(     )5. A. looked at
(     )6. A. listened
(     )7. A. pleased 
(     )8. A. said    
(     )9. A. another 
(     )10. A. find   
B. to        
B. What      
B. thinner   
B. another   
B. looked for
B. listened to
B. moved     
B. told      
B. other     
B. look for  
C. have           
C. Because     
C. bigger        
C. other         
C. looked after 
C. heard         
C. worried       
C. talked        
C. the        
C. found        
D. get        
D. When         
D. longer      
D. the other                           
D. looked like
D. heard from 
D. interesting  
D. spoken    
D. one          
D. looked for


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

      Bill and his friends are going hiking this weekend. He's afraid he's going to be hungry. So he buys a lot
of food and his bag is big and heavy. They start at nine in the morning and they get to the city five hours later.
They're all tired and his friends get on a bus, but Bill can't. His bag sticks (卡住) in the door and he has to
get off. The bus leaves and he doesn't know where he's going to meet them. He walks in the street and when
it's eight in the evening, he goes into a restaurant. He asks for some drinks and soon begins to sleep. When he
wakes up (醒来) in the midnight (半夜), he can't find any people in the restaurant. The door is closed and he
can't go out. He finds a telephone number on a piece of paper and begins to call Mr. Jackson, the owner of
the restaurant. "Hello," says the boy. "When do you open your restaurant, Mr Jackson?" The telephone wakes
the man up and he isn't happy. So he says,  "Don't ask me about that, I won't let you in."
1. Bill's bag is big because _____.
A. there's lots of clothes in it
B. he puts much food in it
C. he likes big bags
D. he takes many books
2. _____, so he gets off the bus.
A. Bill can't carry his bag onto the bus
B. Bill doesn't see his friends
C. Bill doesn't know which bus to get on
D. Bill wants to take another bus
3. Bill goes to sleep soon because _____.
A. he's very hungry
B. he eats too much in the restaurant
C. he doesn't know where to go
D. he's very tired
4. Mr Jackson thinks _____.
A. Bill wants to sleep in his restaurant
B. Bill wants to go into the restaurant
C. Bill leaves his bag in the restaurant
D. Bill wants to go out of the restaurant


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:完形填空

     One of David's friends loved money very much, and   1   gave anything to anybody. Soon he became   2  .
     One day, he was   3   near the river with his friends when he slipped (滑倒) and fell in. His friends ran
to help him. And one of them held out his hand and said, "  4   me your hand, and I will pull (拉) you out."
The rich man's head went under the water and then came up again,   5   he didn't give his hand. Again another
of his friends tried but again the   6   thing happened.
     Then David said, "  7   my hand, and I will pull you out!" The rich man took his hand and David pulled
him   8   of the water.
     "You don't know our friend very well," he said to the   9  . "When you say 'give' to him, he does  10  , but
when you say 'take', he takes at once."
(     )1. A. always    
(     )2. A. good      
(     )3. A. walking   
(     )4. A. Take      
(     )5. A. but       
(     )6. A. different 
(     )7. A. Get       
(     )8. A. from      
(     )9. A. other     
(     )10. A. something
B. never 
B. poor  
B. walks 
B. Get   
B. or    
B. same  
B. Hold  
B. up    
B. another
B. nothing
C. sometimes
C. rich     
C. walk     
C. Hold     
C. then     
C. other    
C. Give     
C. out      
C. others   
C. everything
D. not    
D. bad    
D. walked 
D. Give                         
D. and    
D. worst  
D. Take   
D. down   
D. ones   
D. anything


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:完形填空

      Jim went to school to study history, but when he   1   his first year, he didn't pass the exam and
his teacher said   2   him, "You have to   3    school." When the boy's father heard this news, he was
very worried. He came to the school to see the   4   . He asked the teacher to let Jim go   5   with his
study the next year. "He is a good boy. He always    6  well in history!" said Jim's father. "And if you
let him pass the exam this time, he'll do    7   next year and pass the exam!" "No, no, that's impossible
(不可能的)!" answered the teacher. "  8   I asked him when Napoleon died but he didn't know!"
      "Please sir, give him   9   chance (机会)," said Jim's father. "We don't have any newspapers in our
house, so   10   in our family knew that Mr. Napoleon was ill!"
(     )1. A. finish 
(     )2. A. to     
(     )3. A. go     
(     )4. A. doctor 
(     )5. A. to     
(     )6. A. doing  
(     )7. A. better 
(     )8. A. Tomorrow
(     )9. A. other  
(     )10. A. nobody
B. finishes      
B. at         
B. leave        
B. worker        
B. at           
B. does       
B. well           
B. Last month  
B. the other    
B. everybody  
C. finishing   
C. for          
C. come           
C. teacher       
C. for          
C. to do         
C. good          
C. The next day 
C. another       
C. somebody   
D. finished      
D. on          
D. pass           
D. student       
D. on              
D. did        
D. best           
D. Next Monday  
D. the others       
D. anybody  

