 0  8864  8872  8878  8882  8888  8890  8894  8900  8902  8908  8914  8918  8920  8924  8930  8932  8938  8942  8944  8948  8950  8954  8956  8958  8959  8960  8962  8963  8964  8966  8968  8972  8974  8978  8980  8984  8990  8992  8998  9002  9004  9008  9014  9020  9022  9028  9032  9034  9040  9044  9050  9058  159627 

科目: 来源:专项题 题型:完形填空

阅读短文,从各题所给的四个选项中选出 一个正确答案。
     Once, in a small village, lived a family with eight children. Two of the children loved    1   very much,
but the family was so poor that it was impossible to send    2    of them to study at the art college at the
same time. After many discussions, the two boys finally    3    a plan. They would toss (抛) a coin
The loser would go   4     into the mines (煤矿) and, with his earnings (赚得的钱) ,    5     his
brother studying at the college. Then, when the brother who won the toss finished his studies, after
four years, he would support the other brother studying at the     6   .
      James won the toss and Jack went down into the mines. James worked with all his heart and his
paintings were much    7    than those of most of his teachers, and by the time he    8   , he was beginning
to make a lot of money for his paintings. 
         9   James returned, the family held a big dinner for his great success. Soon after the meal began,
James    10     up from his seat to drink a toast (举杯祝酒) to his dear    11   . He said, "Jack, now you
can go to the art college and your    12     will come true. I will take care of you. "
     But Jack said     13   , "Brother, the four years in the mines has done too much to my hands,
so it' s too    14    . Now I can't even hold a glass. "
     To show his great love and respect, James drew his brother's hands with    15     towards the sky.
     He called his drawing The Praying Hands, which became very famous years later.
(    )1. A. painting
(    )2. A. any      
(    )3. A. looked out
(    )4. A. off     
(    )5. A. support  
(    )6. A. home    
(    )7. A. better  
(    )8. A. arrived  
(    )9. A. Before  
(    )10. A. picked 
(    )11. A. brother
(    )12. A. way    
(    )13. A. happily
(    )14. A. early  
(    )15. A. legs   
B. books     
B. all       
B. worked out
B. away      
B. agree     
B. mine         
B. worse     
B. graduated 
B. When      
B. turned    
B. sister    
B. idea      
B. surprisedly
B. late      
B. feet      
C. school 
C. both   
C. took out
C. up     
C. follow   
C. college     
C. cheaper 
C. walked  
C. Though  
C. looked  
C. father  
C. dream   
C. angrily         
C. good    
C. arms 
D. money  
D. neither
D. got out
D. down   
D. let    
D. school        
D. older  
D. waited 
D. While  
D. stood  
D. mother 
D. practice
D. softly          
D. helpful
D. fingers


科目: 来源:专项题 题型:阅读理解

     Mark was walking home from school one day when he noticed a boy ahead of him. He had tripped
(绊倒) and dropped all of the books he was carrying, along with some clothes, a baseball bat and a
     Mark knelt (跪) down and helped the boy pick up the things. Since they were going the same way,
he offered to carry some things for the boy.
     As they walked, Mark discovered the boy's name was Bill. He loved video games, baseball and
history, but he was having trouble with some of his subjects.
      They arrived at Bill's home first. Mark was invited in for a Coke and to watch some television.
The afternoon passed pleasantly with some laughs and talks, Then Mark went home.
     They continued to see each other around school, had lunch together once or twice, then both
graduated from junior school.
     Three days before graduation, Bill asked Mark if they could talk.
     Bill reminded (提醒) Mark of the day years ago when they had first met. "Did you ever wonder
why I was carrying so many things home that day?" asked Bill.
      "You see, I took away all my things from school. I had stored away some of my mother's
sleeping pills (安眠药). I was going home to kill myself. But after we spent some time talking and
laughing, I realized that if I had died, I would have missed so many good times. So you see, Mark,
when you picked up those books that day, you did a lot more. _____________"

1. When Bill fell down on his way home, Mark _____.

[     ]
A. didn't notice that
B. went away quickly
C. helped him pick up the things
D. carried all the things for him
2. Which of the following is NOT true?
[     ]
A. Mark was a warm-hearted boy.
B. Bill was good at all of his subjects.
C. Bill and Mark were in the same school.
D. Pill loved video games, baseball and history.
3. At Bill's home, they didn't _____.
[     ]
A. drink some Coke
B. watch TV
C. have a pleasant talk
D. play video games
4. Three days before graduation, Bill asked Mark to talk because he _____.
[     ]
A. wanted to tell him his story
B. wanted to kill himself again
C. hoped to have lunch together
D. hoped to go on holiday together
5. What would Bill probably say at last?
[     ]
A. I should die.
B. You saved my life.
C. You did a good job.
D. You helped me a lot.


科目: 来源:专项题 题型:阅读理解

     It was December 25. Marie, a 13-year-old Australian girl, was happy It was Christmas,
and Marie's mother was making a special cake. She put four small coins into the cake, and
then she baked (烤) it. The four coins were for good luck. After dinner Marie and her family
ate the cake. They found three coins in the cake and put them on the table. Where was the
fourth coin? It was missing, but Marie's mother didn't notice.
     After Christmas Marie got sick. She coughed, and she couldn't speak. After six weeks she
felt better, but she still couldn't speak. Marie's parents took her to hospital. Doctors at the
hospital looked her over, and then said, "We are sorry, but we can't help her." For 12 years Marie
didn't speak. She grew up, she got a job, and she got married. But she never spoke. One day,
when Marie was 25 years old, she got a sore throat (嗓子疼) at work. She began to cough. She
coughed up something small and black. What was it? Marie didn't know. She took it to the hospital.
A doctor at the hospital said, "This is a coin!" The doctor told Marie, "I think you can speak again.''
 Marie went to a special doctor, and soon she could talk.
1. What did Marie's mother make on Christmas? 
2. What did Marie's mother put some coins in the cake for?
3. How many coins did Marie's family find after eating the cake?
4. Why did Marie's parents take her to hospital after Christmas?
5. Could Marie speak at last?


科目: 来源:专项题 题型:阅读理解

     (1)Daniel was always making excuses for forgetting to do things. His usual excuse was:
"I was too busy." or "I didn't have time." .
     Daniel's parents were worried about him."He shouldn't go through life making excuses all
the time," his father said."No one will trust him to do anything. He won't be able to keep a job.
No sensible (明智的) girl will marry him."
     (2)"1 don't know what we can do," his mother said.
     "I have an idea," his father said. "If this doesn't work, nothing will."
     The next day was Daniel's birthday. He was really looking forward to getting exciting presents.
He woke up, expecting his parents to wish him a happy birthday. But all day what they said was"
Good morning, Daniel. Hurry, or you will be late for school." There were no presents, not even a card.
He was really disappointed.
     "Never mind," he thought.(3)"There'II be a surprise for me after school." But there wasn't. Sadly
he said to his parents at dinner,"Today's my birthday."
     "Oh," his father said. "So it is. I forgot.""So did I," his mother said.
     "How could you forget?" Daniel asked. "There must be a reason" 
     "Well, yes," his father said."We have a really good excuse for forgetting your birthday, Daniel.
We didn't remember your birthday because we were too busy."
     Poor Daniel! He never had a silly excuse for not doing something again.
1. 请把句(1)译成汉语。
2. 请把句(2)改成同义句。
    I don't know what _____ _____.
3. 请把句(3)改成间接引语。
    He thought _______________________
4. Did Daniel get his birthday present at last?
5. What do you learn from the story?


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:完形填空

                         The Moon Is More Useful Than the Sun
     James is thirty now. He has found a job in a factory. He can't do anything     1    he
didn't study hard when he was at school. He doesn't like to    2     his head and plays all
the time when he's free. So he has to do     3    work in the factory to look after the
storehouse (库房). He's often    4    and can't sleep at night. So he feels     5     in the
daytime. He doesn't like his work.
      One     6    , after he left the storehouse, he hoped to     7     at once. On his way home,
he saw some people quarrelling (争吵) in the street. He stopped     8     what the matter was.
A few     9     later he knew all. "I think the moon is more useful (有用的) than the sun." said
James. "Because the moon is    10     at night. But the sun comes out in the daytime when we
don't need any sunlight!"
(     )1. A. when       
(     )2. A. make       
(     )3. A. light      
(     )4. A. on duty    
(     )5. A. hungry     
(     )6. A. morning    
(     )7. A. go to sleep
(     )8. A. listening to
(     )9. A. weeks      
(     )10. A. playing   
B. until      
B. use           
B. heavy         
B. in bed     
B. tired       
B. afternoon    
B. get up     
B. looking for   
B. days       
B. shining  
C. before     
C. mend       
C. lightest   
C. at home    
C. happy      
C. evening    
C. wake up    
C. to listen to
C. hours      
C. sleeping   
D. because       
D. hurt             
D. heaviest        
D. in hospital     
D. worried                               
D. night          
D. go to bed        
D. to look for      
D. minutes       
D. flying    


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:完形填空

      It was seven thirty. Supper was    1    an hour ago, but Tom still wasn't    2    .
Mrs Brown was worried. She went to the door and     3   . Half an hour later, Tom
got home. When he saw his mother, he said, "I'm very, very     4    ."
     After supper, Mrs Brown asked, "Why did you come back so     5   ,Tom?"
     "In class, some of my friends made a lot of noise (吵闹声)," answered Tom. "Our
teacher got     6   . After class he told us to do an exercise in the     7    ."
     "An exercise?" Mrs Brown said. "It was    8    , wasn't it?"
     "No, it was easy."
     "Why did it take so    9    to do it, then?"
     "We did our best to do it    10   ," answered Tom. "But we got different answers.
All the answers troubled (困扰) our teacher."
(     )1. A. good  
(     )2. A. away  
(     )3. A. found 
(     )4. A. hungry
(     )5. A. late  
(     )6. A. glad  
(     )7. A. bedroom
(     )8. A. easy  
(     )9. A. long  
(     )10. A. wrong
B. ready     
B. well     
B. thought   
B. sorry     
B. slow     
B. angry     
B. playhouse 
B. kind      
B. short     
B. right  
C. delicious    
C. back   
C. watched    
C. afraid      
C. fast       
C. nice   
C. classroom 
C. same       
C. light       
C. quickly
D. new       
D. down       
D. waited                                            
D. happy     
D. far      
D. ill       
D. playground 
D. hard       
D. heavy       
D. early  


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:完形填空

     Let's play an animal game. It's Saturday today and Jim    1    at home and does nothing,
because he doesn't have any lessons. But his mother is     2   . She has a lot of housework to
do. So she gives some apples and bananas to her children and says to Jim, "    3    Ann. I am
going to do some washing now."
     "OK, mummy." says Jim. The boy     4     apples and bananas very much. He     5     his
soon and now he wants Ann's. But the little girl doesn't give him any. He thinks for a while
(一会儿) and then has an     6   . He asks Ann to play an animal game with him.
      The girl agrees (同意). Jim     7     to play a monkey and Ann plays a visitor (游客). They
are having a good time. After a while, Jim stops and says, "Oh, the monkey is    8    . Feed him,
please." Ann     9     some bananas to him. Half an hour later (之后), Ann has no bananas. Jim 
   10    playing and the little girl begins to cry (哭).
(     )1. A. stays       
(     )2. A. free        
(     )3. A. Look at     
(     )4. A. likes'      
(     )5. A. finish eating
(     )6. A. apple       
(     )7. A. agrees      
(     )8. A. friendly    
(     )9. A. gives       
(     )10. A. keeps      
B. lives    
B. busy      
B. Look like 
B. is like
B. eat     
B. orange    
B. begins    
B. full      
B. shows     
B. likes   
C. works             
C. happy          
C. Listen to       
C. looks like      
C. finishes eating 
C. idea            
C. likes           
C. hungry          
C. sells          
C. stops        
D. keeps            
D. dangerous     
D. Look after                               
D. want            
D. finishes to eat
D. egg               
D. wishes        
D. sorry            
D. takes          
D. starts       


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:完形填空

     One of Paul's feet is bigger than the     1   . He can't find the right shoes    2    his feet.
His friend, Dick,     3     to him, "Why don't you    4     to a shoermaker? A good shoemaker
can     5    you the right shoes. "So Paul goes to the shoemaker near his     6      . Very soon
the shoemaker makes him a    7     of shoes. Paul    8     the shoes but he is not happy. He says
to the shoemaker, "You are not a    9     shoemaker! I want you to make me one shoe    10    
than the other!"
(    )1. A. other   
(    )2. A. on      
(    )3. A. tells   
(    )4. A. walk    
(    )5. A. sell    
(    )6. A. friend  
(    )7. A. pair      
(    )8. A. puts away
(    )9. A. good      
(    )10. A. longer 
B. hand      
B. in      
B. speaks  
B. talk      
B. make    
B. parents   
B. lot    
B. looks at 
B. bad   
B. nicer
C. friend     
C. for 
C. says       
C. find    
C. carry     
C. home       
C. piece    
C. gets out   
C. busy
C. bigger
D. back         
D. at 
D. asks                                            
D. go       
D. work        
D. school      
D. box        
D. takes off 
D. free    
D. shorter


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     A little mouse (老鼠) thinks he is the tallest and strongest animal in the world. His
mother says to him, "Don't say you are the strongest in front of an elephant. He
doesn't like that."
     The little mouse doesn't listen to his mother. He goes out to look for an elephant,
but he doesn't know what it looks like. He meets an ant first. He asks her, "Are you an
elephant?" "No, I am not." says the ant.
     Then the little mouse meets a hare (野兔) . He asks her, "Are you an elephant? You
are bigger than me." "No, I am not. An elephant is much bigger." says the hare. The little
mouse goes on.
     Suddenly he sees four big trees. "Aha, let me climb up one of the trees. Then I can see
where the elephant is." says the little mouse. Then he begins to climb one tree.
     "Get down! Get down!" someone shouts to him. "I'm the elephant. Go and climb that
tall tree nearby. Then you can see me."
     "Now I see. The elephant is the tallest and strongest animal in the world." says the little
mouse at last.
(     )1. The little mouse thinks his mother is the tallest and strongest animal in the world.
(     )2. The little mouse knows who is the elephant at first.
(     )3. The little mouse meets an ant first.
(     )4. The little mouse climbs up one of the four trees.
(     )5. The elephant is the tallest and strongest animal in the world.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     The Blacks are American tourists. They are visiting Beijing. This is their first visit to China.
They are going to stay in China for three months. They want to visit some big cities and villages.
They hope to learn some Chinese, too.
     Mr Black is a taxi driver. He likes to drive in Beijing. Mrs Black is a school teacher. She is
visiting a city school today and a village school tomorrow. Their daughter is a middle school
student. She is going to meet some Chinese students.
     They are taking a lot of pictures in China. When they return to America, they are going to
show the pictures to their friends. They want the American people to know more about China.
1. The Blacks are from ______.
[     ]
A. China
B. England
C. Canada
D. the USA
2. The Blacks are staying in ______ now.
[     ]
A. England
B. Beijing
C. Shanghai
D. New York
3. Mr Black is ______.
[     ]
A. a teacher
B. a doctor
C. a taxi driver
D. a worker
4. There are ______ people in Mr Black's family.
[     ]
A. two
B. three
C. four
D. five
5. Why are they going to show the pictures to their friends when they go back to America?
[     ]
A. Because the pictures are very beautiful.
B. Because they like China.
C. Because they want the American people to know more about China.
D. Because they want the American people to come to China.

