 0  8917  8925  8931  8935  8941  8943  8947  8953  8955  8961  8967  8971  8973  8977  8983  8985  8991  8995  8997  9001  9003  9007  9009  9011  9012  9013  9015  9016  9017  9019  9021  9025  9027  9031  9033  9037  9043  9045  9051  9055  9057  9061  9067  9073  9075  9081  9085  9087  9093  9097  9103  9111  159627 

科目: 来源:期末题 题型:完形填空

   Mrs. Ball had a son. His name was Mick. She   1   him very much and as he was not a   2   child, she
was always   3   that he might be ill,   4   she used to take him to see the best   5   in the town four times
a year to be looked   6  .
   During one of these   7 , the doctor gave Mick all kinds of tests and then said to him, "Have you had
any   8   with your nose or ears recently?" Mick   9  for a second and then answered, "Yes, I   10 ."
   Mrs. Ball was very  11 . "But I'm sure you have  12  told me that, Mick!" She said worriedly. "Oh, really?"
Said the doctor  13 . "And what trouble have you with your nose and ears, my boy?" "Well," answered Mick,
"I always have trouble with them when I'm  14  my sweater off, because the  15  is very tight."
(     )1. A. loved  
(     )2. A. rich   
(     )3. A. afraid  
(     )4. A. which   
(     )5. A. player  
(     )6. A. round   
(     )7. A. talks   
(     )8. A. answer  
(     )9. A. waited  
(     )10. A. did   
(     )11. A. excited 
(     )12. A. already
(     )13. A. angrily 
(    )14. A. turning 
(    )15. A. collar  
B. hated    
B. clever   
B. surprised 
B. for     
B. teacher  
B. over     
B. years   
B. thing   
B. thought  
B. will     
B. interested    
B. just     
B. seriously 
B. taking   
B. nose     
C. missed   
C. strong   
C. glad    
C. but    
C. doctor   
C. for    
C. visits  
C. word    
C. stood   
C. have    
C. pleased     
C. never   
C. happily  
C. keeping  
C. mouth   
D. cared      
D. happy      
D. sure       
D. so         
D. lawyer     
D. after      
D. stays      
D. trouble    
D. looked                    
D. do         
D. surprised  
D. always     
D. carefully  
D. putting    
D. ear        


科目: 来源:0110 期末题 题型:完形填空

    Wu Yang gets   1   late. He rides his bike to the school quickly. He doesn't look   2   the traffic (交通)
lights, so he hits (撞) a   3  . The driver   4   him to hospital right now. The doctor looks over Wu Yang
very carefully (仔细地). Wu Yang wants to go to   5  but the doctor and the driver   6   him to stay in bed.
   "Now my boy," says the doctor. "Could you   7  me your name, please?"
    "What are you going to do?" asks Wu Yang.
    "I'm going to tell your parents and your   8  ." answers the doctor.
    "But my parents   9  my name and my teacher knows my name,  10 ." says Wu Yang.
(     )1. A. down     
(     )2. A. at       
(     )3. A. light     
(     )4. A. takes     
(     )5. A. hospital 
(     )6. A. say      
(     )7. A. tell     
(     )8. A. classmate   
(     )9. A. listen   
(     )10. A. too     
B. out     
B. on       
B. bike     
B. brings   
B. school  
B. ask     
B. say     
B. student       
B. hear     
B. else     
C. up        
C. after      
C. car        
C. carries      
C. bed       
C. speak     
C. speak     
C. friend   
C. know        
C. other    
D. away        
D. for         
D. man         
D. puts           
D. chair       
D. talk        
D. talk                                 
D. teacher  
D. write         
D. also     


科目: 来源:0110 期末题 题型:阅读理解

    Professor Brown was very absent-minded (心不在焉的). He had gone to visit a friend who lived not far
from the college. They had dinner and then talked and talked, for Brown was a great talker. Midnight came,
one o'clock, two o'clock, and still Brown kept on talking, though by this time the friend was feeling very
tired and kept looking at the clock. He didn't want to be impolite, but at last he said,"Brown, my dear fellow
(伙伴), I hate to put you out, but I have a class at nine o'clock tomorrow, and I must go to bed.
   "My God!" said Brown, blushing (脸红) and looking awkward (尴尬), "I thought you were at my house."
1. Professor Brown worked in a ______.
[     ]
A. college
B. village
C. school
D. city
2. His friend's house was ______ his house.
[     ]
A. near to
B. far from
C. by
D. at the end of
3. Mr Brown talked ______ at his friend's house.
[     ]
A. immediately
B. a long time
C. not very long
D. a short time
4. While keeping on talking, his friend felt ______.
[     ]
A. happy
B. tiring
C. tired
D. glad
5. From the passage, we know that Professor Brown was both            and           .
[     ]
A. talkative, quiet
B. helpful, tired
C. talkative, absent-minded
D. careless, absent-minded


科目: 来源:0110 期末题 题型:填空题

when   close   difference   weak   for   feel   lot   important   hard   think
     My 1.             friend is my deskmate. She is good at English, but I am 2.            in it. Once I failed in
a test. I 3.             very sad and I almost wanted to give up this subject. Then my deskmate told me that
English was a very 4.             subject and we must study it well. I was moved (感动). From then on, I
studied English 5.             than before. 6.             I had difficulties, I would go to her 7.            help.
    With her help, my English had improved (提高) a 8.             by the end of the term. We are now
in 9.             schools. But I often 10.             of her and her help.


科目: 来源:江苏期末题 题型:完形填空

       Dick is a milkman in New York. He is near-sighted (近视眼). He has a red car. The car is neither expensive
   1   very cheap. Many people have cars like that. Dick likes to go for a ride after supper with his big white dog.
He calls his dog Bobby. 
        Last Saturday evening Dick went to a circus (去看马戏). He went in his car with Bobby. Hundreds of
people went to circus, and Dick was    2   to see so many cars there. 
        "Where can I park my car?" he    3  . Bobby was clever. It knew   4   Dick was looking for. It jumped out
of the car and ran    5  . Then it barked. It found a   6   between two red cars.
        Good! Dick was happy. He backed his car   7   the space and went with Bobby to see the show.
        Dick and Bobby had a good time. Dick laughed    8   and Bobby was    9   to see all the animals. When the
show was   10   Dick went out and got into the car. "Come in, Bobby." he said to the big dog. But to his
surprise, Bobby wouldn't listen to him. It jumped into the next car!
        Dick got out and   11   the dog back. But soon it jumped into the next car again!
        What's wrong with Bobby? Dick just couldn't understand.
        Now can you tell what was wrong with the big dog?
        Solution (解答): There was   12   wrong with the dog. It was sitting in its master's car   13   Dick was in
someone   14   car. Remember: Dick was near-sighted and the three red cars were   15   red ones.
(     ) 1. A. or        
(     ) 2. A. happy     
(     ) 3. A. wondered  
(     ) 4. A. that      
(     ) 5. A. up       
(     ) 6. A. place             
(     ) 7. A. into      
(     ) 8. A. much      
(     ) 9. A. excited              
(     ) 10. A. on                     
(     ) 11. A. pulled     
(     ) 12. A. nothing   
(     ) 13. A. when     
(     ) 14. A. other's  
(     ) 15. A. all       
B. nor         
B. surprised   
B. wanted      
B. whom        
B. about       
B. address     
B. to          
B. many        
B. angry                      
B. over        
B. took        
B. something   
B. while       
B. else's   
B. both                      
C. either       
C. exciting      
C. knew         
C. what        
C. down        
C. room        
C. in          
C. lot          
C. exciting     
C. in          
C. caught      
C. anything     
C. as              
C. another's  
C. none                        
D. but            
D. glad           
D. asked          
D. who            
D. on             
D. space          
D. up to        
D. a lot                      
D. interesting    
D. up             
D. called       
D. no             
D. since             
D. others'   
D. neither      


科目: 来源:江苏期末题 题型:阅读理解

       A man was selling medicines at a fair (集市). At first he sold bottles of a cure (药) for colds for just a dollar
a bottle.
       Many people wanted to buy it and the man's young assistant moved quickly through the crowd collecting
money and handing out bottles of the cold cure.
       Then, when he had a big crowd, the man held up a very small bottle.
       "And now, ladies and gentlemen," he shouted, "here is the medicine you have been waiting for. The cure for
old age. Drink just one bottle of this and you will live forever."
       "And, ladies and gentlemen," the man continued, "I'm not going to charge (收费) you a hundred dollars a
bottle for this wonderful medicine. I'm not going to charge you fifty dollars a bottle. I'm not going to charge you
twenty-five dollars a bottle. No, ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to charge you just ten dollars a bottle. Think,
my friends, for ten dollars you can live forever." 
        Most of the people in the crowd did not believe this.
        One person shouted, "If it will make you live forever, why don't you drink it?" 
        Then another person cried, "Yes, you look as if you're at least sixty years old."
        "Thank you, sir, thank you," the man replied. "I'm so glad you said that. My real age is three hundred and
        The crowd laughed at this, but there were still a few people who wanted to believe the man. One of them
spoke to the man's assistant as she passed by. "Is it true" he asked, "that he's three hundred and
        "Don't ask me," the assistant said. "I've only worked for him for a hundred and fifty years."
1.What did the man sell at first?
[     ]
A.A cure for colds.
B.Empty bottles.
C.A cure for old age.
D.A medicine that made people live forever.
2.Why didn't the people believe the man was selling medicine that could cure (治病) old age?
[     ]
A.The medicine was too cheap.
B.The medicine was too expensive.
C.He looked quite old himself.
D.He didn't look honest.
3.How old did the man selling medicine say he was?
[     ]
A.At least sixty.
B.Over three hundred.
C.A hundred and fifty.
D.He didn't say.
4.How much did the man charge for the cure for old age?
[     ]
A.One dollar a bottle.
B.Twenty-five dollars a bottle.
C.Ten dollars a bottle.
D.Fifty dollars a bottle.
5.Which of the following is TRUE?
[     ]
A.Not very many people wanted to buy the cold cure.
B.He charged twenty-five dollars a bottle for the cure for colds.
C.The man selling medicine had taken his own cure for old age.
D.The assistant was younger than the man.


科目: 来源:0110 期末题 题型:完形填空

    One day Daddy and I went out for a walk. On the way we   1   a lot of people. We went up and   2   
a look. Oh, dear!   3   did we see? There   4   a donkey (驴) in the middle of the road. It would not move.
The cars and buses could not get past.
    Then a policeman came. "   5   donkey is this?" he asked. "It's mine," said a farmer, "but I    6   move it."
The policeman and the farmer did   7   best to move the donkey, but it would not move. We laughed, but
the   8   of the cars and the buses were worried. "We can't move the donkey," the farmer and the policeman
said. "What shall we do?"
    "Give him a carrot," my father said.
    "  9   a good idea!" said the farmer.
    Soon he found a carrot and showed it to the donkey. When the donkey saw a carrot, it jumped up and
walked after the farmer.   10   the cars and buses could get past at last.
(     )1. A. saw       
(     )2. A. enjoyed   
(     )3. A. When      
(     )4. A. is        
(     )5. A. Who       
(     )6. A. can       
(     )7. A. his       
(     )8. A. drivers   
(     )9. A. He's      
(     )10. A. Some of     
B. looked       
B. had        
B. Where        
B. was         
B. Who's        
B. can't       
B. her          
B. workers        
B. She's       
B. Little of 
C. looked for     
C. played       
C. What            
C. has         
C. Which's         
C. could         
C. their          
C. riders        
C. Which is       
C. All        
D. watched      
D. gave            
D. Which          
D. had            
D. Whose                                    
D. wasn't        
D. its            
D. teachers      
D. That's         
D. Few of      


科目: 来源:0110 期末题 题型:阅读理解

    A little old man and his wife walked slowly into McDonald's one cold winter evening. They took a table
near the back wall, and then the little old man walked to the cash register (收银处) to order. After a while
he got the food back and they began to open it.
   There was one hamburger, some French fries and one drink. The little old man carefully cut the hamburger
in half and divided the French fries in two piles (堆). Then he neatly put the half of the food in front of his
wife. He took a sip of the drink and his wife took a sip. "How poor the old people are!" The people around
them thought. As the man began to eat his hamburger and his French fries, his wife sat there watching him
and took turns to drink. A young man came over and offered to buy another meal for them. But they refused
(拒绝) politely and said that they got used to sharing everything.
   Then a young lady asked a question of the little old lady. "Madam, why aren't you eating? You said that you
share everything. Then what are you waiting for?" She answered, "The teeth."
1. What did the old man order?
[     ]
A. One hamburger and one drink.
B. Some French fries and two cups of coffee.
C. One hamburger, some French fries and one drink.
D. One hamburger, some cups of coffee.
2. What did they do after they opened the food?
[     ]
A. They left McDonald's.
B. They shared the food.
C. They began to look for seats.
D. They ate the hamburger.
3. What's the meaning of the phrase "took a sip"?
[     ]
A. Drank something slowly.
B. Had a rest.
C. Had some snacks.
D. Did nothing.
4. As the old man began to eat things, his wife sat there ______.
[     ]
A. talking with him
B. looking at him quite angrily
C. watching him and took turns to drink
D. arguing (争论) with him
5. What can we know from the whole passage?
[     ]
A. The old lady wasn't hungry at all.
B. The two old people shared the same teeth.
C. The old lady had a toothache.
D. The old lady didn't feel well.


科目: 来源:0110 期末题 题型:阅读理解

    The weather was fine last night. My friend named Steve and I decided to sleep in the open air. I found
the sleeping bags under the bed in my room. I also packed some snacks. We could hardly wait for it to
get dark. We opened our sleeping bags and put them on the grass in front of my house. Steve and I played
some games, talked about something interesting and had a snack. In the end it got dark. We were just falling
asleep when we heard something unusual.
    "Maybe it is just a small animal," I said. Steve said nothing, but I could feel he was frightened. After I
looked around, I was sure it wasn't an animal. It was my little brother, Tommy.
    "What are you doing here?" I asked. "You know, Tommy, you frightened us."
    "Sorry, Bill," he said. "It's hot in the room. I want to sleep outside with you."
    "Well, OK," I said. "Just come and lie down next to us."
    "Good night, Bill and Steve," said Tommy. "And thanks."
1. What did Steve and Bill decide to do last night?
2. Where did Bill find the sleeping bags?
3. How did Steve feel when he heard something strange? 
4. What did Tommy come out of the house to do?
5. How many persons slept in the open air at last in the story? 


科目: 来源:北京期末题 题型:阅读理解

                                                          The wonderful medicine
     A man was selling medicine at a fair (集市). At first he sold bottles of a cure (药剂) for colds for just
a dollar a bottle.
     Many people wanted to buy it and the man's young assistant moved quickly through the crowd (人群)
collecting money and handing out bottles of the cold cure.
     Then, when he had a big crowd, the man held up a very small bottle.
     "And now, ladies and gentlemen," he shouted, "here is the medicine you have been waiting for. The
cure for old age. Drink just one bottle of this and you will live forever."
     "And, ladies and gentlemen," the man continued, "I'm not going to charge (收费) you a hundred dollars
a bottle for this wonderful medicine. I'm not going to charge you fifty dollars a bottle. I'm not going to charge
you twenty-five dollars a bottle. No, ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to charge you just ten dollars a bottle.
Think, my friends, for ten dollars you can live forever."
     Most of the people in the crowed did not believe this.
     One person shouted, "If it will make you live forever, why don't you drink it?"
     Another person cried, "Yes, you look as if you are at least sixty years old."
     "Thank you, sir, thank you," the man replied. "I'm so glad you said that. My real age is three hundred and
     The crowd laughed at this, but there were still a few people who wanted to believe the man. One of them
spoke to the man's assistant as she passed by. "Is that true?" he asked, "that he's three hundred and
     "Don't ask me." the assistant said, "I've only worked for him for a hundred and fifty years."
1. What did the man sell at first?
[     ]
A. A cure for colds.
B. Empty bottles.
C. A cure for old age.
D. A medicine that made people live forever.
2. Why didn't the people believe the man was selling medicine that could cure old age?
[     ]
A. The medicine was too cheap.
B. The medicine was too expenxive.
C. He looked quite old himself.
D. He didn't look honest.
3. How old did the man selling medicine said he was?
[     ]
A. At least sixty
B. Over three hundred
C. A hundred and fifty
D. He didn't say
4. How much did the man charge for the cure for old age?
[     ]
A. One dollar a bottle
B. twenty-five dollars a bottle
C. Ten dollars a bottle
D. Fifty dollars a bottle
5. Which of the following is TRUE?
[     ]
A. Not very many people wanted to buy the cold cure?
B. He charged twenty-five dollars a bottle for the cure for colds.
C. The man selling medicine had taken his own cure for old ages.
D. The assistant was younger than the man.

