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科目: 来源:同步题 题型:完形填空

A: Which meal do we need most, breakfast, lunch or    l   ?
B: Dinner.
A: Dinner is the big meal of the day. But I don't   2   we need it most.
B: Is lunch the meal we want most?
A: No,   3   is the meal we need most. But why?
C: It is a long time from night to morning. We have no   4  .
A: Right! If we don't have breakfast, we don't feel _ 5  . But what makes a good breakfast?
D: I think we can   6   milk, bread, noodles or porridge.    7   are good for breakfast.
A: That's right. We can eat some vegetables and fruits   8   the morning, too.
E: I   9   Coca-Cola a lot. Can I have that in the morning?
A: You'd better not.  Water is good for you.
F: Mom says we can not eat too much things after   10   .
A: Great! It may make you sick. After sport you need water and a rest first, not lots of  food.
(     )1. A. fruits  
(     )2. A. like    
(     )3. A. breakfast
(     )4. A. fruit    
(     )5. A. good    
(     )6. A. take    
(     )7. A. You      
(     )8. A. for      
(     )9. A. play    
(     )10. A. school  
B. food  
B. need  
B. lunch
B. food  
B. great
B. make  
B. They  
B. in    
B. bring
B. class
C. dinner    
C. think    
C. dinner    
C. vegetables
C. fine      
C. have      
C. We        
C. on        
C. like      
C. sports    
D. vegetables
D. know      
D. branch    
D. water      
D. well      
D. like      
D. He                                      
D. of        
D. eat        
D. lunch      


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

Lisa: Good evening, Mom.
Mom: Good evening, Lisa.
Lisa: Do we eat chicken for dinner, Mom?
Mom: No, we eat fish and cabbages, dear.
Lisa: Mom, I don't like cabbages. I like chicken.
Mom: But we need more vegetables, not only meat. It's not health to eat chicken every day.
Lisa: OK. But Dad likes chicken, too. Mom: Well, let's eat chicken and carrots tomorrow(明天).
Lisa: That sounds great! 
1. What do they eat for dinner today (今天)?    
A. Fish.    
B. Carrots.  
C. Carrots and chicken.    
D. Fish and cabbages.
2. What does Lisa want to eat for dinner?      
A. Fish.    
B. Chicken.    
C. Broccoli.    
D. Carrots.
3. What do they need to eat more?     
A. Chicken.    
B. Meat.    
C. Vegetables.    
D. Fruit.
4. Does Lisa's father like chicken?  
A. No, he doesn't.   
B. Yes, he does.
C. Yes, he doesn't.    
D. We don't know.
5. What will they eat tomorrow?  
A. Fish and carrots.        
B. Chicken and fish.
C. Broccoli and chicken.    
D. Chicken and carrots.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     A man goes to a fast-food (快餐) restaurant for lunch. A waiter (服务员) comes to him
Waiter: May I help you?
The man: Yes, I'd like a hamburger, fried (油炸的) chicken and French fries.
Waiter: Anything else (其他的)?
The man: No. That's it.
Waiter: Is that for here or to go?
The man: To go.
The man pays (支付) for his lunch. The waiter puts (放) the man's lunch in a bag.
The man takes the bag and goes out.
(    )  1. A man goes              
(    )  2. The man needs            
(    )  3. The worker puts          
(    )  4. The man takes the bag and
(    )  5. The man                  
A. goes out.                                  
B. doesn't eat in the restaurant.              
C. the man's lunch in a bag.                  
D. a hamburger, fried chicken and French fries.
E. to a fast-food restaurant for lunch.        


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     A man goes to a fast-food (快餐) restaurant for lunch. A waiter (服务员) comes to him
Waiter: May I help you?
The man: Yes, I'd like a hamburger, fried(油炸的)chicken and French fries.
Waiter: Anything else(其他的)?
The man: No. That's it.
Waiter: Is that for here or to go?
The man: To go.
The man pays (支付) for his lunch. The waiter puts (放) the man's lunch in a bag.
The man takes the bag and goes out.
1.  Where does the man go for lunch? He_____ to a fast-food _____.
2.  What does the man want to eat? He wants a hamburger, fried _____, and_____fries.
3.  Where does the waiter put the man's lunch? The worker puts it _____ a_____.
4.  Does the man eat in the restaurant? _____,_____.
5.  Is it a fast-food restaurant? _____,_____.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

S: Excuse me. do you have any bags?
C: Yes. What kind do you need? The big one?
S: Yes, how much is it?
C: It is 50 dollars.
S: Oh, it's too dear!
C: How about the small one? It is cheap and it's 15 dollars.
S: But I don't like blue bags.
C: We have this kind of bags in all colors.
S: That's great!1 will take the red one.
C: Here you are.
(     )1.  Sarah wants a big bag.
(     )2.  The big bag is not cheap.
(     )3.  The small bag is 35 dollars.
(     )4.  Sarah likes the blue bag.
(     )5.  Sarah takes the bag for 15 dollars.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:完形填空

     I work in a small shop. It's near a    1  . Every day students come to   2   things.
    In the   3   , I get up (起床) at five. And then I have breakfast. I get to (到达)the   4   at about six.
The shop opens at seven.We sell things like food   5   drink. We have school things,    6  , so there   7 _
often many students in our shop   8  morning to evening.
     I have   9 _ in the shop. At seven in the evening the shop is closed. We go home   10   supper.
(     )1. A. farm    
(     )2. A. buy      
(     )3. A. evening  
(     )4. A. classroom
(     )5. A. with    
(     )6. A. too      
(     )7. A. have    
(     )8. A. in      
(     )9. A. supper  
(     )10. A. to      
B. school    
B. sell      
B. afternoon
B. school    
B. and      
B. also      
B. are      
B. on        
B. breakfast
B. for      
C. factory
C. take    
C. night  
C. shop    
C. but    
C. or      
C. see    
C. at      
C. tea    
C. with    
D. river  
D. want    
D. morning
D. room    
D. also    
D. but    
D. come    
D. from    
D. lunch  
D. at               


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

                                                       What color are their l. _____?
      Kate, Jim, Rose and Bill put their sweaters on the table. The sweaters are white, blue, red and
black. We know, the boys' sweaters aren't red and the girls' sweaters aren't black. What color is
Kate's sweater? I don't know. But I know Kate doesn't like blue. Bill says, "My sweater is white. "
Then what color are their sweaters?
2. Kate's sweater is _____.                      
3. Rose's sweater is_____.
4. Jim's sweater is _____.                  
5. Bill's sweater is_____.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

                                        What color are their sweaters?
      Kate, Jim, Rose and Bill put their sweaters on the table. The sweaters are white, blue, red and
black. We know, the boys' sweaters aren't red and the girls' sweaters aren't black. What color is
Kate's sweater? I don't know. But I know Kate doesn't like blue. Bill says, "My sweater is white. "
Then what color are their sweaters?
(     )1. There are two girls and two boys in the story.                      
(     )2. The sweaters are white, black, green and blue.                      
(     )3. The boys' sweaters aren't red and the girls' sweaters aren't black.
(     )4. Rose doesn't like blue.                                            
(     )5. Bill's sweater is white.                                            


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Hi, my name's Tommy. I'm in No. 10 Middle School. This is my calendar (日程表). The volleyball
game is on September 13th. The baseball game is on October 15th.My birthday is October 9th. We'll
have an English speech contest on November 20th.This year we don't have an Art Festival. But in
December we will have a school trip. That's great!
1. Tommy has a _____ on September 13th.         
A.  volleyball game                  
B.  baseball game
C.  basketball game                  
D.  tennis game
2. _____ is on October 15th.          
A.  The baseball game                
B.  It is birthday   
C.  The art festival                    
D.  The school trip
3. The English contest is on _____ .        
A.  September 3rd                  
B.  October 25th
C.  November 20th                  
D.  December lst
4. Does Tommy have an Art Festival this year?       
A. Yes, he does.                
B. No, he does.
C. Yes, he doesn't.              
D. No, he doesn't.
5.  Does Tommy like the school trip very much?        
A. Yes, he docs.                
B. No, he does.
C. Yes, he doesn't.              
D. No, he doesn't.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:完形填空

      My name is John Brown. There are     l    people in my family. My wife (妻子), my daughter and
my   2   and I. I was born (出生)  _3    1956. My birthday is   4   -New Year's Day.  I like basketball
but I   5_ volleyball. I think it is   6  .  My wife is an English teacher.My daughter has a clothes store
   7  clothes are at very good prices. Many people come to her store to    8   clothes. My son is a student.
He goes to    9   every day. His school has an   10  . He likes art very much, so he is in the festival every
(     ) 1.  A. two          
(     ) 2.  A. daughter    
(     ) 3.  A. in          
(     ) 4.  A. January l st
(     ) 5.  A. doesn't like
(     ) 6.  A. great        
(     ) 7.  A. She          
(     ) 8.  A. buy          
(     ) 9.  A. store        
(     ) 10.  A. School Day  
B. five          
B. sister        
B. on            
B. July lst      
B. like          
B. difficult    
B. Her          
B. make          
B. bed          
B. English party
C. four        
C. brother    
C. at          
C. April 1st  
C. likes      
C. fun        
C. She's      
C. sell        
C. school      
C. Art Festival
D. three      
D. son        
D . for      
D. March 8th  
D. don't like
D. interesting
D. Hers      
D. bring      
D. room       
D. Music Festival

