 0  9486  9494  9500  9504  9510  9512  9516  9522  9524  9530  9536  9540  9542  9546  9552  9554  9560  9564  9566  9570  9572  9576  9578  9580  9581  9582  9584  9585  9586  9588  9590  9594  9596  9600  9602  9606  9612  9614  9620  9624  9626  9630  9636  9642  9644  9650  9654  9656  9662  9666  9672  9680  159627 

科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Today is Sunday. I haven't got any classes. I'd like to visit my grandparents in the morning. They are
seventy years old. In the afternoon, I'd like to play basketball with my friends. We all like playing basket-
ball. In the evening, I'd like to do my homework. Then I watch TV. 
1. Today is _____.
A. Friday
B. Saturday
C. Sunday
D. Monday
2. I'd like to _____ in the morning.
A. visit my grandparents
B. do my homework
C. go to the park
D. go to the cinema
3. I'd like to _____ in the afternoon.
A. play football
B. play basketball
C. see a film
D. watch a basketball match
4. I like playing _____.
A. tennis
B. basketball
C. football
D. table tennis
5. I _____ in the evening.
A. watch TV
B. don't watch TV
C. don't do my homework
D. read books


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

    My name is Jim. I am from England. Now I am in China with my parents. I like China. I like Chinese
 food, too. I have breakfast at home. I eat an egg, bread and porridge (粥) for breakfast. I do not like
 milk. I have no time to go home for lunch. So I have it at school. The lunch in our school is good. I can
 have different (不同的) food for lunch. I eat rice, meat and vegetables. Sometimes (有时) I have noodles
  and dumplings (饺子). I have dinner at home with my parents. Sometimes we go out to eat with friends.
  We have chicken, vegetables and fruit.
1. Jim is _____.
    A. American
    B. English
    C. Chinese
    D. in the USA
2. For breakfast, Jim has _____.
    A. an egg, an apple and porridge
    B. an egg, bread and porridge
    C. an apple, bread and milk
    D. an egg, an apple and bread
3. He has lunch _____.
    A. at school
    B. at home
    C. in a restaurant
    D. with his parents
4. He has _____ for lunch.
    A. rice, meat, vegetables
    B. dumplings and noodles
    C. chicken, meat, fruit
    D. A and B
5. Sometimes they have dinner _____.
    A. at school
    B. in a restaurant with some friends
    C. at his friend's home
    D. in a restaurant with teachers


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

从方框中选词,并用其适当的形式填空,完成 Bill 写给 Jenny 的email。
there be, have got, some, friend, photo
Dear Jenny, 
     Thank you for your last email. How is everything in China?
     How many students __1__ in your class? Have you got __2__ new friends? I __3__ a new teacher-
Mr Green. His daughter and son are my good __4__. Do you like China? Do you like your school?
Please send (发送) an email to me and send me some __5__ of your school. Thanks.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

     M __1__ name is Li Lei. I'm a Chinese boy. I'm twelve. My school is No. 5 Middle School. I'm in
 C__2__ 2,  Grade 1. That woman is Mrs. Brown. She is an English t __3__ . That girl is her daughter,  
 Liz. They are from England. Liz and I a __4__ in the same class,  We are good f __5__ 


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:填空题


      Jim is (1) ______ England.  He is a new student in Xu Fei's school.  He's
fourteen (2) ______ old.  He can (3) ______English,  but he (4) ______ speak
     Xu Fei (5) ______ speak Chinese and English.  So Xu Fei can teach(教) Jim
to learn (6) ______ .  Xu Fei(7) ______ swim.  Jim can't,  either(也).  But Jim's
father (8) ______ .  Jim's father is a factory (9) ______ .  And Xu Fei's father is
a worker,  (10) ______ .


科目: 来源:月考题 题型:完形填空


     Hi! I'm Lisa.  I haven't got __1__ sisters.  I have got a brother. __2__ is seven years old.  He
 always __3__ birthday parties.  When he __4__ a birthday,  we usually __5__  a party __6__ his
 birthday.  He invites all his friends __7__ the party.  Mum __8__ a cake for him.  I play __9__ piano.  He
  and his friends sing and dance.        
     I like music.  It's my favourite __10__ .  I have music __11__ Monday and Thursday.  I like __12__ 
 music and I often buy CDs __13__ my favourite singers.  I also like tennis.  I often play tennis __14__ my
  friends.  We have dinner at 6: 00 in the evening.  After dinner,  I __15__ my homework.  My brother
 watches TV.  We go to bed at half past nine.

(     ) 1. A. some      
(     ) 2. A. She        
(     ) 3. A. like      
(     ) 4. A. have      
(     ) 5. A. has        
(     ) 6. A. to      
(     ) 7. A. in      
(     ) 8. A. make      
(     ) 9. A. a        
(     ) 10. A. sport    
(     ) 11. A. in        
(     ) 12. A. listen to
(     ) 13. A. with      
(     ) 14. A. on        
(     ) 15. A. make                              
B. any      
B. His      
B. likes      
B. has      
B. are      
B. with      
B. to        
B. to make    
B. an        
B. color      
B. on        
B. listening    
B. to        
B. at        
B. do                         
C. a            
C. He          
C. liking        
C. is          
C. have        
C. for          
C. at          
C. makes          
C. /            
C. day          
C. at          
C. listening to
C. at          
C. in          
C. have            
D. an        
D. Him        
D. to like    
D. does      
D. do        
D. in        
D. on        
D. making    
D. the        
D. lesson    
D. /          
D. listen    
D. by        
D. with      
D. go                       


科目: 来源:月考题 题型:阅读理解

     On weekdays,  Jim gets up at 6: 30. He has breakfast at 7: 00 and then he goes to school.  He goes to
  school with his friend,  Roy.  
     He goes to school at about 7: 30 every day.  He doesn't like to be late.  They start classes at 8: 00.
 They have lunch at school in the middle of the day.  In the afternoon,  they finish school at 3: 00,  and Jim
  can go home at about 4: 00. But they often play basketball on the playground,  and he gets home at
 5: 00. He has supper at about 6: 00 with his parents.
     In the evening,  Jim does his homework.  But he often plays computer games on Saturday evening.  He
 goes to bed at about 10: 30.
1.  —When does Jim get up on weekdays?  
    —He gets up at _____.
    A. six     
    B. half past six  
    C. seven  
    D. half past seven
2. —Where does he have lunch?    
    A. At school
    B. At home
    C. In the middle of the day
    D. In the afternoon
3. —Does Jim often play basketball after school?
    A. Yes,  he is.  
    B. Yes,  he does.
    C. No,  he isn't.  
    D. No,  he doesn't.
4. The meaning of "get home" in Chinese is _____. 
    A. 回家
    B. 想家
    C. 到家
    D. 离开家
5. —What does Jim often do on Saturday evening?
    —_____ .
    A. Does his homework
    B. Read books
    C. Go to the cinema
    D. Play computer games


科目: 来源:期末题 题型:完形填空

     Hello, everyone! My name is Ken. I'm    1     years old. I was born (出生) in 1999.  My birthday is      2    . That's National Day (国庆节). I like music very much and I    3     like sports.
     My birthday is coming. My mother    4     buy a beautiful shirt    5     me. On Sunday, she    6     me
to a big    7     store. There are    8     shirts and they are    9     blue,yellow and red. She selects (选了)
a blue one. It looks cool.
     My father gives me some CDs and a   10   . He knows what I like. He wishes(希望) me to play
sports more. I am very   11   . And my sister, Monica, she is only two years old, so she can't buy
anything for me.  12    she sings a great song for me. It's   13    fun. And I like her so much.
     My parents want to have a   14    for me at home this year. My friends will come to it. We can play
together. It's very exciting   15    my friends in my house.
(     )1. A. eleven      
(     )2. A. June 1st    
(     )3. A. too          
(     )4. A. want        
(     )5. A. for          
(     )6. A. sells      
(     )7. A. food        
(     )8. A. much      
(     )9. A. in          
(     )10. A. pen        
(     )11. A. happy      
(     )12. A. Because    
(     )13. A. only        
(     )14. A. school day  
(     )15. A. to play with
B. twelve  
B. July 1st      
B. also          
B. wants      
B. at          
B. takes          
B. clothes        
B. a little      
B. on            
B. notebook      
B. boring        
B. But            
B. not            
B. birthday party
B. to look for    
C. fourteen      
C. August 1st    
C. only          
C. need to      
C. to        
C. buys      
C. fruit        
C. lot of      
C. to          
C. basketball    
C. interesting  
C. Then    
C. really    
C. sports game  
C. to learn about
D. sixteen        
D. October 1st    
D. don't?      
D. wants to      
D. on?          
D. brings?      
D. book          
D. many??      
D. at            
D. hamburger?    
D. relaxing?    
D. Next          
D. a little      
D. speech contest
D. to listen to  


科目: 来源:期末题 题型:阅读理解

     Tom and Edward are brothers. They are very different (不同的) in many aspects (方面). Tom likes
basketball very much. It's very interesting for him. He likes tennis, too. But he doesn't like soccer. He
thinks it's difficult and boring.
     Edward, his brother, likes soccer best. He thinks it's so exciting and interesting. He plays it every day,
and he has a collection of four tennis balls. But he doesn't like tennis.
     They also like different food. Tom likes eggs and fruits. Apples are his favorite. But Edward likes meat(肉) and vegetables, and broccoli is his favorite.
     But they also have the same hobbies. They like rock music very much. They like Beatles very much.
They can also play the drums and the guitar well. They make (组建) a band with their best friend, Cindy.
The band's name is Sea. The people around like their band very much.
1. Who likes broccoli best?
A. Edward    
C. Cindy.    
D.We don't know.
2. Why does Tom like basketball?
A. Because it's exciting.    
B.Because it's intresting.      
C. Because it's relaxing.    
D. Because it's exciting and interesting.
3. What instruments can Tom and Edward play?
A. The guitar.      
B. The drums.      
C. The guitar and the drums.      
D. The violin.


科目: 来源:期中题 题型:完形填空

     My name is Li Hua. I'm thirteen. I'm a middle school student. I am __1__ Class Five, Grade Seven.
My English teacher __2__ Mr. Lin. He is __3__ old teacher. I __4__ a pen, a ruler and two __5__. I
have a bike, __6__.
     Liu Ping is in my class. She is a girl. We __7__ good friends. She is not __8__ today. I think she is at
home. Look! Here is a __9__. But it is not my book. I think it is _10__ book.
(     )1. A. in      
(     )2. A. are      
(     )3. A. a        
(     )4. A. am      
(     )5. A. boxes    
(     )6. A. too      
(     )7. A. is      
(     )8. A. right    
(     )9. A. license  
(     )10. A. Liu Ping
B. at      
B. am      
B. an      
B. think    
B. pencils  
B. or      
B. am      
B. where    
B. Book    
B. Liu Ping
C. do        
C. is        
C. this      
C. know      
C. Buses      
C. much      
C. are        
C. at home    
C. picture    
C. Liu Ping'
D. not        
D. good        
D. very        
D. have        
D. desks      
D. very        
D. all        
D. at school  
D. map        
D. Liu Pings'

