 0  9670  9678  9684  9688  9694  9696  9700  9706  9708  9714  9720  9724  9726  9730  9736  9738  9744  9748  9750  9754  9756  9760  9762  9764  9765  9766  9768  9769  9770  9772  9774  9778  9780  9784  9786  9790  9796  9798  9804  9808  9810  9814  9820  9826  9828  9834  9838  9840  9846  9850  9856  9864  159627 

科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Jim was born in a small village. His father, Mr Brown,has a big farm and works hard on it. He often gets good harvests (收获,收成). Now Jim is six years old,but there's no school near the village. Mrs Brown is very worried(担忧的 ,担心的).
     "My sister works in London," says Mr Brown. " We can take Jim to the school there. What do you think of it?"
     "It's a good idea!" Mrs Brown said happily. The next day they all went to London by train.
     Jim's aunt was glad to see them. A week later,Jim came to school.
     "What's your name, little boy?"asked a teacher.
     "Jim Brown," answered the boy.
     " You must be polite," said the teacher. " Please say 'sir' when you are speaking to the old. Now answer my question again, 'What's your name? ' "
     " Sir Jim Brown. "
1. The Browns live in a small village in   __     .
A. China                        
B. Japan
C. Russia                        
D. Britain
2. Mr Brown is     __    .
A. a farmer                      
B. a teacher
C. a worker                      
D. a college student
3. Mr and Mrs Brown took their son to London because   __     .
A. there're many nice schools in the city
B. they wanted Jim to play there
C. they had no time to look after Jim
D. his aunt worked in London
4. The teacher wanted Jim    __    .
A. to be polite to the young
B. to know how to say sir
C. to know how to speak English
D. to know how to speak to the old
5.The boy called himself "Sir Jim Brown" because      __  .
A. his name was Jim Brown
B. he wasn't polite to the teacher
C. he didn't know how to use the word " sir"
D. he was born in a small village


科目: 来源:福建省期中题 题型:阅读理解

      American kids like to do volunteer (志愿的) jobs during the holidays. This summer, 86 children
 worked at a baseball stadium in Michigan, US.
     These children are between 10 and 14. They worked as runners to get food for the people.
     They made a little money by doing this. Sam Walsh is an 11-year-old student. During one game, he
 made $23. He learned to get things right. "Once I didn't get the right food. I got no tip," Walsh said.
     Taylor Winer, 14, became a volunteer five years ago. He learned a lot from the work. "I see what it is
 like to have a job. I learn to get to work on time and wear the right clothes for work," said Winer.
1. American kids like to do _____ jobs during the holidays.
    A. part-time
    B. volunteer
    C. full-time
2. The underlined word in the third paragraph means "_____".
    A. 顶部
    B. 建议
    C. 小费
3. Sam Walsh became a volunteer when he was _____.
    A. 9
    B. 14
    C. 11
4. Taylor Winer learned from this job that _____.
    a. it's not right to be late for work.  b. to dress well for work  c. how to get a job
   d. how to make moneye. what it's like to have a job
    A. a b c
    B. b c d
    C. a b e


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

A: Who’s that boy?
B: That is my brother. He is Sam. Hello! Sam. This is Sue. She is my good friend. We’re in the same class. This is Sam. He is my brother.
A: Good morning,Sam.
B: Good morning,Sue. Nice to meet you.  How do you do?
A: How do you do? Oh,you look the same (看起来一模一样). Are you twins?
B: Yes,you’re right. This way,please.
A: OK.
B: Let’s go.
1. Who’s that boy?
A. Sam.
B. Sue.
C. "I".
2. Who are good friends?
A. Sue and I.
B. Sam and I.
C. Sam and Sue.
3. Who are twins?
A. Sue and Sam.
B. Sam and I.
C. Sue and I.
4. _____ are in the same class.
A. Sue and I
B. Sue and Sam
C. Sam and I


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

It ___1___Tuesday. At 8:00 he ____2____( not have ) math. He ___3____(have) Chinese. Then at 9:00 he has science. It’s difficult, ___4___ interesting. Next at 10:00 he has history. It’s boring. But at 11:00 he has P.E. That’s __ _5___ favorite subject. He ___6____ lunch at 12:00. After lunch, He has music, it’s
relaxing. He _  _7___ his music teacher, Mr. Morgan. He’s fun. All his classes __  _8____ at 2:00. After class he has gymnastics ____9_____ two hours. His teacher is very ___10____, and he ___11____ him very tired. But after that, he has Chinese history club. It’s ___12___ interesting.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     A mother and her young son get into a bus. The bus conductor (售票员) comes to them for their
money. The mother says, "I want a ticket (票)to Shanghai", and gives her 5yuan. The conductor looks
at the boy, and says to him, "How old are you, young man? "The mother begins to say, but the conductor
stops her and the boy says, "I’m 4 at home, and 2 in buses."The mother has to give 2.5yuan to the conductor.
1. At first the mother doesn’t give _____ money for the tickets.
A. some
B. any
C. enough(足够的)
2. At last the mother gives _____ to the conductor for her son’s ticket.
A. 7yuan
B. 7.5yuan
C. 2.5yuan
3. The mother gives the conductor _____ in all(总共).
A. 10yuan
B. 7.5yuan
C. 5yuan
4. The boy is _____ in fact(事实上).
A. 2
B. 4
C. 7
5. The mother is _____ .
A. not honest(诚实)
B. honest
C. very clever


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:完形填空

    My name is Li Ping . I am   1   student of the No.3 Middle School. Our school is very big. It   2   about  four   3   students. I am in Grade One. There   4   four classes in Grade One.   5   are fifty students in my
class. Twenty-seven are boys.   6   are girls. We study Chinese English, math and   7   subjects. We have
sports   8   the afternoon. Our teachers   9   very good teachers. They love   10   work and love their
(     )1. A. a      
(     )2. A. have    
(     )3. A. hundred
(     )4. A. are    
(     )5. A. Here    
(     )6. A. Four    
(     )7. A. other  
(     )8. A. on      
(     )9. A. is      
(     )10. A .them  
B. an          
B. has        
B. hundred of  
B. is          
B. There      
B. Two        
B. others      
B. at          
B. are        
B. they        
C. the        
C. there has  
C. hundreds  
C. has        
C. Has        
C. Twenty-one
C. the other  
C. in        
C. have      
C. their      
D. /            
D. there is    
D. a hundred    
D. have        
D. Have        
D. Twenty-three
D. the          
D. of          
D. am          
D. theirs      


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:完形填空

    Look! Nice flowers! So nice flowers! They are Miss Gao's   1  .He is   2   and he is sixty-six.He likes
   3  very much.He has   4   flowers.They have different(不同的).   5  Look! Red, green, blue and purple. Oh!These are black and   6  are green. I   7    know black flowers and green flowers.Miss Gao likes
flowers, too. She waters(浇水)   8   every morning.They often (经常)let their friends   9   some flowers. Miss Gao is ou English teacher.Let's go and ask them for   10   flowers.
(   )1.A. father  
(   )2.A. young  
(   )3.A. flowers
(   )4.A. much    
(   )5.A. colour  
(   )6.A. they    
(   )7.A. doesn't
(   )8.A. it      
(   )9.A. have    
(   )10.A. no    
B. mother's  
B. new      
B. flower    
B. many    
B. the colour
B. the      
B. don't    
B. they      
B. has      
B. much      
C. father's  
C. tall      
C. colour    
C. these    
C. a colour  
C. it      
C. not      
C. them      
C. look      
C. any      
D. mother  
D. old    
D. trees  
D. those  
D. colours
D. those  
D. no      
D. flower  
D. to see  
D. some    


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

Listen to, get up, work, make, put on,  go, take, sing,  practice, like, teach, how
       Tom is a singer in the evening pub( 酒吧).He   1   very long hours .He usually   2   at 17:00.Then
he  3_ a shower  and   4   his breakfast .What a funny time to make breakfast ?After breakfast he   5   his guitar  ,then   6   his clothes and   7   to work at 19:00. He   8   well .People in the pub   9   to   10   him
very much.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

    Dear Mr. Wang, Someone comes to the office to see you in the morning, but you and your wife are out. He comes here at 10am. Because he is very busy, he goes away half an hour later. He tells me that he is    your classmate at college(大学). Now he teaches Chinese in a high school(高中) in this city and he lives   near the No. 6 Middle School. He is a very tall man with short hair. He wears a pair of glasses. He tells me his telephone number is 33426685. He is often at home at 7:00 pm. So you can call him in the evening.
1. The author(作者) writes this note(便条) to _____.
A. Mr. Wang      
B. Mr. Wang’s wife    
C. Mr. Wang’s classmate  
D. me
2. Mr. Wang’s classmate is _____.
A. a teacher  
B. a worker
C. a farmer  
D. an actor
3. When is Mr. Wang’s classmate often at home?
A. In the morning  
B. In the afternoon.
C. At 7:00pm.  
D. We don’t know.
4. How long does Mr. Wang’s classmate stay in the office?
A. Ten hours.      
B. An hour.          
C. Two hours.    
D. Half an hour.
5. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. Mr. Wang and his wife are classmates.  
B. Mr. Wang’s classmate is short.
C. Mr. Wang goes out with Mrs. Wang in the morning.
D. Mr. Wang’s classmate meets Mr. Wang in the morning.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

Sichuan Foreign College
Professor Zhao Bi
Lieshimu Road Shapingba, Chongqing, China 400016
Tel: 023-65879348  Fax: 023-65879456
E-mail: Zhaobi@sichfo.com

Tiantai Taxi Company
Driver Xie Zhongqing
235 Tongzhi Street, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310007
E-mail: xizhq@tioc. Tel: 0571-7038385
Fax: 0571-7065843
小词典:foreign 外国的  language 语言
                college 学院      professo r教授
                taxi 出租车       company 公司
                driver 司机       street 街道
1. Who is a teacher?
2. Who is a driver?
3. What’s Zhao Bi’s phone number?
4. What’s Xie Zhongqing’s phone number?
5. What’s Xie Zhongqing’s address(地址)?

