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科目: 来源: 题型:

Wuhan government is planning to build another subway to deal with heavy traffic in that area, but when and where to start        .

A.hasn’t been decided     B.haven’t decided

C.isn’t being decided      D.aren’t decided


科目: 来源: 题型:


1.Some men are not willing to cook . In fact preparing a delicious snack               (不必)too difficult .(have )

2.There is                            (没有什么严重的问题)with your knee ,but you should try not to run on it .(seriously)

3.A healthy diet should include a variety of food,                             (大部分应该富含)nutrients. (which ,rich)

4.Look ! The girl dressed in red over there                                  (一定在等)for someone. (must)

5.He                                   (本应该努力学习)harder at English when he was in middle school. Now he feels very sorry. (should)

6.You needn’t feel thankful to me ,for all I did was                             (说了我该说的).(say)

7.I had planned to join in your garden party, but I had                        (一位不速之客).(expect,利用构词法)

8.He is the only one of the classmates in my class                        (步行上学的).(who)

9.The young teacher                       (正要离开突然)a girl student put up her hand and raised a personal question .(about)

10.Xu Sanduo’s wonderful performance has inspired many people to believe that success and happiness in life                            (人人伸手可及).(within)


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

       In the wake of Chicago’s worst ever winter, when all of the rooftops were loaded ,many overloaded with snow…Robert McGrath saw his   1   run out to the backyard garage(车库)to    2   some boxes.

       Seconds ___3__ he heard the crash!

       Looking out he saw the roof of the garage had ___4__. McGrath did not stop   5   hat or coat…He ran from the house, took a snow shovel ,and called out for neighbors to   6   . Shouting and digging(挖), with    7   freezing on his face—throwing snow and pulling away   8   --he heard her voice and then saw her hand .He kept digging ,throwing and    9   .

       And within minutes he had his wife in his arms and was   10    , “Are you all right? Are you all right ? I thought you  11   hurt. Oh baby ,I love you so much!” At last, it turned out.

       What Robert McGrath did   13  know was this: Mrs. McGrath had gone into the garage through one door and out through    14   . She was safe in the house   15    she looked out and saw her husband digging and shouting   16    and throwing pieces of wood, eagerly trying to rescue__17__ .She could not let her great rescuer    18  . So she put her coat on again and went outside and    19   entered the garage through the back door—and allowed her husband to be her   20   .

1.A.neighbour              B.son                     C.friend                  D.wife


2.A.take                      B.produce               C.lift                      D.repair

3.A.before                   B.ago                     C.later                    D.immediately

4.A.caved in                B.broken in             C.destroyed in         D.emptied in

5.A.with                     B.for                      C.to                       D.by

6.A.care                      B.help                    C.watch                 D.run

7.A.air                        B.milk                    C.hand                   D.sweat

8.A.walls                    B.boards                 C.cars                    D.roofs

9.A.pulling                  B.climbing              C.talking                 D.making

10.A.injuring               B.crying                 C.killing                  D.laughing

11.A.were                   B.made                   C.turned                 D.kept

12.A.dead                   B.beautiful              C.fine                     D.pretty

13.A.exactly                B.not                      C.only                    D.often

14.A.it                        B.one                     C.other                   D.another

15.A.while                  B.but                      C.when                  D.since

16.A.tears                   B.minds                  C.orders                 D.opinions

17.A.himself                B.themselves           C.someone             D.her

18.A.down                  B.up                       C.behind                 D.alone

19.A.noisily                 B.painfully              C.happily                D.quietly

20.A.teacher                B.lover                   C.hero                    D.worker


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

       April 1st is a day on which ,in some countries, people try to play tricks .If one succeeds in tricking someone , one laughs and says “April Fool!” and then the person who is tricked usually laughs, too.

       One April 1st, a country bus was going along a winding road when it slowed down and stopped. The driver anxiously turned switches and pressed buttons, but nothing happened. Then he turned to passengers with a worried look on his face and said, “This poor bus is getting old .It isn’t going as well as it used to. There’s one thing to do if we want to get home today. I’ll count three.  I want you all to lean forward suddenly as hard as you can. This should get the bus started again, but if it doesn’t, I am afraid there’s nothing else I can do. Now, all of you ,lean back as far as you can in your seats and get ready.”

       The passengers all pressed back against their seats and waited anxiously.

       Then the driver turned to his front and asked , “Are you ready?” The passengers barely had enough breath to answer “Yes”

       “One! Two! Three!” counted the driver. The passengers all lent forward suddenly—and the bus started up at a great speed.

       The passengers breathed more easily and began to smile with relief. But their smile turned to surprise and laughter when the driver merrily cried, “April Fool.”

1.Where did this interesting story happen?

       A.In a western country.                           B.In a happy family.

       C.In a country bus.                                 D.In a crowded society.

2.Why did the bus slow down and stopped?

       A.Because it suddenly broke down.

       B.Because it ran out of petrol.

       C.Because the driver was taken in.

       D.Because the driver was going to play a trick.

3.How did all the passengers feel at the end of the story?

       A.Happy                 B.Angry                 C.Sorry                  D.Bored


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

       Many of you may think healthy eating means you have to replace the foods you love with those you don’t.

       The truth. Though ,is that keeping a healthy diet can be fun. Just ask Julie Upton ,an expert on nutrition and health in the US. Upton wants to advise teens everywhere to eat healthier .She gives some suggestions on how to do just that.

       Q: What motivations(动机)should you keep in mind to eat healthy?

       A:  I suggest setting goals for yourself .For example, it may be a goal to have one piece of fruit with lunch every day for a month ,or to avoid eating fast food completely for the next month. Also keep telling yourself, “What I eat now will affect how I look and feel a few weeks from now ,or how well I perform at school or in sports.

       Q: What nutrients should teens have every day?

       A: It depends on if you are a boy or a girl and how a girl and how active you are . The best place to find your best nutrient requirements(需要量)is www. mypyramid. gov. Enter your gender ,age and activity level. It will tell you how many calories you need a day. It will also break that into how many servings of each of the food groups those calories should come from.

       In general ,most teens need about 2,500 to 3,500 calories every day.

       Q: What can teens do to make healthy snacking a fun habit?

       A: Teens are influential(易受影响的). Your good habits can influence lots of people, including your friends ,younger sisters and brothers .You could do challenges with friends about eating better. I think any way you can involve your friends, will help you succeed.

       Also ,get your family in on the health pleasure .If your parents do the food shopping ,they have to know what to buy ,so you need to tell them that you want healthier foods at home.

1.In which page of a newspaper can you probably read this article?

       A.Science Life        B.School Fashion    C.Culture Corner     D.Business World

2.What is the person who asks the three questions?

       A.An expert on nutrition and health.

       B.A patient requiring many calories.

       C.A reporter working for a newspaper.

       D.An official affected by health problems.

3.To keep healthy ,teens        .

       A.have to replace the foods they love with those they don’t

       B.need about 2500 to 3500 calories every week

       C.can pay little attention to their relatives’ and friends’ influences

       D.are suggested keeping certain motivations in mind

4.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

       A.You can eat healthily ,but not pleasantly at the same time.

       B.You don’t have to give up your favorite foods in order to eat healthy.

       C.Your gender has no effect on what nutrients you should have every day.

       D.Www. mypyramid. gov. is a website planned for teens only.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

       “Taxi drivers” ,said BOGC (Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Committee) staff, “are learning English to support the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.”

       Albert Selmer, a German businessman who speaks good English, was pleasantly surprised during his latest trip to Beijing. When he got into a taxi on Chang’an Avenue(街), the driver greeted him and asked where he would like to go—in English! “This couldn’t be imagined eight years ago when I first visited Beijing,” said Selmer. Selmer wouldn’t have been so surprised if he had known many people are learning English in this Olympic city.

       Fourteen years ago Beijing failed in its bid(申办)for the 2000 Games. One of the reasons was that foreigners found it hard to communicate with Beijing residents (市民), most of whom speak only Chinese. This time, the city is working to improve communication.

       “One great change has happened during Beijing’s preparation,” BOGO officials are speaking directly in English instead of using interpreters as they did 14 years ago.

       In addition to BOGO officials, Beijing residents are looking forward to the 2008 Games by actively learning the foreign language. Free classes offered in a number of Beijing communities are enjoying high attendance. Residents are taught useful expressions, greetings, how to give directions and how to introduce themselves.

       Shop assistants, bus and taxi drivers and even policemen are learning English. The young taxi driver who surprised the German visitor is probably one of those learners.

       The first-stage aim of the “ Beijing citizens’ English Speaking Plan” started by the city government in August, is to popularize English among government staff, taxi drivers, hotel staff and shop assistants. In five years the percentage of Beijing residents who can speak English will be raised to around 30 percent from the present15 percent.

1.Albert Selmer was surprised when he got into the taxi, because ______.

       A.he found the driver served him better.

       B.the car didn’t look the same as it did eight years ago.

       C.the driver was very polite to him

       D.the driver could speak English

2.From the passage we know that ______.

       A.the main reason why Beijing failed in its bid for the 2000 Games was that very few people could speak English.

       B.Albert Selmer often came to China in recent years.

       C.Beijing residents are taking an active part in learning English

       D.spoken-English is of great importance in our daily life

3.More and more Beijingers are learning English in order to ______.

       A.make themselves understood easily while talking to foreigners

       B.make English the official language in China.

       C.support the 2008 Olympics

       D.match the modern development

4.If more and more Beijingers can communicate with foreigners in English, ______.

       A.they will learn more about the Olympic Games     

       B.they will be treated strangely

       C.they will be given a hand while in trouble

       D.it will help to hold Beijing’s 2008 Olympics successfully


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

       Although she was risking her life and being criticized by many, she spent nine years needed for her reports, she often tested the dangerous equipment on herself.

       Chen Xiaolan, a 55—year—old former doctor, is the model of a person filled with bravery and determination. “Once in the doctor’s uniform ,she always sticks to her belief to be responsible for the patients .She has made the career even more holy(神圣的),” said China Central Television, which honored her ,along with ten other, “People Who Moved China in 2007” on February 17, 2008.

       Chen’s lonely fight against cheat began in 1997 when her patients complained about a high—tech injector(注射器). The patients said the injection was unusually painful but doctors ignored their complaints .Soon Chen found that doctors were receiving 7 yuan from the 40 yuan fee each time the new injector was used.

       To test the injector, Chen risked her own life by having the same injection. After receiving the injection she got sick. After researching ,she found her problems came from the injection. With proof(证据)in hand ,she reported to the government and a nationwide ban (law)was introduced in 2005. During the past nine years, Chen reported on eight different types of fake medical equipment and became a hero.

       However ,she paid much for her honesty and bravery. Chen twice lost her job as a doctor and was almost sent to a mental(精神的)hospital by her boss. She used up her money and lived on support from her relatives abroad.

       “I never regret,” said Chen. “Doctors shouldn’t lie. And I just stick to what I believe is right.”

1.What does “fake” (paragraph 1) mean?

       A.Not real               B.Expensive            C.Popular               D.Mental

2.Why was Chen Xiaolan once almost sent to a mental hospital by her boss?

       A.She was really mentally ill and became mad.

       B.She received some money from some medical equipment’s being used.

       C.She introduced a ban to stop fake medical equipment.

       D.She protected patients from fake medical equipment, which affected some people’s personal interest.

3.According to the passage, we know Chen Xiaolan is        .

       A.ill                        B.lonely                  C.brave                  D.moved

4.Which of the following statements is NOT talked about but can be inferred from this essay?

       A.”People Who Moved China in 2007” are those making contributions to China.

       B.Chen Xiaolan used to be crazy when she was in the doctor’s uniform.

       C.Chen Xiaolan thinks every patient should be responsible for his/her health.

       D.Chen Xiaolan must make lots of money from selling medical equipment.

5.The following is the lists of her life experiences. Which group happens in order of time?

       ①She was honored “People Who Moved China in 2007”.

       ②A national—wide ban was introduced because of her efforts.

       ③She used to be a responsible doctor.

       ④She tested a high—tech injector on herself to get proof.

       ⑤She began to fight against fake medical equipment.

       A.①②③④⑤        B.③⑤④②①         C.①③⑤④②        D.⑤④①③②


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

       Zhang Xiaofeng, 16, had a relaxing winter vacation until a few days ago. The Senior 1 student in Jingmen , Hubei Province suddenly realized that she needed to hurry for the coming exams when the new term begins this week.

       Zhang took no final exams last term. Because of the heavy snow , rain and unusually cold temperatures ,her school announced the winter break early.

       “What a happy surprise! No reports for our parents and no worries about getting low scores,”  she said . “But the exams are put off until this term .Isn’t it a depressing (unpleasant)beginning?”

       Going back to school is hard, yet Shao Jingzhu at Changsha Yali High School in Hunan Province would rather have classes than stay home.

      “The unusually long winter vacation made me uneasy,” she said. “With a few months left before the College Entrance Examination, we Senior 3 students are eager to have teachers around for our questions”.

       During breaks between classes ,Shao discussed the worst winter weather in five decades(a decade=ten years )with her classmates.

       “I believe it was just a natural weather phenomenon(现象). Who can tell for sure the disaster was caused by human activities? she questioned.

       But Li Cheng at Luzhou High School in Sichuan Province thought that nature was teaching humans a lesson with the strange winter snowstorms.

       She was trapped (caught ) on the way to visit her grandma for three days instead of the five hours in normal weather.

       “It warns us to pay more attention to environmental protection,” Li said.

       Teng Xiangling at Jinshi No 1 High School in Human Province agrees. As a volunteer for environmental protection, she calls on her classmates to give up on take—away boxes and to recycle used papers.

       “Such a natural disaster may take place more frequently (often) if we care little about our daily behavior,” Teng said.

1.Why did Zhang Xiaofeng take no final exams last term?

       A.She became ill all of a sudden.

       B.Her teachers didn’t permit her to do so .

       C.The unusual weather prevented her school holding it.

       D.She was going to take the CEE in June.

2.What does “it” (Paragraph 7) refer to?

       A.Environmental protection.                     B.Hunan activities.

       C.The unusually cold temperatures.          D.The last worst winter weather.

3.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

       A.Every student welcomed the snowstorms.

       B.It is not certain whether human activities have caused this phenomenon.

       C.Last winter weather is the worst weather in the past 40 years.

       D.Hubei and Hunan were the worst provinces hit by snowstorms.

4.Which of the following can be the most probable title of this passage?

       A.A Nature’s Lesson                               B.A Student’s Lesson

       C.A Nature’s Disaster                              D.A Weather Phenomenon


科目: 来源: 题型:






Dear Peter,

       How time flies! We have been back to school for one month . I hope everything is all right!

       ……  ……

       I’m looking forward to your coming .Welcome to Beijing.

                                                                                                      Yours sincerely,

                                                                   Li Hua


科目: 来源: 题型:

The position calls for people with          knowledge of economics and sports in        preparation for the 2008 Olympic Games.

A.the; the                      B.a; 不填               C.the; 不填            D.a; the

