 0  37626  37634  37640  37644  37650  37652  37656  37662  37664  37670  37676  37680  37682  37686  37692  37694  37700  37704  37706  37710  37712  37716  37718  37720  37721  37722  37724  37725  37726  37728  37730  37734  37736  37740  37742  37746  37752  37754  37760  37764  37766  37770  37776  37782  37784  37790  37794  37796  37802  37806  37812  37820  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:

---Shall we phone Mary and say sorry to her?

--- ____ It was our fault.

   A.No way.     B.Why not?   C.Not at all.  D.Not possible.


科目: 来源: 题型:

As we all know,______life is a big stage,on which_____things of all kinds can take place.

A.不填;不填      B.the; 不填      C.the;the       D.不填;the


科目: 来源: 题型:


参考词汇:阳光体育活动  Sunshine Sports Campaign


Given the decline of students’ fitness, the Department of Education has launched ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________                                               

_________________________________________________                                          _________________________________________________                                          _________________________________________________                                          _________________________________________________                                          _________________________________________________                                          _________________________________________________                                          _________________________________________________                                          _________________________________________________                                         


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


(1)Our character, basically, is a mixture of our habits. “Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit;________, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny (命运),” the maxim goes.
  (2)Habits are powerful factors in our lives. Because they are  often unconscious patterns, they constantly daily affect our character and produce our effectiveness or ineffectiveness.
  (3)As Horace Mann, the great educator, once said, “Habits are like a cable. We weave a rope of it everyday and soon it cannot be broken.” I personally do not agree with the last part of his expression. I know habits can be learned and unlearned. But we also know it isn’t a quick fix. It involves a process and a tremendous effort.
  (4)Those of us who watched the lunar voyage of Apollo 11 were shocked as we saw the first men walk on the moon and return to earth. But to get there, those astronauts had to break out of the tremendous gravity pull of the earth. More energy was spent in the first few minutes of lift-off, in the first few miles of travel, than was used over the next several days to travel half million miles.
 (5)Habits, too, have tremendous gravity pull- more than most people realize or would admit. Breaking deeply developed habitual tendencies such as procrastination(拖延) , impatience, criticalness, or selfishness that go against basic principles of human effectiveness involves more than a little willpower and a few minor changes in our lives. “Lift off” takes a tremendous effort, but once we break out of the gravity pull, our freedom takes on a whole new situation.
 (6)Like any natural force, gravity pull can work with us or against us. The gravity pull of some of our habits may currently be keeping us from going where we want to go. But it is also gravity pull that keeps our world together, that keeps the planets in their orbits and our universe in order. It is a powerful force, and if we use it effectively, we can use the gravity pull of habit to create the order necessary to establish effectiveness in our lives.

76What is the best title of the passage? (no more than 8 words)


77.  Please complete the blank in the para.1 (no more than 3 words)


78. Why does the author say habits have powerful effects on our lives? (no more than 15 words)


79. What does the writer mean by refering to gravity pull? (no more than 13 words)


80. What does the underlined “ it ” in line3 para3 refer to ?(no more than 3 words)



科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Cut out part of a healthy person’s liver and transplant it into a sick person--it sounds like a complicated and dangerous operation , not to mention very expensive. But it is sometimes the only possible cure for a seriously ill patient with liver disease.

Until now British scientists have just announced a new stem cell technique, which allows them to grow healthy liver cells outside human bodies. According to the researchers, it could be another five to 10 years before the technique can actually be used to help patients with liver disease. However, they say the method might one day replace liver transplants altogether. The study was led by the University of Cambridge and the Welcome Trust Sanger Institute, a British genomics and genetics research institute. It was published in the journal nature on October 12,2011.

The researchers took skin cells from a patient with a mutation (变异) in a gene called alphal-antitrypsin (a-l抗胰蛋白酶). This gene makes a protein that protects our bodies against inflammation (炎症). People with changed or damaged alphal-antitrypsin are not able to release the protein correctly from the liver, so the protein is trapped there and eventually leads to liver cirrhosis (肝硬化).

Scientists then used an advanced technique to cut away the faulty section of DNA from a stem cell and replace it with a corrected one, according to the journal. The stem cells went on to produce fresh and healthy liver cells with normal protein levels. Scientists put the new liver cells into mice and found that they worked very well.

Stem cells are the life source of all other cells in the body. They could transform medicine, providing treatment for blindness, spinal cord injuries and other serous injuries. They could also be used to produce new cells for damaged organs.

David Lomas, a Cambridge biology professor who worked on the team, said: “If we can use a patient’s own skins cells to produce liver cells that we can put back into the patient, we may prevent the future need for transplantation. ”

71. what is the best title of this passage?

A. How to transplant liver for patients B. A new way to transplant livers for patients

C. The difficulty in curing liver patients D. New life for liver patients

72. The first paragraph is written to _______.

A. show how difficult it is to cure liver disease

B. tell us what a liver transplant involves 

C. introduce a potential cure for liver disease

D. show how serious liver disease can be

73.Why do some people get liver cirrhosis according to the article?

A. Because their bodies are lacking in alphal-antitrypsin.

B. Because their skin cells are not able to protect against inflammation.

C. Because the alphal-antitrypsin in their bodies is changed or damaged.

D. Because their liver releases too high a level of protein.

74. According to British scientists, liver transplant might ___________.

A. become history sooner or later

B. be replaced by a new stem cell technique in five years

C. be the only possible cure liver disease in the future

D. be prevented in the future

75. What can be inferred from the passage?

A. Stem cells can keep liver cells healthy and fresh. 

B. Equaling medicine, stem cells can cure blindness, spinal cord injuries and other serous injuries

C. Stem cells can replace the damaged organs.

D. All other cells in the body can’t work well without stem cells


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

After decades of skimpy(小而暴露的)skirts and sleeveless tops on game days, some schools in the US are saying cheerleader uniforms will have to meet stricter dress codes when they are worn in class.

In Lake County, Florida, cheerleaders with uniforms too skimpy for the code are being asked to wear long shorts or trousers under their skirts and a T-shirt under the sleeveless tops , according to a district memo. Principals at two of Lake’s eight high schools—Leesburg and Lake Minneola—are not allowing the outfits in school at all.

Michelle Thomas, a cheerleader at Leesburg High School, was disappointed when she learned she couldn’t wear her outfit to school on game days.

“It shows that we’re a team just like all the other sports.” She said.

But the school administrators didn’t agree. “During the educational portion of the day, they have to meet the dress code just like every other student,” said school board chairwoman Debbie Stivender, who ordered the staff to bring the outfits into line with the dress code.

Bare midriffs(露腰装) are banned across the state by the Florida High School Athletic Association, but no state rules mention cheerleader miniskirts. Sheila Noone, a spokeswoman for cheerleading uniform company Varsity Brands, says the outfits haven’t become more revealing over the last 10 years. She says that the short skirts are designed to help the girls jump and kick.

“Cheerleading is athletic,” Noone said. “There’s a lot of jumping so you won’t want a knee-length skirt that might hamper a toe touch.”

Most cheerleaders were sad to hear the news, but say they’ll follow the rules. Even male cheerleaders, whose pants and tops meet dress codes, chose not to wear their outfits to show unity.

“I understand, because they are kind of short,” said Holly Bishop,14, a Lake Minneola High School cheerleader, about her miniskirt. “It would’ve been really, really cool to wear them to school.”

66. According to the new dress codes for cheerleaders in some American schools,_________.

A. bare midriffs are banned

B. cheerleading miniskirts are banned

C. cheerleader uniforms have switched from skirts to trousers

D. cheerleaders have to make their uniforms less revealing.

67. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the article?

A. School administrators believe cheerleader uniforms do not match school dress codes.

B. Most cheerleaders show understanding of the new dress codes.

C. Sheila Noone believes that cheerleading miniskirts are not revealing.

D. School administrators don’t take cheerleading seriously.

68.Some cheerleaders are not happy about the news because_______.

A. they hate the dress codes that other sports have 

B. they consider their uniforms special and cool

C. they want to wear revealing clothes

D. they will have to buy new uniforms

69. What is the main point of the article?

A. Stricter dress codes for cheerleaders meet opposition.

B. Positive reactions to stricter dress codes for cheerleaders

C. American schools encourage unity in dress codes.

D. Changes in dress codes for cheerleaders in American high schools.

70. What does the underlined word “hamper” in paragraph 7 mean?

A. protect      B. miss    C. prevent    D. help


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Many people would interpret “The American dream” as “living like an American”—a two-story house with a white picket fence; a family with two cars; and two children.

However, the economic situation is now affecting the American way of life for 4.4 million people living in the US, according to new census (人口普查) data. “It’s going to have a long-term impact and to say it’s going to end is optimistic, ” says Cheryl Russell, former editor-in- chief of American Demographics magazine. “I’m more pessimistic that this is the new normal.”

So what is the new normal?

*Marrying later. The average age of the first marriage has increased to 28.7 for men and 26.7 for women, up from 27.5 and 25.9 respectively in 2006. At the same time, fewer people are getting married. If the marriage rate had stayed the same as in 2006, there would have been about 4 million more married people in 2010.

 *Fewer babies. There were 200,000 fewer births among women aged 20 to 34 in 2010 compared with two years before. This was despite the fact that the number of women of childbearing age had gone up by more than 1 million. “The recession(衰退) is the likely cause ,” says Kenneth Johnson, demographer at the University of New Hampshire’s Carsey Institue, “Economic fertility (生育能力)” because women delay …in uncertain times.

*Breaking up is harder. The number of divorces has been falling for 25 years as people wait longer or choose to live together before they get married. There were about 65,000 fewer divorces in 2010 than in 2008, a 7 percent decrease.

*Crowd living. Unemployment is forcing more people to live together. The number of households where people lived with “other relatives” climbed from 6.7 percent in 2006 to 7.2 percent in 2010.

*Going public. Private school enrollment decreased from 13.6 percent in 2006 to 12.8 percent in 2010.

*Fewer cars. The percent age of households without a car rose to 9.1 percent against 8.8 percent in 2006. The percent-age of households with two or more cars fell from 58 percent to 57.1 percent.

*Driving solo. When people are not working, they don’t carpool. The proportion of people aged 16 to 64 in employment dropped greatly in all but one of the 50 largest metropolitan (大城市的) areas. That has helped push the share of people driving to work alone from 76 percent in 2006 to 76.6 percent in 2010. Ride-sharing is down a full percentage point, to 9.7 percent.

61. What is the article mainly about?

A. The interpretation of “the American dream”.

B. The significance of the current economic crisis.       

C. Changes to the American lifestyle.

D. The traditional American way of life.

62. What might Cheryl Russell agree with according to the article?

A. A traditional lifestyle is much better and healthier.

B. The new study based on the members’ financial reports.

C. The spirit of American dream will inspire Americans to get through the economic recession.

D. American lifestyles are being reshaped and will continue to change

63. What are the characteristics of the future American lifestyle?

a. Delayed marriage.

b. A lower divorce rate

c. Increased car ownership.

d. An increase in private school enrollment.

e. Having children later

A. abe           B. ace          C. bde          D. bce  

64. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. The typical US family is expected to have three-story house with a big yard and two children.

B. The US birth rate rose slightly in 2010 compared with two years before.

C. A growing number of people are forced to share their homes with other relatives in the US.

D. US students prefer to go to private schools rather than pubic schools.

65. Why do more and more Americans drive solo to work in recent years, according to the passage ?

A. Because they don’t like carpool.           

B. Because more and more people are out of work.         

C. Because the share of people driving to work alone is increasing.      

D. Because the proportion of people aged 16-64 in unemployment dropped greatly.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


The Tokyo Metro and Toei Lines

Features: The Tokyo Metro and Toei lines that make up of Tokyo’s huge subway system carry almost 8 million people each day, making it the busiest system in the world. The system is famous for its oshiya- literally, “pusher”- who push passengers into crowded subway cars so the doors can close. And you think your ride is hell.

The Moscow Metro

Features: The Moscow Metro has some of the most beautiful stations in the world. The best of them were built during the Stalinist era and feature chandeliers(枝行吊灯),marble moldings and elaborate murals(精美壁画). With more than 7 million riders a day , keeping all that marble clean has got to be a burden.

The Hong Kong MTR

Features: The Hong Kong MTR has the distinction of being one of the few subway systems in the world that actually turns a profit. It’s privately owned and uses real estate development along its tracks to increase income and ridership. It also introduced “Octopus cards” that allow people to not only pay their fares electronically, but buy stuff at convenience stores ,supermarkets, restaurants and even parking meters. It’s estimated that 95% of all adults in Hong Kong own an Octopus card.

Shanghai Metro

Features: Shanghai is the third city in China to build a metro system, and it has become the country’s largest in the 12 years since it opened. Shanghai Metro has 142 miles of track and plans to add another 180 miles within five years. By that point, it would be three times larger than Chicago “L”. The system carries about 2.18 million people a day.

The London Metro

Features: Londoners call their subway the Underground, even though 55 percent of it lies above ground. No matter when you’ve got the oldest mass-transit system in the world, you can call it anything you like. Trains started in 1863 and they’ve been running ever since. Some 3 million people ride each day, every one of them remembering to “Mind the gap”

56. Which one can provide the riders with some wonderful decorations at the stations?

A. The Tokyo Metro and Toei Lines                       B. The Moscow Metro

C. The London Metro                                           D. The Hong Kong MTR

57. ___________  is done with the purpose of making money.

A . The Tokyo Metro and Toei Lines                      B. The Moscow Metro

C. Shanghai Metro                                D. The Hong Kong MTR

58. We can learn from the passage that Shanghai Metro ___________.

A. carries the most people each day

B. is the world’s largest

C. may be larger than the Chicago “L”  in the future

D. is the busiest in the world

59. How many subways carry more than 5 million people per day?

A. 2                  B. 3                  C. 4                   D. 5

60. What can be inferred from the passage?

A. Shanghai is the third to build a metro system in China, which has become the largest in the world.

B. You’ll feel sick when you travel on the Tokyo Metro and Toei Lines.

C. Londoners call their subway the Underground because 55 percent of it lies above ground.

D. It is estimated that 95% of the population in Hong Kong own an Octopus card.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

How would you like to study at an American university in China?

36  the news that New York University (NYU) is opening a campus on Chinese mainland, the possibility of getting an American education is coming closer to a 37    .

But how will Chinese students deal with a very different style of teaching? 38    that encourages debate, discussion and critical thinking?

You know how kids constantly ask questions? They have so much to learn and simply 39  

information. Asking questions 40____ they are curious.

   So 41____ does that natural 42    become weaker? Not at kindergarten, nor at primary school. But perhaps with puberty(青春期) 43    self-consciousness and a reluctance to draw attention to yourself by asking the teacher questions.

  44   , that’s a pity, because asking your teachers questions should be encouraged. After all, they’ve been educated, 45    a lot more experience than you and perhaps possess a little wisdom.

  When I taught journalism at college in Scotland I 46    answering students’ questions. Some of them asked difficult ones. I didn’t always know the answers. If I didn’t, I’d admit47   and try to find out later.

  At university we were encouraged to challenge our peers and tutors. A student would prepare a paper on a subject and other students would 48       it. It was a way of 49____  critical and logical thinking.

  You can learn to think logically, 50   some of the more difficult problems would probably require advanced math. Having a logical mind    can help develop critical thinking.

  My wife doesn’t have a logical mind, but she does have emotional intelligence. An ability to empathize(有同感) with people, relate to them and 51    their personalities is also important to critical thinking.

   I can’t claim to have 52    like her emotional intelligence, but I’d like to think some of it has influenced me. If you can’t 53     try to put yourself in someone else’s 54    , how can you understand their situation and their problems?

   So try to develop your powers of critical thinking. 55    books, films, music and newspapers. And don’t believe everything you read or see. Think for yourself.

36. A. With

37. A. goal

38. A. Which

39. A. ask

40. A. shows

41. A. when

42.A. character

43.A. gets

44. A. Even so

45. A. having

46. A. enjoyed

47. A. it

48. A. refuse

49. A. promoting

50. A. although

51. A. get

52. A. everything

53. A. at least

54. A .problems

55. A. Choose from

B. As

B. reality

B. One

B. find

B. explains

B. where

B. ability

B. exists

B. If not

B. have

B. hated

B. them

B. follow

B. worsening

B. as if

B. view

B. nothing

B. at most

B. status

B. Start with

C.    From

C. dream

C. It

C. look

C. predicts

C. what

C. intelligence

C. comes

C. Even if

C. having had

C. met

C. what

C. criticize

C. discussing

C. so

C. read

C. something

C. in the least

C. shoes

C. Have a look at

D. In

D. challenge

D. Anything

D. want

D. requires

D. why

D. curiosity

D. runs

D. If so  

D. to have

D. avoided

D. one

D. ignore

D. increasing

D. however

D. have

D. anything

D. first of all

D. attitude

D. Depend on


科目: 来源: 题型:

 It was the same court _____ Nadal had ruled a year before _____ Novak Djokovic dropped to his knees and kissed.

A. where; that         B. that; that                C. which; where         D. that; where

