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科目: 来源:贵州省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

Name: Sara
Age: 14
Class: Junior 3
Student's progress report:
     My exam results are good in all subjects and I am very pleased about this because I did
a lot of revision. My best results were in my favorite subjects, physics and chemistry, I
know I am good at them and I enjoy dong scientific experiments.
Teacher's report:
     Sara is an intelligent, hardworking student with an excellent attitude (态度) to her
school work. She is quite shy and should be encouraged to join school clubs and after
school  activities.
Name: Steve
Class: Junior 3
Student's progress report:
     I am happy because my exam results are a lot better than they were last term. I love
computers and computer games and my best grades were in Information Technology. I
would love to be a computer programmer but I don't know if I'm clever enough. But I would
like to do work with computers. The other thing I'm really interested in is languages. I enjoy
learning English and find translation quite easy.
Teacher's report:
     Steve is a lively and popular student who has made much progress this term. However,
he needs to be more serious and organized if he wants to become a computer programmer.
He should get good results in math. Steve's English has improved a lot. Perhaps he should
consider becoming an English teacher.
1. Who did a lot of work for the exams?
A. Sara.
B. Steve.
C. Both.
2. Sara enjoys _________.
A. playing computer games
B. doing scientific experiments
C. learning English
3. The teacher thinks Steve needs to _________.
A. improve his math
B. learn English better
C. play more computer games
4. In the teacher's opinion, Steve should be _________.
A. a scientist
B. an English teacher
C. a computer programmer

5. Which of the following activities is the most suitable to improve Sara?

A. Playing computer games.
B. Watching TV.
C. Playing basketball.


科目: 来源:四川省中考真题 题型:完形填空


    Today people can use the phone to talk with others almost anywhere on the earth. But    1   you use the
phone, you can't see the person you are talking with. That   2   change in the future.
Now some people are using a kind of telephone called the picture phone or a vision phone (视频电话). Two
people   3   are talking can see each other with it.
    Picture phones can be useful when you have   4   to show the person you are calling. They may have other
uses in the future. One day you may be able to ring up a   5   and ask to see a book. Then you'll be able to   6   
the book over your picture phone. Also you may be able to do shopping through your picture phone. If you
see something   7   the newspaper that you want to buy, you can   8   the shop. People at the shop will show
you the thing you're   9   in over the phone. You'll be able to shop all over the town and never even leave your
    The picture phone is really a  10  phone. More and more people will use it.

(     )1. A. if  
(     )2. A. can’t  
(     )3. A. whom   
(     )4. A. something
(     )5. A. shop  
(     )6. A. read    
(     )7. A. in  
(     )8. A. visit    
(     )9. A. interested
(     )10. A. useless 

B. when            
B. must         
B. who              
B. nothing         
B. school        
B. see            
B. about           
B. go              
B. bored           
B. helpless 
C. before             
C. may           
C. which               
C. everything        
C. library         
C. watch            
C. on                
C. call              
C. interesting        
C. helpful   


科目: 来源:四川省中考真题 题型:阅读理解


    The best way of learning a language is using it. The best way of learning English is talking in English as
much as possible. Sometimes you'll get your words mixed up and people will not understand you. Sometimes
people will say things to quickly and you can't understand them. But if you keep your sense of humor(幽默感),
you can always have a good laugh at the mistakes you make. Don't be unhappy if people seem t be laughing at
your mistakes. It's better for people to laugh at your mistakes than to be angry with you, because they don't
understand what you are saying. The most important thing for learning English is, "Don't be afraid of making
mistakes because everyone makes mistakes."

1. What is the best way for you to learn a language according to the writer? .
A. writing.
B. using it.
C. listening
2. What should you do in learning English?
A. Write as quickly as you can.
B. Speak English as much as you can.
C. Laugh more often.
3. When people laugh at your mistakes, what should you do? 
A. Not care.
B. Be happy.
C. Feel worried.
4. What does the underlined (下划线的) word “it” mean?
A. 911.           
B. Calling 911.        
C. Walking.
5. What can we learn from the passage?
A. The little girl was so clever that she could call 911 when she was 2.          
B. The love for her mother created the miracle (奇迹).        
C. The mother knew she had to teach the little girl how to call 911.


科目: 来源:河北省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

     Several Asian hospitals are doing experiments with tele-medicine. Tele-medicine is a technology that
allows doctors to "see" patients without them being in the same place. This is made possible through
high-speed communication networks (网络). At both ends of the line, the way of video-meeting lets them
see and talk to each other. Blood pressure (血压) and body temperature are directly shown on computers.
     Tele-medicine is already in wide use in some places such as the United States and Germany. Among other
uses, village doctors hold "consultations (会诊)" with far-away experts (专家). The experts can also help
them during operations.
     Tele-medicine has been slow to reach Asia because of high costs, besides other reasons. When things
improve, this technology will develop very fast. Chinese University of Hong Kong's medical school has joined
a big hospital in Beijing, and Thailand is building a tele-medicine station connecting 20 areas. Tele-medicine
will do good to patients because doctors from different places can see them and give their medical advice.
The help is quite important if the disease is an unusual one. It also helps spread medical knowledge among
     As tele-medicine develops well, its costs will be lower and it will become very popular in the medical
1. 题为判断正误(“T”表示正确,“F”表示错误);
    Tele-medicine is already in wide use in some countries.
2. 完成句子。
    Tele-medicine allows __________ without them being in the same place.
3. Why does tele-medicine develop slowly in Asia besides other reasons?
4. What is Thailand doing according to the passage?
5. 将文中画线句子译为汉语。


科目: 来源:辽宁省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

     We provide summer English courses which are the best you can find. You will enjoy coming to Los
Angeles to learn about American culture and improve your English at the same time. The courses last for four,
six or eight weeks. They start at the beginning of July and August. Our teachers are well-trained and very
experienced. They teach English classes for four hours a day, You can choose between small groups of two
or three, or larger groups of up to 15. We provide weekly tests to see the progress you' re making with your
language skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening. We also provide books and other materials.
     As well as learning English, we want you to experience life in the USA. You live with an American family,
and you take part in American life. You have meals with an American family and do some activities with them,
too. For many of our students this is the most interesting part of the course. Many families create friendships
with the students which last a long time. Of course, if you prefer, we can arrange hotel accommodation.
     Of course, there are many things to do in Los Angeles. Every day we have activities which take place after
class. You can choose to take trips to Hollywood, Disneyland or the famous beaches around LA. You can also
go to various shopping centers, sports centers, movies and concerts. There are also weekend visits' organized
to San Francisco and other places of interest in California.
     We try to give our students the best possible experience of English and life in the USA. Just ask our
students! They say our summer English courses are fantastic!
     We hope that you'll enjoy a course with us, too. If you' re interested, please fill in our application form
where you will also find our list of prices.' The course must be paid for one month before it begins.
1. The shortest summer English course will last for _______.
A. two weeks
B. four weeks
C. six weeks
D. eight weeks
2. Which of the following is TRUE about the summer English courses?
A. The students have to take an entrance test.
B. Each class has two or three groups of students.
C. All the teachers are young but very experienced.
D. Tests will be provided regularly to see if students have made progress.
4. What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?
A. Accommodation and food.
B. Why the students enjoy themselves.
C. Sightseeing and other activities after class.
D. The most interesting part of the summer English courses.
4. If you want to take part in the course, you must _______ first.
A. pay for a one-month course
B. fill in the application form
C. choose an American family
D. learn about American culture
5. The passage is a _______.
A. guide to Los Angeles
B. description of life in Los Angeles
C. description often English course
D. newspaper article on language learning


科目: 来源:宁夏自治区中考真题 题型:阅读理解

                                         The Greenest School in Britain 
     The pupils and teachers at Fairfield School think it's worth looking after the environment! This is what
they've been doing:
     Growing vegetables
      Fairfield School pupils started their own vegetable garden. Both children and teachers plant and water
the seeds (种子), then I hey pick the vegetables, which are used in school meals. Now they can all enjoy
healthy food at lunchtime. "School dinners are tastier than ever before!" says one pupil.
     The Fairfield pupils don't just bring their books to school-they bring their rubbish too! There are recycling
bins (回收箱) in the playground for cans, plastic bottles, batteries and paper. The teachers give a prize every
month to the pupil who's tried the hardest to recycle.
     Planting trees "This used to be one of the least beautiful areas of the city with no green areas, says the head
teacher Lynne Johnson. "Now every child has planted their own tree, which he or she looks after during the
week. They've made the view from the classroom more beautiful!
     Finding cleaner ways to get around
     Everyone walks or cycles to Fairfield School! "When the roads are busy, it's faster to ride bikes than to go
by car anyway," says one pupil. Even the teachers don't use their cars. "We won't encourage our pupils to look
after the environment if we don't do it ourselves!" says one teacher.
1. Every month the pupil who has done the best to recycle will __________ from the teachers.
2. Neither the __________ nor the __________ in Fairfield school go to school by car.
3. The pupils have made the view from the classroom more beautiful by __________.
4. From the passage we know that the teachers in this school set a good __________ to
    the pupils in protecting the environment.
5. They use the vegetables which are __________ and picked by themselves in school meals.


科目: 来源:江苏中考真题 题型:填空题

    As we know, museums are buildings where many valuable and important objects are kept so that people can
go and see them. For example, art museums are places where people can learn about 9 (1) v______ cultures.
More and more popular "design museums" that are opening today, however, perform quite a different role.
(2) U______ most art museums, the design museum shows objects that are easily found in our daily life, such
as fridges and washing machines. 
    The (3) a______ of design museums is that they are places where people feel familiar with the exhibits(展品).Being different from the art museum visitors, design museum visitors (4) s______ feel frightened or puzzled.
This is partly because design museums clearly show how and why mass-products (批量产品) work and look
as they do, and how design has (5) i______ the quality of our lives. Art museum exhibits, on the other hand,
would most probably fill visitors with a feeling that there is something (6) b______ their understanding.
   Several new design rnuseums have opened their doors in (7) r______years. Each of these museums has tried
to satisfy  (满足) the public's growing interest in the field with new (8) i_____. London's Design Museum, for
example, shows a collection of mass-produced objects from electric typewriters to a group of Italian fish-tins.
The choices open to design museums seem (9) f_______ less strict than those to art museums, and visitors
may also sense  (感觉到) the humorous part of our society while walking around such exhibits as interesting and
unusually attractive toys (10) c______ from our everyday life.
1. v_________   2. U_________   3. a__________   4. s__________    5. i__________
6. b_________   7. r__________   8. i__________   9. f__________  10. c__________


科目: 来源:湖南省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

     When the traffic lights turn red, we will stop driving a car or crossing a street. Why is red used for
traffic lights instead of other colors?
     As we know, scattering (散射) happens when light goes through the air. For the same media (媒质),
if the wavelength is long, the scattering will be short. If the wavelength is short, then the scattering will
be long.
     Of all lights we can see red has the longest wavelength, so the scattering is the weakest. That means
the red light travels far. In fact, it travels farther on rainy days.
     Using the red light can help drivers in farther areas sec the lights. It helps drivers stow down or stop
in lime. If drivers don't see the red light until they are close, they may not be able to stop the car in time.
An accident may happen Red can also excite people. We can act more quickly when we see the color red.
In a word, red lights help drivers stop in time and help prevent accidents.
1. When the traffic lights turn ______, we will stop driving a car.
A. red
B. green
C. yellow
2. According to the passage, the scattering of the red light is the _______.
A. longest
B. weakest
C. farthest
3. The underlined word "wavelength" means________ in Chinese.
A. 波浪
B. 光波
C. 波长
4. What can the red light help drivers do?
A. It can help drivers in farther areas see the lights.
B. It can help drivers slow down or stop in time.
C. A and B
5. Which of the following is the best title?
A. Why do accidents happen
B. How does the red light travel
C. Why do we use red traffic lights


科目: 来源:北京中考真题 题型:阅读理解

     Here's the content (目录) of a book.
1. If you're interested in music, you can read "_______".    
A. National sports                          
B. Sad movies
C. The planets                               
D. Weather service
2. You can leam something about weather in _______.
A. Unit l           
B. Unit 2            
C. Unit 3            
D. Unit 4
3. Words about _______ are in Unit 5.      
A. music stars                                
B. weather conditions
C. sports tools                                
D. space news
4. In all the units, you can leam the skill of _______.   
A. predicting by title                    
B. understanding attitude
C. understanding main ideas             
D. guessing meaning of new words


科目: 来源:北京中考真题 题型:阅读理解

     In the West. some people believe that personality can be predicted according to the time of the year the 
person was born.  From China comes the belief that the year of birth influences one's personality. In the past 
century, a new belief has arisen: the idea that personality is related to one's ABO blood type. People with blood 
type A, for example, are considered more likely to be serious, hard-working, and quiet, while people with blood 
type O are likely to be popular and outgoing, yet often unable to finish what they start.  Though this belief 
continues to be strong, some people question whether it is true.        
     The blood-type personality theory (理论)  started in Japan in 1927 when Fu- rukawa Takeji noticed 
personality similarities and differences among his workers. The idea soon went out of fashion, but was 
brought back by a Japanese television host named Toshitaka Nomi in the 1970s.  The belief is still strong in 
Japan and is increas- ingly popular in neighboring countries.  Some young Koreans have taken to the theory.  
A  recent study showed 76 percent of Koreans aged between 13 and 64 believing in the blood-type personality 
connection. Though most Asians might believe in the blood-type theory, for many it seems harmless and not 
something to be taken too seriously.        
      There is also the possibility that people are influenced to change their personality to match the expected 
stereotypes (思维定式). A survey of studies made in Japan over a 10-year period found that while in the 1970s 
there was no relationship between blood types and personality, later studies in the 1980s found that the 
relationship increased a little.  Researchers concluded that as the belief in the stereotypes increases, people 
may be changing their personality to follow the blood-type theory.       
       Is the belief true? The scientists in Asia largely dismiss the belief as a modem day superstition (迷信). 
Most studies have failed to find any strong connection between blood and personality. Generally, scientists 
warn against making predictions or important decisions based on this questionable theory.
1. The writer uses blood type A and O as an example to explain ____.     
A. the difference between the two blood types        
B. the relationship between the two blood types        
C. the influence of blood types on one's behaviour             
D. the connection between personality and blood types
2.  What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 2 mean?        
A. It was lightly believed.        
B. It was brought to them.        
C. They liked and accepted it:        
D. They stole the idea from others.
3. Which of the following is true according to the passage?       
A. Most scientists in Asia don't believe in the theory.       
B. The blood-type theory began in Japan in the 1970s.       
C. The blood-type personality theory is about blood types.       
D. People don't change their personality to match the theory. 
4. What is the best title for the passage?         
A. Is the blood-type theory popular? 
B. Is the personality changeable? 
C. Is it in your blood? 
D. Is it in your mind?

