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科目: 来源:江苏中考真题 题型:阅读理解

       What is your favourite colour? Ask famous persons like Cate Blanchett, Scarlett Johansson and Bono, and
maybe they will say "green." That's not because these artists particularly like the colour green. Instead, they are
interested in green fashion. 
       Green fashion is about making (and wearing) clothes that are good for humans, animals, and the Earth. In
the past, green fashion made people think of hippies (嬉皮士) and ugly clothes. But today, green fashion is
different. It is about looking good and caring about the Earth and other people. You can have interesting clothes
and be green.
       Around the world, green fashion is becoming popular. For example, the U. K. company People Tree sells
men's and women's clothing and accessories (饰品). They are made from natural fabrics (织物) like cotton and
wool. Workers who make the clothes are from countries like Nepal, Kenya, and Bangladesh. People
Tree pays the men and women good money for the clothes they create.
       Singer Bono and his wife also started a clothing company called EDUN. When the clothes sell, EDUN uses
most of the money to help people around the world.
1. According to the passage, what is "green fashion"?

[     ]

A. Wearing the colour green all the time.
B. Making clothes from green trees.
C. Putting green make-up on your face.
D. Wearing clothes that are good for the Earth.
2. In the past, what did people often think of when they heard "green fashion"

[     ]

A. Dangerous animals.
B. Beautiful women.
C. Colourful accessories.
D. Ugly clothes.
3. Which sentence about green clothing companies is true?

[     ]

A. Most use natural fabrics to make clothes.
B. Many do not pay their workers well.
C. They make clothes mostly for women.
D. Most of the companies are in Africa.
4. According to the passage,what does EDUN do?

[     ]

A. It teaches children to make clothes.
B. It sells clothes and uses the money to help people.
C. It gives clothes to poor people.
D. It makes expensive clothes for teenagers.


科目: 来源:江苏中考真题 题型:阅读理解

       Reader's Digest is a monthly magazine. Before the 1980s, it belonged to a privately held company, which
was started in 1922 by Lila Bell Wallace and Dewitt Wallace. This magazine is small and easy to carry, just half
the size of most American magazines, which caused a phrase in 2005, "America in your pocket." It is the best
selling magazine in the USA. At present, its circulation (发行量) in the USA has reached 10 million copies and
the number of the readers there is 38 million. Its global circulation outside the USA has reached 40 million people
throughout more than 70 countries in 21 languages.
       This magazines focus (焦点) is not news but more of cultural views because the editors think people now
can get timely news from somewhere else. They hope this magazine can give readers something that is about
special personal experiences, something the readers can share with their families. In different countries, this
magazine provides a window to the world for the local readers. Some parts of the magazine are about the local
customs and interests of the local readers. The other parts give the local readers information from all over the
       This magazine actually used to be a family business until the Wallaces died in the 1980s. Because they had
no children, there was no one to take over the company. Sixteen years ago, this company went public and
became a public company.
1. How often does Readers Digest come out in the USA?

[     ]

A. Once a year.
B. Once a month.
C. Once a week.
D. Once a day.
2. What's the number of the readers of this magazine all over the world?

[     ]

A. 38 million.
B. 40 million.
C. 78 million.
D. 108 million.
3. This magazine's focus includes the following topics except             .

[     ]

A. something about the timely news
B. some special personal experiences
C. some information from all over the world
D. the local customs and interests of the local readers


科目: 来源:四川省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

      Who hasn't enjoyed eating peanuts? Did you know that although peanuts look like nuts and taste like nuts,
they aren't nuts at all? They belong to the pea family, so they are called peanuts. The peanut grows flowers
above ground, but its "fruit" grows underground. It grows in more countries than most other "nuts".
      The peanut is a native South American plant. Scientists believe that it grew wild in Brazil long ago. They
think that for several thousand years the early peoples of South America made it a part of their diet. These
peoples were nomads who moved on when a natural food could no longer be found in one area. Along the way
they probably let fall some peanuts, which got into the ground and grew. This is believed to be the way the plant
reached the place where the Incas (印加人) lived. The Incas, from about 1100 to 1532, thought highly of
peanuts. The peanuts were eaten in several forms and used as sacrificial offerings (祭品) to the Incan Sun
God. Later in the 16th century, European soldiers had brought peanuts to other parts of the world, including
North America, Africa, Asia, Europe, and Pacific Islands.
      Although peanuts were found native in South America, they are now grown in almost every country that
has warm weather. India produces the most peanuts. China's production is next, followed by the United States. 
      The peanut is special in more ways than one. It can be eaten raw, boiled, roasted, or fried. Hundreds of
widely different products have been made from it. Carver, an American scientist, set himself the task of
discovering new uses for eating and for many other products. 
      Peanuts are very highly nutritious and are also high in protein (蛋白质). Americans use about
seven-tenths of their protein in the form of meat. In India, where the poor can't pay for meat or milk, peanut
meal and peanut milk have been produced. These have been a great help to the poor.
      New products are continually being made from peanuts, among them peanut cheese and a powder that
becomes peanut butter when water is added. The fact is that peanuts are so healthy that they were used by
astronauts. The unusual nut that isn't a nut is one of nature's most amazing gifts.
1. Although we like eating peanuts, many of us don't know peanuts belong to _______ family.
[     ]
A. the pea
B. the nut
C. both the pea and the nut
D. neither the pea nor the nut
2. Which paragraph (段落) mainly talks about the history of the peanut?
[     ]
A. Paragraph Four
B. Paragraph Three
C. Paragraph Two
D. Paragraph One
3. What does the underlined word nutritious mean?
[     ]
A. Helpful for staying healthy.
B. Helpful to the poor.
C. Delicious and tasty.
D. Rich in fat and oil.
4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the article?
[     ]
A. Nomads always stayed in the same place.
B. The peanut was first found in South America.
C. Astronauts ate lots of peanuts to keep healthy.
D. China grows fewer peanuts than the US.
5. What is the purpose of the article?
[     ]
A. To show that peanuts belong to the pea family.
B. To advise us to use more peanut products.
C. To tell us some new uses of peanuts.
D. To let us know more about peanuts.


科目: 来源:江苏期末题 题型:阅读理解

      These days, most people in Britain and the US do not wear formal (正式的) clothes. But sometimes it is
important to wear the right thing. Many British people don't think about clothes very much. When they go out to
enjoy themselves, they can wear almost anything. At theatres (剧院), cinemas and concerts (音乐会) you can
put on anything you like: from beautiful suits and dresses to jeans and sweaters. Anything goes, as long as you
look clean and tidy. But in Britain, as well as in the US, men in offices usually wear suits and ties and women
wear dresses or skirts (not trousers). Doctors and business people always wear quite formal clothes. And in
some hotels and restaurants men have to wear ties and women have to wear tidy dresses. ?
      In many ways, Americans are less formal than British people, but they are more careful with their clothes.
At home, or on holiday, most Americans wear informal (非正式的) or sports clothes. But when they go out in
the evening, they like to look nice. In good hotels and restaurants, men have to wear jackets and ties, and women
have to wear pretty clothes. ?
      It is difficult to say exactly (确切地) what people wear in Britain and the US, because everyone is different.
If you are not sure what to wear, watch what other people do and then do the same. You'll feel good if you
don't look too different from everyone else.
1. The best title (题目) for this passage (文章) would be _______.
[     ]
A. What British and American people wear nowadays (现在) ?
B. Office manners (习俗) in Britain and the US ?
C. Differences between British and American business men ?
D. No trousers for office ladies
2. People in Britain and the US wear informal clothes when they _______.
[     ]
A. go out to enjoy themselves
B. are in offices ?
C. are in big restaurants
D. go out to work
3. At concerts British business people wear _______.
[     ]
A. sweaters
B. anything they like ?
C. suits and ties
D. clothes like players
4. Which of the following is True according to the passage?
[     ]
A. Women are usually not allowed (允许) to wear trousers in offices. ?
B. Lawyers (律师) always wear formal clothes even though (即使) they are at home. ?
C. British people are more careful with their clothes than American people. ?
D. Though everyone is different, they wear the same clothes in offices.
5. Women in Britain and the US have to wear tidy (整洁的) dresses EXCEPT _______.
[     ]
A. when they are having dinner in some top restaurants ?
B. when they are in offices ?
C. when they are attending (参加) a party in a nice hotel ?
D. when they are meeting friends at home


科目: 来源:江苏期末题 题型:阅读理解


       In Thailand (泰国), there are many elephants. They are very useful. They can carry heavy things so they
can help people do a lot of hard work.. And they are very clever. They can act and dance. Sometimes they can
play with people. Many people go to Thailand to have fun with the elephants. It's very interesting.
       But do you know there is a festival for the elephants in Thailand? It is called Elephant Day. It comes at the
third weekend of November. On that day, the elephants don't work or act. They can have a good rest. (2) People
give them much good food like fruit and vegetables
. People also have some activities for them. On that day, the
elephants can wear colourful clothes and eat nice food. They enjoy themselves a lot then.
1. 请在文章中找出这个句子“Many people go to Thailand and play happily with the elephants.” 的同义句。
2.. 请把文章中的(2)句翻译成中文。
3. When is Elephant Day?

4. The best title (标题) for this passage is __________.
[     ]
A. Thailand
B. Elephants
C. Festival for elephants
D. Dancing


科目: 来源:广东省模拟题 题型:阅读理解

          From southern England to northeast Scotland, the British is to find a motto (格言) that best tell the spirit
of the nation in five words. However, there is a small problem. England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
are not, in fact, a nation and have different cultures. It seems it is impossible to find a national motto to join the
         Who first had the idea of looking for a motto? British Prime Minister (首相) Gordon Brown started it: He
suggested it as part of a public discussion to decide "the ideals (理想) that put us together as a nation".
         Newspapers couldn't wait to get the game started. So they asked website readers to tell their own
opinions. The one that won a Times Online poll (投票) is "No motto please, we're British". You may wonder
what it really means. The suggestion is that British people don't like to go to the trouble of having a motto.
However, it also suggests that Britain is a place with a long history and rich culture:"We don't need a motto.
We know who we are. We have done quite well without one for over 2,000 years, thanks."
          Although the discussion seems mainly lighthearted (轻松的), it also has a serious side. The British
government is worried that Britain is losing its cultural identity (特性). While Britain has a seat at the United
Nations and competes as one at the Olympic Games, England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are so
different from each other and they have their own FIFA football teams.
1. What are the British doing according to the text?
[     ]
A. They are playing an interesting game.
B. They are looking for a motto for the whole country.
C. They are listening to their Prime Minister's idea.
D. They are giving a name for their football team.
2. In which part of the country do people look for a motto for the nation?
[     ]
A. England
B. Wales
C. Northern Ireland
D. All over the country
3. In the writer's eyes, which is NOT true about Britain?
[     ]
A. Britain is a country with different cultures and a long history.
B. It's easy to join the union with a motto.
C. There are four parts in Britain
D. The difference in the four parts may make Britain lose its identity.
4. Who first had the idea of finding a motto?
[     ]
A. Times
B. British people
C. Gordon Brown
D. The British government
5. What does the underlined sentence mean?
[     ]
A. British people are too lazy to find a motto.
B. If they say "No motto", they win.
C. Most British people don't like having a motto.
D. There are so many mottos that they don't want one any more.


科目: 来源:吉林省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

    The world is an interesting place. Different people like different things. Some people like loud music. Other
people don't. 1._______
     Many people like sports, but they do not all like the same sports. In some countries, cricket (板球运动) is
a very popular sport. In others it is not popular at all. No one plays it or watches it on TV. However, most
people like cocker. The World Cup is very popular. 2._______.
    Different people like different foods. Some people do not like meat. 3.______ Some people do not like
potatoes or bread. They prefer rice. 
    4._______ Most people have their favorite colors. Some people like bright colors. Others prefer pale colors.
    Many people like traveling. Different people like different places. Some people like to go to the country.
They like the fresh air. Some people like to go to the cities. Because they like shopping. 5._______
    What do you like? Have you got an idea?
A. They like soft music.
B. Not everyone likes the same color.
C. Millions of people watch the game on TV.
D. Different people like different kinds of pets.
E. They eat fruit and vegetables most of the time.
F. So they don't raise pigs in their countries.
G. Some other people enjoy beautiful places like the mountains or beaches.


科目: 来源:山东省月考题 题型:填空题

       Next Friday is Christmas. At this time of the year people usually (1)s            for presents for their families
and friends. They also (2)b            food, greeting cards and Christmas trees before Chritmas. People sing and
(3)d            day and night. And they (4)e            all kinds of food. Many families have Christmas (5)t           .
People decorate them (6)w            coloured lights (彩灯). There are also many (7)p            in the trees. Parents
also put presents in children's stockings (长筒袜). In many places, people think Father Christmas (8)b            
presents to children. He is a fat man in red (9)c           . There is a big (10)b            on his back. In it there are
a lot of presents.


科目: 来源:0101 期中题 题型:阅读理解

     London is one of the oldest cities in the world. It is also one of the biggest. But New York is big, too. It
is as big as London if it isn't bigger. There are many streets in New York, beautiful shops and big factories in
it. The streets in New York are just as crowded as in London. And the New York buses carry more people
each day than the London buses.
     There are a lot of places in London. New York isn't as old as London, and it hasn't many old buildings.
The buildings in London are as high as in New York.
     London has more parks than New York. But some parks are much smaller than the ones in New York.
     Now there is a school in New York. It has no lessons every day. It has no class teachers and no school
buildings. The students themselves learn and renew their lessons. They are 15 to 18.They live near the city.
And the students study very hard. They know a lot about different kinds of work in the city. The work of
the school is the best work in the world. The people like it very much and want to do it better.
1. The streets in London are ______ those in New York.
[     ]
A. as big as
B. newer than
C. just as crowded as
D. better than
2. In the passage the writer ______.
[     ]
A. says New York is larger than London
B. compares (比较) New York with London
C. says he likes New York as much as London.
D. tells us a story about New York
3. In New York, ______.
[     ]
A. buses carry more people to the parks
B. more people go out by bus than in London
C. there are more parks
D. there are more schools
4. Which is right?
[     ]
A. All the parks in London are smaller than the ones in New York.
B. There is a school without class teachers or school buildings in New York.
C. People don't know the other kinds of work besides the work of school.
D. New York has many old buildings.
5. The students of the school in New York ______.
[     ]
A. have their lessons in factories
B. are 15 to 18 years old
C. are all going to be teachers
D. don't study at all


科目: 来源:江苏省期末题 题型:填空题

    Halloween is my favourite festival. We have a special p  1   on October 31st. My friends and I always
d  2   up at Halloween. We wear special costumes w  3   masks. Sometimes we p  4   our faces and people
don't know w  5   we are. It's wonderful! This y  6  , I'll wear a tiger costume.
    My family always have a party on the e  7   of October 31st. It usually s  8   at about 8 p.m. We eat a lot
of special Halloween chocolates and c  9  . We have hot drinks and eat lots of nice, hot f 10 . We do not eat
moon cakes.
1. p             2. d             3. w             4. p             5. w            
6. y             7. e             8. s              9. c             10. f             

