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科目: 来源: 题型:

 Looking back on the three-year life in the mountain village, Thomas _______ it as a milestone in his personal development.

A. values                        B. confirms                  C. declares             D. assumes


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Sometimes, _______ we show our gratitude for a person is reflected in the kind of food we serve him or her.

A. when                         B. whether                    C. why                  D. how


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Billy Crystal hosted the Academy Awards again this year, and his talks always ________ the expectation of most audience.

A. put up with                B. end up with                     C. live up to          D. add up to


科目: 来源: 题型:

— That must have been a terrifying experience.

— Yeah. I _______ in the damaged car, unable to move.

   A. was stuck       B. have been stuck     C. am stuck      D. had been stuck


科目: 来源: 题型:

 I am _______ about what I say because careless remarks are likely to hurt others’ feelings.

A. enthusiastic                B. concerned                 C. doubtful            D. cautious


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Living in _______ ever increasingly fast-paced world, we are facing greater competition, so we must take _______ advantage of every opportunity to develop.

A. an; the                       B. an; 不填                  C. the; an                     D. the; 不填


科目: 来源: 题型:









High school is regarded as the best time of my life. Besides classes and homework, there’s something more that I especially treasure. In order to leave school with no regrets, ___________



科目: 来源: 题型:





注意:1. 每处错误及修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。


It is real a good chance to have met all of you here. We have spent several precious weekend in learning in the English Club. Although we have been members for a short period of times, we have made a great progress. That is because we are all very active and the activities are not only enjoyable and also helpless. Besides, the foreign teachers here work hard and try his best to make the activities lively and interested. I am very pleased to say that all of us greatly improved our spoken English so far. I am looking forward to see all of you again in the near future! 

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


科目: 来源: 题型:


76. The doctor told me to take two ________ (药片) with water before meals.

77.There is something ________ (缺少)in his character.

78. She appreciates the wallpaper with a _______(图案) of roses on it to decorate her bedroom.

79. ________ (心理的) health is as important as physical health.

80. This reform has received  __________ (广泛的)support throughout the country.

81. She was lying there,_______(流血) very heavily.

82. Beauty is ________(抽象的) but a tree is not. 

83. Smokers are_________ (有瘾)to cigarettes both physically and mentally.

84. Though he is less than one year old,he is strong enough to walk ________(平稳).

85. When children start smoking,they don’t realize that they’re________(冒…..险)their health.

86. We must consider a problem in all its _________ (方面).

87. The teacher is glad that everyone in her class is _________ (渴望的)to learn.

88. Headache, cough and a running nose are all cold _________(症状).

89. _______(摄影) is actually of special interest to me.

90. I can’t put up with his ___________(无休止的)complaints any more.

91. Susan was completely weighed down by the ___________(压力) of examinations.

92. The __________(影子)of the building lengthened as the sun went down.

93. I got into a _________ (惊慌) when I found the door was locked.

94. He found a ________(固定的) job four years after he graduated from college.

95. I could tell at a ________(一瞥) that something was wrong.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A. The engine in your body.

B. The location, size and heartbeat of a heart.

C. What happens when the heart beats?

D. How does your heart work?

E. How do we know about the heart?

F. What can a doctor tell by feeling your pulse?



    Your heart is located in your chest, a little to your left. This heart of yours, which is about the size of your two fists held together, beats about 90 times a minute. A grown person's heart beats about 60 to 80 times a minute. The heartbeat is not just the same in all persons, and it is not the same in any one person at all times.



    When your heart beats, it is pumping blood to all parts of your body. If you could examine your heart closely, you would see that it is really two pumps placed side by side, and working at the same time. Each pump has two parts, the upper part called the auricle (心房), and the lower part called the ventricle (心室). The auricles receive the blood as it comes into them after it has been pumped through the body. The ventricles pump the blood out. The right one pumps the blood to the lungs and the left one pumps the blood to all other parts of the body. At the top and bottom openings of each ventricle are valves (阀门) which make the blood go in only one direction.



    Your heart is sometimes called the engine or the motor in your body and sometimes called the pump. It works away, both day and night. First it pumps out some blood, rests for a few seconds, and then it pumps some more. In a normal day, the heart pumps about 2,500 gallons of blood from the auricles and ventricles.



    By using a stethoscope to listen to the heart, the doctor can tell whether your heart is beating evenly and whether the valves are closing tightly. The stethoscope makes these sounds so clear that the doctor can hear them easily. The stethoscope has an earpiece that he places on your chest and tubes that he places in his ear. The earpiece carries the sound or your heart's beating along the tubes to the doctor's ears, and it makes the sound seem much louder than it really is. The doctor could listen to your heartbeat by pulling his ear against your chest.



An easy experiment can help you understand what happens when the heart beats. You can do this experiment with a hollow rubber ball. Make a small hole in it, and fill the ball with water through the hole. When you squeeze the ball, you will notice how the water comes out in a spurt each time you squeeze. After each spurt the ball comes back to its round shape again. Something like this happens when your heart beats. The muscles in your heart grow smaller, or contract, and squeeze the blood out of the heart. Each time this happens, we say your heart is beating. Perhaps you have noticed that the doctor places his finger on the pulse in your wrist when you are ill. By doing this he can tell how fast your heart is beating.

