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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

US universities enrolling a new wave of Chinese undergraduates, according to a report. While India was, for eight years on end, the leading country of origin for international students, China is rapidly catching up, spending 98,510 last year, which is a 21 percent increase. In China, the shift has been quite sharp. Last year, China sent 26,275 undergraduates and 57,451 graduate students to the US—compared with 8,034 undergraduates and 50,976 graduate students five years earlier.

Peggy Blumenthal, executive vice president of the Institute of International Education, said the growing share of undergraduates would change the face of the Chinese students’presence in the US. “It used to be that they were all in the graduate science and computer departments, but now, with the one-child policy, more and more Chinese parents are taking their considerable wealth and investing it in that one child getting an Amercian college education,” she said. “There’s a book getting huge play in China right now explaining liberal arts(人文) education.” The book, A Ture Liberal Arts Education, by three Chinese undergraduates in American universities, describes the education available at small liberal arts colleges and the concept of liberal arts, both relatively unknown in China.

“There’s growing disposable(支配)income in China, and not enough good universities to meet the demand, ”Leventhal at the University of Cincinnati said. “And in China, especially, studying in the United States makes a great difference, because when students get home, they speaking English. ”

Although the report tracks only the 2008-09 mumbers, a smaller survey by the institute last month found that over all, the increase in international students seems to be continuing, with China remaining strong. Of all the unversities surveyed this fall, 60 percent reported an increase in Chinese college students, and only 11 percent a decline.

63. The year before last, China sent about   international students aborad.

A.98510 B.26275 C.81413 D.57451

64. The number of   sent to the US from China has increased most sharply in recent years.

A.undergraduates B.graduates C.postgraduates D.art students

65. Why do more and more Chinese parents spend kids to study in the US?

A.They prerfer science and computer departments in American universities.

B.There is much better education for liberal arts in American universities.

C.They have realized the importance of liberal arts as well as science.

D.They are wealthier but can’t find enough good universities in China.

66. We can learn from the survey that  

A.all surveyed American universities enrolled more Chinese students than before

B.most American universities enrolled more Chinese international students

C.the mumber of Chinese college students fell in American universities

D.more and more Chinese students are sent to the US to learn English


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

●What prevents depression:tea,coffee or hot chocolate?

Women who drink for or more cups of coffee a day are a fifth less likely to become depressed.Drinking two or three cups reduces the risk by 15 percent. This is the result of a study of 51,000 women over ten years, published in the Journal of the American Medicine Association.

One theory is that caffeine reduces the effect of the chemical adenosine(腺苷) in the brain, which can make us feel sleepy by slowing down nerve cell activity. Some anti-depressants also work by blocking the adenosine receptors. Coffee was found to be far more influential on depression levels than hot chocolate or tea due to the high caffeine content.

●How many eggs can we healthily eat: one a day or two a day?

Neither-eat them freely. We’ve long been warned to stick to two or three eggs a week because of their high cholesterol(胆固醇)content. But according to the Food Standards Agency, there is no recommended limit to how many eggs we can healthily eat, unless you have been told to cut down by your doctor.

There is no evidence that eating eggs raises cholesterol levels, and researchers found that eggs contain less cholesterol than in the past because hens are no longer given bone meal, which was banned in the 1990s after the BSE(疯牛病) cresis.

Research by the British Egg Council found that a medium egg gives you around 100 mg of cholesterol, a third of the 300mg recommended daily limit.

60.What is considered to fight depression best?

  A.Tea.  B.Chocolate.  C.Adenosine.  D.Coffee.

61.We can infer from the text that   

  A.too much caffeine will probably make people sleepy

  B.coffee contains less caffeine than tea or hot chocolate

  C.one is depressed if his brain chemical adenosine is active

  D.tea and hot chocolate have no effect on men’s depression

62.What can we learn about eggs from the text?

  A.We should stick to two or three eggs a week in general.

  B.Eat as many eggs as you like unless your doctor advises you not to.

  C.Eggs contain more cholesterol at present than ever before.

  D.One egg daily and you’ll get more cholesterol than recommended.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

  Occasional sleepwalking does not tend to present a problem and most children grow out of it.If it happens every night and causes problems, then sleep disorder specialists suggest that parents spend a week noting the time when sleepwalking tends to happen, and then gently wake the child about fifteen minutes before this time. This will often break the cycle.

  So what should you do if you find your relative sleepwalking? For a start, they are in such a deep sleep that they will probably not notice you, even if you try to wake them.If you do succeed in walking them, they will become distressed. Everyone has experienced that feeling of confusion when the alarm awakens you from deep sleep, instead of the lighter sleep we are usually experiencing by the time our alarms sound. I once had the shock of being woken by a crash and found myself in the kitchen, standing barefoot and surrounded by broken glass. I’d tried to get a glass of water while sleepwalking, but like most sleepwalkers I failed to turn on the light, and had smashed the glass against the tap.

  Walking a sleepwalker will not cause them to have a heart attack, but the kindest thing to do is not try to wake them at all. Lead them gently back to bed so that they do not hurt themselves. They will remain deeply asleep, and it is likely that will not remember a thing in the morning.

56.What do the specialists advise the parents to do to avoid their children’s sleepwalking?

  A.Go to bed with their children at the same time.

  B.Keep a record of the time when children wake up.

  C.Take 15 minutes to wake children from sleepwalking.

  D.Try some time to break the cycle of the sleepwalking.

57.When a sleepwalker is suddenly woken, he is most likely to 

  A.die from heart attack  B.do some cooking

  C.feel lost  D.become relaxed

58.What should we do to deal with a sleepwalking relative?

  A.Do nothing but take him back to bed.

  B.Try every means to wake him at once.

  C.Leave your relative where he stays.

  D.Send him to a specialist immediately.

59.What is the best title for the text?

  A.Sleep Disorder B.Sleepwalking  C.Sleep Advice D.Sleepwalkers


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

  Last month I went to visit my old neighborhood.As l walked along the street,my mind was  36 by memories of the past.I saw the 37 apartment building where I had lived and the playground where I had played.As I 38 these once familiar surroundings,39 of myself as a child there came to mind.40,what I saw and what I remembered were not the same.I sadly 4l that the best memories are those 42 untouched.

    My old apartment building,as I remember,was bright and 43.It was 44 just a place to live in. It was a movie house,a space station,or whatever my young mind could imagine.I would 45 away with my friends and play in the basement.This was always 46 because it was so cool and dark,and there were so many things there to hide among.There was a small 47 at the back of the building.We would go there to lie in the 48 of the trees and enjoy ourselves.

    But what I saw was 49 different.The apartment building was now in 50,which looked hardly worth living in, windows broken and once clean walls covered with dirty 51.The river was polluted,hardly 52.The trees and flowers were all dead.It was really heartbreaking to see all this.

    While I do not 53 having seen my old neighborhood, I do not think my 54 childhood  memories can ever be the same.I 55 it is true when they say.“You can never go home again.”

  36.A.drowned    B.flooded    C.interrupted    D.fixed

  37.A.bright    B.historic    C.modern    D.old

  38.A.viewed    B.spied    C.enjoyed    D.searched

  39.A.photos    B.slides    C.pictures    D.drawings

  40.A.Therefore    B.However    C.Moreover    D.Anyway

  41.A.realized    B.observed    C.reflected    D.obtained

  42.A.gone    B.forgotten    C.deserted    D.1eft

  43.A.alone    B.awake    C.alive    D.aware

  44.A.other than    B.more than    C.rather than    D.better than

  45.A.steal    B.jog    C.walk    D.move

  46.A.embarrassing   B.shocking    C.boring    D.exciting

  47.A.factory    B.river    C.school    D.1ake

  48.A.shadow    B.shelter    C.shade    D.structure

  49.A.completely    B.nearly    C.mostly    D.slightly

  50.A.disaster    B.disorder    C.discomfort    D.disrepair

  51.A.signs    B.marks    C.signals    D.notices

  52.A.changeable    B.visible    C.comfortable    D.recognizable

  53.A.regret    B.enjoy    C.remember    D.mind

  54.A.difficult    B.normal    C.innocent    D.lonely

  55.A.imagine    B.suppose    C.insist    D.suggest


科目: 来源: 题型:

     a little earlier this morning! I missed the bus by only a minute and waited half an hour for another.

    A.If I had got up   B.If I got up    C.If only I had got up   D.If only I got up


科目: 来源: 题型:

—We have to stop talking here outside.Listen, 

—Hurry up,or we’11 be late.

  A.there goes the bell  B.there does the bell go

  C.there the bell goes  D.goes the hell there


科目: 来源: 题型:

This house is very old,but it is    great emotional value to my father who spent all his childhood here.

    A.for    B.with    C.of    D.by


科目: 来源: 题型:

Some modern teaching equipment as well as hundreds of books to the rural schools.

  A.had been donated  B.was donated  C.have donated  D.were donated


科目: 来源: 题型:

If you must strike the drum at whole night,     then the neighbors complain you.

    A.no hurry    B.no need    C.no reason    D.no wonder.


科目: 来源: 题型:

—Why was she unhappy yesterday?

—A call from home an attack of homesickness.

  A.set off  B.set out  C.set about  D.set down

