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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

      Lights on thousands of miles of major roads in England could be dimmed(变暗)

  during quiet periods in a bid to save money and reduce carbon emissions from various


      The Highways Agency suggests reducing light levels on A-roads when traffic levels

  Are“ very low".  I:ocal transport minister Norman Baker said he supported the.Move on

  condition. that safety was not compromised.

      Research into when and where lights could be dimmed will begin in May,2012.

    Mr.Kawczynski, a MP(国会议员),asked Transport Minister Norman  Baker

  “what plans he has to change guidance on the,minimum amount of lighting required on A

  roads".  In reply,Mr. Baker wrote:“The Highways Agency has plans to reduce the

  level of lighting on A-roads when traffic levels are far below road capacity.  The agency

  has no plans to reduce the level of lighting on A-roads during the peak(高峰)periods

  that occur during the hours of darkness or to temporarily switch A-roads lighting off

  when traffic flows  are  low. “The  level  of  light.reduction will  be  based upon

  internationally agreed standards and made after discussion and_agreement with the UK’s

  Institution of Lighting Professionals.”

      Mr. Baker added:“It is right that lighting authorities consider,in the interests of

  cost-saving and the environment,whether lighting can be sensibly dimmed or turned off .

with proper safety brought into full consideration.”

    A Highways Agency spokesman said:"This is not about switching off lights on A-

roads.  Any changes to light level will be determined after discussion and agreement

with industry experts and will meet internationally agreed standards to ensure there will

be no influence on safety for road users.”

60.  What is the text mainly about?

    A.  A bid for cost-saving and the environment by cutting light levels.

    B.  A research on when and where to reduce the light levels.

    C.  A discussion about changing the standard of lighting.

    D.  A move on the safety of A-roads.

61.Lights on major roads in England could be dimmed_.

    A. in broad daylight、B.  during the peak periods

    C.  when traffic levels are very low   D.  when there is power failure

62.   According to Mr. Baker,the level of light reduction will_.

    A.  be determined after discussion and agreement with industry experts

    B.  be made only after discussion and agreement with the MP

    C.  surely have much influence on safety for road users

    D.  be based on internationaay agreed standards

63.   It can be inferred from the passage that

    A.  major roads in Britain may be less safer after reducing light levels

    B.  air pollution in Britain is becoming a big headache

    C.  Britain is suffering from heavy traffic

    D.  Britain is faced with a shortage of power


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

    Two of the greatest teachers in my life are my children.  My lovely daughter offered

a lesson today on the way home from school.  We have two dogs.  Both of our dogs are

always eager to escape at any given opportunity  I have to keep them chained and ruy

yard is fenced,so that I do not have to pay any fines for recovering them from the city


    This morning I made the silly mistake of waiting until the last possible minute to

put the dogs out.  As I was walking the first one out,the second rushed past rne

surprisingly and she was gone.

    I called for her to return,but my efforts were in vain.   I decided not to bail(保释)

her out if the puppy pound put her away.

    Anyway,when I picked my daughter up from school I just happened to mention

that Cady might be rnissing or if she has been caught by the K9 cops(警察),I will not

be paying her fines this time.”

    "Why not?”my daughter demanded.“Is it just the money?”

    "Well,partially it’s the money.  But mostly it is because I am angry with her.,,I

insisted.  I noticed that my daughter had her head turned away from me and had not said

a single word for over 5 minutes.  So,I asked,"Are you mad at me?"

    “Yes,I am.,, She replied,looking at me with tears streaming down her face.

    I could not imagine that the thought of losing Cady would be so painful.  In my

imind I have given Cady。nice home with。。abundance of food,good water,and even

her own doggy bed for over two years now.

    With tears welling up in my eyes,I heard my daughter's voice,“Dad,you just

don’t understand.  If Cady is at the pound,no one will adopt her.  Who would pick

her? She is three years old and not even pretty like Casey.”My heart softened.  I felt

sad for having been so callous.  As we pulled into the driveway,there stood Cady in the

back yard,tail wagging and ready for some supper.  I will make every effort to prevent

any future escapes,

56.  Why are Cady and Casey eager to escape?

      A.  They don't like being fenced in home.

      B.  They like very much staying in the city pound.

      C.  The author makes, silly mistake of walking them one by one.

      D.  The author doesn't provide them with enough food and water.

  57.   The main reason why the author decided not to bail' Cady was that__________.

      A.  he couldn’t afford to raise Cady any longer

      B.  he had no time to spare to walk Cady.

      C.  he was very annoyed with Cady's escapes

      D.  he was sure the puppy pound would adopt her

  58.   The underlined word "callous" in the last paragraph means_.

    A.  heartless.   B.  kind.        C.  cool.        D.  angry.

  59.   What would be the best title?

      A.  Cady, a lovely dog?           B.  Daughter, my greatest teacher.

      C. A disappointing father.       D.  Unexpected escapes.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

  I am a big peacemaker. I would much rather take the blame for just about anything

than get into an____36_____.

  However, Lose-Win(委曲求全)is weak. It's easy to get____37_____.on and easy to

gtve tn.

  My____38_____with my mom all started one day when she said to me sarcastically(挖

苦),“Wow,you're sure___39____today.”I took it so seriously that I decided to_____40_____,

myself off from her and never talk back to her. So every time she would say something,

____41_____I disagreed with her I would just say,“Okay,_____42_____you want,Mom"

  But I_____43___got cold quickly. One night I just_____44_____talking to my mom about

the school homework and she said,“‘Oh,that's 45  ”and then went back to mop

the floor.

  “Don’t you ever_____46____?”I thought.  But I didn't say anything and stormed off.

She had no idea I was even____47_____.She would have been willing to____48_____to me had I

told her how important it was to me.

  _____49____,I just blew up.“Mom,this has got to____50______.You tell me everything

you want me to do and I just do i‘because it's______51____than quarrelling. Well,I’m sick

of it.”This all came as a   52  to her.

  After my blowup,we felt like we were starting all over in our 53  .But it's

getting better all the time. We discuss things now and I always  54  my feelings with her.

  If you adopt Lose-Win as your basic attitude toward life,you'll be  55  your

true feelings deep inside. And that’s not healthy.

36. A. apology       B. argument  C. emergency    D. enemy

37. A. held         B. focused  C. moved      D. stepped

38. A. fights        B. problems  C. quarrels     D. talks

39. A. lucky        B. polite   C. troublesome   D. clever

40. A. close        B. cut    C. set       D. take

41. A. as if        B. as long as  C. even though  D. so that

42. A. something      B. whatever   C. nothing    D. too much

43. A. really        B. even    C: eagerly    D. maybe

44. A. finished       B. kept     C. avoided    D. remembered

45. A. true         B. impossible  C. nice      D. fair

46. A. agree        B. promise   C. scold     D. care

47. A. impatient  B. frightened  C. sure     D. upset

48. A. talk     B. explain   C. come     D. get

49. A. Anyway    B. After a while  C. At last  D. Once again

50. A, happen    B. change     C. last    D. stop

51. A. worse    B, easier     C. more    D. safer

52. A, surprise   B. pleasure    C. gift    D. harm

53. A. hardship   B. relationship  C. faith   D. life

54. A. share    B. have      C. discuss  D. express

55. A. hurting   B. leaving     C. storing  D. hiding


科目: 来源: 题型:

一Are you sure you will be back for the class get-together next weekend.

--- .

  A. Forget it.  B. You bet!C. I will.    D. So what?


科目: 来源: 题型:

  I don’t think Mr. Tyler's lecture the student,for they appeared quite puzzled.

  A, got across to  B. got through  C. turned to      D. caught up with


科目: 来源: 题型:

First the car broke down,and now I can't find my keys!if it’s not one thing,it's .

  A. another      B. other  C. the other         D. others


科目: 来源: 题型:

Lisa,I guess we'd better fix a navigational aid(导航仪)to the car_we can find our way easily.

  A. which    B. that      C. from which   D. with which


科目: 来源: 题型:

   Not until David came up to me,_.

      A.  I noticed him                B.  I did notice him

      C.  did I notice him             D.  had I noticed him


科目: 来源: 题型:

  His friends suggest that he should take any job he can get and shouldn’t_and choose.

  A. pick    B. take     C. start       D. mind


科目: 来源: 题型:

   Prices began to climb noticeably last year,_a historical high in November.

    A.  hit        B.  to hit       C.  hitting       D.  being hit

