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科目: 来源:河北省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

     Close your eyes for a minute and imagine what life would be like if you couldn't see. Imagine having to read
this page, not with your eyes but with your fingers. How do you feel, then?
     With medical knowledge and skills today, two-thirds of the world's 42 million blind people should not have
to suffer (受苦). Unluckily, rich countries have this knowledge, but developing countries do not.
     ORBIS is an international charitable organization (慈善组织). Its goal is to help fight blindness all over the
world. Inside a DC-8 airplane, there is a teaching hospital with television room and classroom. Doctors are
taught the latest technology of helping the blind get sight again here. ORBIS is always trying to keep a closer
relation among countries.
     ORBIS helps those developing countries by providing sight-saving training. It has taught over 35,000 doctors
and nurses. They continue to treat thousands of blind people every year. They have travelled around the earth 3
times, visited 76 countries and treated over 20,000 blind people. They need your help to continue their work and
free people from blindness.
     For just $38, you can help one person see; for $380 you can bring sight to 10 people; $1,300 helps train a
doctor new skills; and for $13,000 you can provide a training program for a group of doctors who can make
thousands of blind people see again. Your love can help them open their eyes to the world
1. 判断正误:“T”表示正确,“F”表示错误。
   (     ) Both rich and developing countries have the knowledge of helping blind people.
2. 完成句子:ORBIS' goal is to ____________________________________________. 
3. How many doctors and nurses has ORBIS taught?
4. What can you do for $380 according to the passage?
5. _____________________________________________________________________


科目: 来源:月考题 题型:阅读理解

    What was the highlight (亮点) of last May Day? It was Hangzhou Bay (海湾) Bridge, which opened on
that day.
     It is 36 kilometers long and the world's longest cross-sea bridge. It begins at Jiaxing, crosses the East
China Sea, and ends at Cixi, about 70 kilometers from Ningbo. It will reduce (减少) the driving time
between Shanghai and Ningbo by about two hours.
    A great number of the workers started to build it on November 2003, and ended in June 2007. Now the
bridge has become well-known. About 40,000 vehicles (交通工具) can cross the bridge each day at first.
This will be added to (增加到) 100,000 vehicles a day in 2026. During the May Day holiday, many private
car owners came to the bridge as well as tourists on coaches. So many people wanted to see the bridge
with their own eyes.
    As a shortcut between Zhejiang and Shanghai, the bridge will not only improve traffic but also help
economic development (经济发展) in the Changjiang River Delta.
    "People enjoy working in small cities like Cixi but living in big cities like Shanghai," said a man. "With the
help of the bridge, they can leave Shanghai for Cixi in the morning and go back in the afternoon. It's only
about one and a half hours' drive."
1. Hangzhou Bay Bridge opened ______.
[     ]
A. in November, 2003
B. in July, 2007
C. on May 1,2008
D. on March 1,2008
2. It took about ______ to finish building the bridge.
[     ]
A. three years and a half
B. two years and a half
C. three years
D. four years and a half
3. Which city is not mentioned in the passage?
[     ]
A. Cixi
B. Ningbo
C. Shanghai
D. Wenzhou
4. According to the passage, which of the following is Not true?
[     ]
A. The bridge is 36 kilometers long.
B. The bridge begins at Jiaxing and ends at Cixi.
C. About 40,000 vehicles may cross it each day at first.
D. It can only improve traffic between Zhengjiang and Shanghai.
5. The passage can most probably be found in ______.
[     ]
A. a story
B. an ad
C. a newspaper
D. a movie


科目: 来源:期末题 题型:阅读理解

        The world is divided into two important parts. One half of the world is rich and the other half is poor. In
the poor part, a lot of people never get enough to eat. In the rich part, a lot of people eat too much. In one part,
children are hungry and in the other, a lot of people are fatter and fatter and have to go on diets or do some
exercise to lose weight. For example, a dog or a cat in North America eats better than a child in the poorer
        The poor countries have some difficult problems. Sometimes the land is too poor to grow anything on.
The land can be got or made better, but a lot of things must be done first. The people must be taught and the
water must be found.
        But rich countries have problems, too. They are not always pleasant places too live in. sometimes the air
is too dirty to breathe and the rivers are too dirty to swim in or to take water. The roads and the streets are full
of people and buses. Cars usually move very slowly. Noise is terrible. A lot of people do not have houses to live
in. some things will have to be done about these problems. The air and the rivers must be cleaned, and more
houses will have to be built. But these can't be done easily.
                                                      Different lives in the world
In poor countries In rich countries
People in poor countries  1                  
People in rich countries eat too much.
Children are hungry. A lot of people have to    2                        
Difficult problem:
The land is too poor
Difficult problem:
The air and the rivers    3                         
Things must be done:     4                  
Things must be done:
The air and the river       5                         ,
more houses   6                                        


科目: 来源:0113 期中题 题型:完形填空

     Mr Chen is a farmer who   1   in western China with his wife and two sons. One year ago, he discovered that
he had cancer. The doctor told him that he needed an operation at once. And he said the operation would   2   
thousands of yuan. It was too much money for Mr Chen and his wife. They had no job and   3   their sons were
at school. The situation seemed   4  .
    Two weeks later, however, Mr Chen got some good news. He was told about a health care project which
provides medical treatment   5   poor patients in western China. They need to pay only half the cost or even less.
Thanks to the project and the kindness of his family and neighbours, he was able to receive an operation just   6   
to prevent the illness from getting worse. Now he has returned to his family.
    The   7   of this health care project is to improve the situation for poor people in western China. So far, the
project has helped more than 5,000 people   8   medical aid. The Chinese government is   9   working together
with other countries and international organizations to do this. They hope to develop a new health care model  10  
China. As our country develops, we must remember the responsibilities (责任) of caring for the weakest
(     ) 1. A. live      
(     ) 2. A. pay       
(     ) 3. A. all    
(     ) 4. A. hopeful   
(     ) 5. A. in        
(     ) 6. A. in time   
(     ) 7. A. chance    
(     ) 8. A. receive   
(     ) 9. A. too       
(     ) 10. A. to        
B. lives       
B. spend       
B. both     
B. hopeless    
B. with        
B. on time          
B. advice    
B. receiving   
B. also        
B. at        
C. are living      
C. cost            
C. neither         
C. harmful         
C. for             
C. at the same time 
C. goal            
C. received       
C. either          
C. for             


科目: 来源:0103 模拟题 题型:阅读理解

Who has the best chance in the 2012 Olympics?
Paris London New York Madrid Moscow
Population 2,007,537 7,651,634 8,115,135 2,847,779 8,389,700
The History of
Hosting Olympics
In 1900 and 1924 In 1908 and 1948 Never Never In 1980
Money for the
2012 Olympics 
$6.9 billion $4 billion $3.1billion About $1 billion $27 million
Problems Very few Heavy traffic
Traffic jams.
Some dangerous
Not enough
Violence (暴力)
 Not enough money
Crime (犯罪)
1. _____ has the largest population according to the form.
[     ]
A. Paris
B. New York
C. Moscow
2. There are traffic problem in _____.
[     ]
A. Moscow and New York
B. New York and London
C. London and Paris
3. What problems do Moscow, New York and Madrid have? _____.
[     ]
A. All of them have heavy traffic
B. They may be dangerous for tourists
C. They are all in Europe 
4. _____ hasn't hosted the Olympics before.
[     ]
A. New York
B. Moscow
C. Paris
5. _____ has been decided to host the 2012 Olympics.
[     ]
A. London
B. Paris and London
C. Moscow


科目: 来源:0122 期中题 题型:阅读理解

    Most American students have said goodbye to expensive fruits these days. In school, cheaper fruits
like apples and oranges have taken their place. "People are afraid to spend now and they don't know what
the future will bring." said Linda Morrow, who owns a shoe and handbag store. In many interviews with
The Associated Press across the country, Americans talked about their concerns, from worrying about
small businesses to being anxious about simply making ends meet (维持生计). Samira Marino, a restaurant
owner in Miami, has found everyone is ordering water instead of juice and more people are sharing meals. 
     During the financial crisis (金融危机), several of the country's biggest banks have been forced to sell
or close. This has made lots of Americans afraid to buy expensive goods, The US government agreed on a
$700 billion plan to try to save the financial market. But no one is sure whether it will help or not.
    The crisis began last year. Experts think it was because US banks lend money too easily. Last year a lot
of people and companies, who borrowed money, have found themselves unable to pay it back. This left the
banks, as well as the people who put their money in the banks, without money. Since the banks borrowed
money between themselves and even other countries, the whole world was in trouble.
1. Why are people in the US afraid to spend?
[     ]
A. Because they think it's unnecessary.
B. Because they don't have the habit of spending money.
C. Because they worry about their future.
D. Because they don't have enough money.
2. The underlined word "concerns" probably means            .
[     ]
A. worries
B. situations
C. hobbies
D. experiences
3. The third paragraph mainly tells            .
[     ]
A. what it is like in a crisis
B. why there is a crisis
C. the danger of the crisis
D. people not to borrow money from banks
4. Which of the following is right?
[     ]
A. Many of the country's biggest banks were sold and closed.
B. Linda has found everyone is ordering water instead of juice.
C. Experts think it was easy to borrow money from the banks in US in the past.
D. People are sure that the US plan to save the market will be helpful soon.
5. The best title for the story is            .
[     ]
A. Ways to make ends meet
B. The money problem facing the word
C. Healthy expensive fruits
D. The art of borrowing


科目: 来源:浙江省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

     Do you still remember the terrible earthquake in 2008 in Sichuan, which killed at least 87,000 people and
left millions homeless? On the twelfth day after the earthquake, Premier Wen Jiabao said, "A new Wenchuan
will rise from the ruins (废墟)." Now his words have come true. Three years has passed and the worst-hit
areas in Sichuan have risen from the ruins.
     So far, 95% of the reconstruction projects (重建项目) have been completed. Nearly 3,000 schools, 1,000
hospitals and more than 5 million homes have been built. Now everyone has been provided with a home, a job
and social security (社保).
     Dong Xinjun, a villager in Qingchuan, said volunteers from Zhejiang taught him how to grow mushrooms
and now he makes about 3,000 yuan more than before every year.
     Zhu Lihu, the headmaster of a village primary school in Qingchuan, told us that teaching equipment had
been greatly improved. Now they have new classrooms, a library and a computer room with 20 computers.
     On May 8th, 2011, Premier Wen Jiabao made his 10th visit to Sichuan Province after the earthquake. He
visited a lot of middle schools and neighborhoods. At Beichuan Middle School, Premier Wen embraced a
student named Zheng Haiyang, who lost both of his legs in the earthquake. The students told Premier Wen
that their new school was very beautiful. And they would never forget that it was built with the hearts and
strength of people across the whole country.
     Premier Wen believes that the people in Wenchuan have a "strong will" and a "bright future". They will
never back down, but stand bravely on this land.
1. What is NOT provided for everyone in the earthquake-hit areas?
A. A home.
B. A job.
C. A computer.
D. Social security.
2. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. Nearly 1,000 schools have been built.
B. Dong Xinjun makes about 3,000 yuan every year.
C. Zhu Lihu's new school has a new large gym.
D. Zheng Haiyang is a student of Beichuan Middle School.
3. How many times has Premier Wen visited Sichuan since the earthquake happened?
A. 5 times.
B. 8 times.
C. 10 times.
D. 12 times.
4. What does the underlined word "embraced" mean in Paragraph 5?
A. Put arms around him in a loving way.
B. Shook hands with him in a friendly way.
C. Bowed to him in a very polite way.
D. Smiled at him in a very kind way.
5. How does the passage show us "Wenchuan has risen from the ruins"?
A. By giving facts and examples.
B. By comparing different places.
C. By describing people's looks.
D. By using volunteers' words.


科目: 来源:期中题 题型:阅读理解

         Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi (日本首相小泉纯一郎) on April 22 apologized (道歉) for his
country's past in the wars.
         "In the past, Japan did great damage (破坏) and brought suffering (苦难) to the people of many countries,
especially, those in Asia." He said.
          He was talking to 100 Asian and African leaders at a meeting in Jakarta, Indonesia.
          China and Japan are having a hard time these days. China is angry at Japan doesn't fact its past.
          For example, Japan started the wars with China in the 1930s and 1940s. But one of its new history
textbooks says China started the wars!
          Chinese President Hu Jintao met Koizumi on April 23. Hu said China wants to be friends with Japan. But
he also told Koizumi that Japan needed to use history as a mirror and face the future.
          China and Japan are both important countries. The tow leaders agree a good friendship will be good for
both countries.
          The two countries sell a lot of goods to each other. Last year, China overtook the US to become the
biggest trading partner with Japan.
          Koizumi's apology is a good start. Now, it's important for Japan to match its words with action.
1. Where was the Prime Minister talking?
2. Why is China angry at Japan?
3. Who started the wars between China and Japan in the 1930s and 1940s?
4. Chinese and Japanese leaders agreed to develop a good friendship between the two countries, didn't they?
5. 请将文中划线句子翻译成汉语。


科目: 来源:四川省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

     In the mid 1990's, people started doing business on the Internet. At that time, there were two kinds of
companies. First, there were traditional companies which sold things in stores. Then, there were Internet
companies which didn't have stores; they sold things only over the Net.
     Traditional companies didn't want to lose any business. Quickly, they created their own websites and
began selling things over the Net. These are the so-called "brick and click" companies. Many stores are
made of brick, and you click on your mouse to buy things with your computer. That's where the name
"brick and click" comes from.
     By the late 1990's, e-businesses like Amazon.com, Buy.com, and eToys.com were in trouble. Their
profits were not very high, and there was a lot of competition. Many of these businesses lost a lot of money,
and in 2000, many businesses were out of business. Why are brick and click companies, like Barnes and
Noble, Toys RUs, and Walmart 50 successful? First, many customers know and trust their names. Their
websites, like Walmart.com, are easy to remember. These companies also have a lot of experience. They
know how to run a successful business.
     In the world of e-commerce (电子商务), companies are fighting for every dollar and every customer.
Will brick and click companies win the war? only time will tell.
1. Many traditional companies created their own websites in _____.
A. the early l990's
B. the mid l990's
C. the late l990's
D. 1990's
2. Why were Internet companies in a lot of trouble in the late 1990's?
A. Competition was heavy
B. Their websites were bad
C. They didn't know what to sell
D. Their profits were high
3. People like buying from brick and click companies because _____.
A. their names are hard to remember
B. they have nice websites
C. they are cheap
D. people trust them
4. What does "win the war" in the passage mean?
A. Quit doing business and become a soldier.
B. Lose the most customers.
C. Be the most successful.
D. Win a game. 
5. Which would be a brick and click company?
A. A clothing company with no website.
B. A bookseller with five stores and an Internet site.
C. A video seller with a big website but no stores.
D. A restaurant.


科目: 来源:湖北省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

     President Obama has said that he gives each of his seven and ten-year-old daughters just a dollar a week
for their chores, such as setting the table, washing dishes, and cleaning up their play  and bedrooms.
     People have different opinions about paying little kids for doing chores or just giving money to them. Some
families think that everyone in the family should do housework, and that kids shouldn't be paid for doing so.
The supporters (支持者), however, believe that kids should get paid, and that the money they get will help kids
learn important skills of how to use it.
     But for those who  to give the money, it can be a headache deciding on how much they should give,
especially in these difficult economic (经济的) times. A good idea is that you can keep  of how
much you spend on your child daily for two weeks and then decide how much you should give according to
the average (平均的) daily amount. Kids can start receiving money around ages 4 or 5, when children start to
understand how money works.
A) 根据短文内容完成下列语音题:
1. Write out the word :_________
2. Write out the word :_________
3. Write out the word :_________
4. In the underlined sentence find one word whose last sound can have incomplete plosion(失去爆破):
5. In the underlined sentence find two words that can be read together(连续):
    _________ _________
B) 根据短文内容填入一个适当的词:
1. President Obama's two daughters ________ paid for doing chores.
2. In the passage there are ________ different opinions about paying to kids for doing chores.
3. Some people think that children should do housework ________ being paid.
4. Some people think that it's important for children to ________ how to use money.
5. It's ________ for parents to decide on how much money they should give to their children.

