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科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

Reading comprehension.
     Kangaroos live among the tall grasses in central Australia.During the day, they sleep in the shade (阴影).
They usually search diligently (勤劳地) for green grass or leaves in the evening.   
     Some kangaroos can grow to a height of two metres while others are rather short.They have long tails
which help them keep their balance (平衡).Their front legs are short and their front feet are small. But they
have big hind (后面的) feet act like springs (弹簧). Because of them, the kangaroos can jump very far.The
aborigines (土著人) hunt kangaroos for food with the help of large dogs and sometimes with spears (矛).
It is difficult to catch kangaroos because they fight back using their feet and strong tails.   
      Kangaroos have good hearing, keen (敏锐的) sight and sharp sense of smell.They are aware (意识到的)
when an enemy (敌人) appears at a distance.The males warn the others in the herd (兽群) by stamping their
hind legs.
Write the key words according to the passage above. (根据上面的短文写出关键词)
1. Kangaroos live in ____ ____.   
2. During the ____, they ____ in the shade.   
3. The kangaroos usually look for green ____ or ____ in the evening.   
4. Some large kangaroos are ____ ____ tall.   
5. The kangaroos'front legs are ____ and their front feet are ____.   
6. Because of their ____ ____, the kangaroos can jump very far.   
7. The aborigines hunt kangaroos for food with the help of large ____ and ____.   
8. It is ____ to catch kangaroos because they fight back using their feet and ____ tails.   
9. Kangaroos have ____ hearing, ____ sight and ____ sense of smell.   
10. The ____ warn the others in the herd by ____ their hind legs.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Bees live in little houses made of wood. Each house has a very small door for them to come in and out.
We call their houses hives (蜂箱). When the flowers of plants in the fields begin to come out, the bees fly
away very early in the morning to get the sweet juice (甜汁) of the flowers.
     A bee has a long tongue (舌头). It goes into the flower to suck up the juice. Then it carries the juice to
the hive, and turns it into honey (蜜). When the bee flies out to look for flowers it may go to places very
far, but it never loses its way. When the rain comes down, the bee will hide in some little hole in a wall or
among the leaves of a tree. When the sun comes out again, it will fly home.
     Bees collect not only the juice but also the pollen (花粉) from inside the flowers. They carry the pollen
home to make beebread for the young bees.
1. We may guess the houses of the bees are like _____.
[     ]
A. small buildings
B. big bags
C. balls
D. boxes
2. Bees come out to _____.
[     ]
A. get the flower of plants
B. get only the juice of the flowers
C. get both the juice and the pollen
D. look for their hives
3. The bee gets the juice out of the flowers with its _____.
[     ]
A. mouth
B. tongue
C. nose
D. legs
4. Which of the following sentences is true?
[     ]
A. Although bees fly far away from their hives, they can find their way home.
B. If the bee flies too far away, it can't find its home.
C. Bees do their collecting work only in the fields near their hives.
D. Bees must go very far to find the flowers.
5. The word "beebread" means "_____".
[     ]
A. food for bees
B. bread for bees
C. the living place of bees
D. sweet juice


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Students learn their lessons in class. In class teachers teach them. Students sit in the classroom listening
to the teacher. This is a way of learning. Is this the only way for students to learn something? Of course not.
There is another way to learn. It is that students can teach themselves. For example, if you can't remember
something when you are doing your homework, you can look at your book to find the answer. This is a way
to teach yourself. And it is not a difficult thing. We can do this at any place and at any time.
     How do you teach yourself? The first thing you must do is reading. Read something you are interested in,
or you have to read. The second is that you must ask yourself questions. The question is something you don't
understand, or you want to know more about. You can write down these questions. A clever student is usually
good at questions. The third is to answer the question yourself by thinking hard, by reading the text or other
books, and sometimes by asking other people. This is the way of teaching yourself. And you must do this all
by yourself. If you keep doing like this for a long time, you are sure to succeed (成功) in your study.
1.Listening to the teacher is ______ for the students to learn something.
[     ]
A.not a way
B.the best way
C.not the only way
2.Which of the following is RIGHT?
[     ]
A.A student can teach himself but he doesn't like to.
B.It is a bad way to learn from the teacher.
C.A student can learn to teach himself if he wants to.
3.In teaching yourself, the first thing you must do is ______.
[     ]
4.A clever student usually likes ______.
[     ]
A.asking questions
B.finding answers
C.answering questions
5.If you want to succeed, you'd better learn ______.
[     ]
A.how to teach yourself
B.how to teach others
C.to read and write carefully


科目: 来源:北京市期中题 题型:阅读理解

     Maybe you are more interested in sports than in history you probably think you will never be a top
student. In fact, anyone can become a better student if he or she wants to. If you can use your time
well, you may improve your study without much work. Here's how:
     Plan your time carefully. When you plan your week time, you should make a list of things that you
have to do. First write down the time for eating, sleeping, dressing, etc. then decide on a good time for
studying. Of course, studying shouldn't take all of your time. Don't forget to leave yourself enough time
for hobbies.
     Find a good place to study. Look around the house for a good study place. Keep this space, which
may be a desk or just a corner of your room. No games, radio, or television! When you sit down to work,
think only about the subject!
     Make good use of your time in class. Listen carefully to what the teacher says. Careful listening in class
means less work later. You also need to take notes in class, because it can make it easier for you to learn
     There are only a few ways mentioned here to help you with your studying. I believe you can find many
other ways besides these.
1. Can anyone become a better student if he or she wants to? 
2. How many ways does the author mention?
3. Why does the author ask you to leave enough time for hobby?
4. If you want to make good use of your time in class, what should you do?
5. What's the passage mainly about? 


科目: 来源:期中题 题型:阅读理解

     Is your schoolbag too heavy to carry? The e-schoolbag will help you.
     In fact, the e-schoolbag should be called the e-textbook. It is a small computer for students. Heavy
schoolbags are not good for them. But the e-schoolbag will change (改变) everything. It is light and small,
but it can save all the things for study, like a textbook, an exercise book and so on. There are some chips
(芯片) of textbooks for students. The students can put the right chip into the e-schoolbag and read the
textbook page by page on the screen. And they can also use the e-schoolbag to take notes (做笔记) or send
emails to their teachers.
     Some people say the e-textbook is good for students' study, but some people say it is not good for
students' eyes. I think only time will tell.
1. An e-schoolbag is ______.
[     ]
A. a TV set
B. a usual book
C. a heavy bag
D. a small computer
2. The e-schoolbag is ______.
[     ]
A. big but light
B. heavy and big
C. small and light
D. the same as a usual schoolbag
3. E-schoolbags are designed (设计) for ______.
[     ]
A. managers
B. students
C. writers
D. teachers
4. The underlined word "screen" means "______" in Chinese.
[     ]
A. 显示屏
B. 键盘
C. 录音机
D. 幻灯机
5. Which of the following is RIGHT?
[     ]
A. All the people like the e-schoolbag.
B. E-schoolbags can do everything for students.
C. Students can use the e-schoolbag to read the textbook.
D. The e-schoolbag is good for students' eyes.


科目: 来源:福建省期末题 题型:阅读理解

     Everyone may know tree rings tell us how old a tree is. But do you know they can tell us what the
weather was like?
     A tree grows well in a climate (气候) with lots of sunlight and rainfall (雨量). And little sunshine or
rainfall limits (限制) the growth of a tree. We can see the change of climate by studying the tree rings.
For example, to find out the weather of ten years ago, you can count the rings of a tree from the outside
to the inside. If the tenth ring is far from the eleventh ring, then we are sure that it was sunny and rainy
most of that year. If it is near to the eleventh ring, then the climate of that year was bad.
1. Tree rings can tell us not only the ___ of a tree but also the ___.
[     ]
A. age; weather
B. rainfall; sunshine
C. age; rainfall
D. sunshine; age
2. ___ in good climate.
[     ]
A. Tree rings grow far from each other
B. Tree rings become thinner
C. Trees don't need sunshine or rainfall
D. Tree rings grow near each other
3. From the passage we know, trees need ___ to grow.
[     ]
A. sunlight and tree rings
B. rainfall and rings
C. sunlight and rainwater
D. water and insects
4. According to the passage, if the thirty-first ring is near to the thirty-second ring, the climate of that
    year was ___.
[     ]
A. sunny
B. rainy
C. bad
D. unknown
5. If you want to find out the weather of twenty years ago, you should study__ of a tree from the outside
    to the inside.
[     ]
A. the twentieth ring
B. the tenth ring
C. the ninth ring
D. the twenty-first ring


科目: 来源:山东省期末题 题型:阅读理解

      When some plates of the earth move sunddenly, an earthquake happens. Many earthquakes begin under
the sea. In fact, earthquakes may happen anywhere on the earth. They often happen near mountains.
       During an earthquake, the shakings make rocks rise suddenly and even crack (断裂) open. Houses fall,
people are killed or hurt, and sometimes whole villages or cities are destroyed.
       Can we do something to keep ourselves safe from earthquakes? Scientists have studied earthquakes and
made maps that show" earthquake belts (带)". In these belts, it's possible for earthquakes to happen. In these
areas we can build strong houses to fight against earthquakes.
       In the future, scientists will be able to predict exactly (精确预报) when and where an earthquake will
happen. They can also tell people what to do and how to do it.
1. It is said that a large number of earthquakes often happen ______.
[     ]
A. next to mountains
B. in the day time
C. on land
D. at night
2. The reason for an earthquake is ______.
[     ]
A. cracking open of rocks
B. the earth is made of mountains and the sea
C. that the sea is too deep
D. the result of sudden movement of plates
3. A map showing the earthquake belts will tell people ______.
[     ]
A. what kind of houses to build
B. what kind of houses can stay up in an earthquake
C. where earthquakes may happen
D. how to keep themselves safe during an earthquake.
4. In the future we'll be no longer so afraid of an earthquake ______.
[     ]
A. because of a map showing the "earthquake belts"
B. because we can guess the date and place of an earthquake
C. as scientists will know what to do and how to do it
D. both B and C
5. Which is the best title of the passage?
[     ]
A. A Scientist and an Earthquake
B. An Earthquake
C. How to Fight against Earthquake
D. Earthquakes Today and Tomorrow


科目: 来源:期末题 题型:阅读理解

Reading comprehension. (阅读短文,选择最佳答案)
     Everybody needs water. All plants need water. We use water to wash cups, cars, clothes and ourselves.
     Where does all water come from? It comes from the clouds. The clouds can change into rain. Some of the
rain goes down the ground. Some of the rain water goes down the mountains into streams (小溪). The streams
come together to make rivers and lakes.
     Water can change itself. When water gets very cold, it becomes ice. When water gets very hot, it becomes
steam (小蒸气).
1. _____ need water.
[     ]

A. Only animals
B. Only plants
C. Only people
D. All living things

2. We usually clean our clothes with ______.
[     ]
A. steam
B. clouds
C. water
D. rain
3. The water in the streams comes from the _____.
[     ]
A. river
B. lake
C. wind
D. clouds
4. When the weather gets very           , water changes into ice.
[     ]
A. warm
B. hot
C. cool
D. cold
5. Where does steam come from?
[     ]
A. it comes from the clouds.
B. it comes from plants.
C. it comes from very hot water.
D. it comes from very cold water.


科目: 来源:0110 期中题 题型:阅读理解

     The moon is the earth's largest and only natural satellite. A satellite is a small body that goes around a
planet. The first man-made satellite went into the orbit in 1957. By 1968 there were over three hundred
satellites in the orbit. Some satellites send back weather pictures. Others send out radio waves. Some
satellites are what we call "junk". In 1963, the United States put millions of small pieces of wire into orbit.
They were used to carry radio waves. Many of these wires may still be there. Some space junk was not
put in the orbit. For example, one piece of space junk is a glove lost by an astronaut!
     Space is very big. Does it matter if there is junk in the orbit? Many scientists think so. They say we
must pay much attention to how we use this new resource. They think anything man puts into space
should be made to come back to earth when its work is done. They say it's dangerous to have space junk,
because it's possible for spacecraft to collide with the junk.
1. The first man-made satellite was sent up into space in _____.
[     ]
2. There were           satellites in orbit by 1968.
[     ]
A.less than 300
B.about 30
C.more than300
3. The underlined word "junk" in the first paragraph means _____.
[     ]
4. Lots of scientists think that all the space junk should be          .
[     ]
A.kept in space
B.used to do something for humans
C.made to come back to earth
D.put together


科目: 来源:0119 月考题 题型:阅读理解

      Have you ever noticed an advertisement which says "Learn a foreign language in six weeks, or your
money back! From the first day your pronunciation will be excellent. Just send…" and so on? Of course,
it never happens quite like that. The only language that is easy to learn is the mother tongue. And think
how much practice that gets! Before the Second World War people usually learned a foreign language in
order to read the literature (文学) of the country. Now speaking the foreign language is what most people
want. Every year many millions of people start learning one. How do they do it? Some people try at home,
with books and tapes; some use radio or television programmes; others go to evening classes. If they use
the language only two or three times a week, learning it will take a long time, like language learning at school.
A few people try to learn a language fast by studying for six or more hours a day. It is clearly easier to learn
the language in the country where it is spoken. However, most people cannot afford this, and for many it is
not necessary. They need the language in order to do their work better. For example, scientists and doctors
mainly need to be able to read books and reports in the foreign language. Whether the language is learned
quickly or slowly, it is hard work. Machines and good books will help, but they cannot do the students work
for him.
1. In the advertisement it is possible for a person to learn a foreign language ______.
[     ]
A. more than two month
B. half a year
C. six months
D. less than two month
2. Before the Second World War people learned a foreign language in order to ______.
[     ]
A. speak to each other
B. listen to the radio
C. read something they didn't know
D. write the literature of the other country
3. The easiest way for us to learn a foreign language is ______.
[     ]
A. using the language six or more hours a day
B. learning the language at school
C. studying the language in the foreign country
D. reading the foreign stories as many as possible
4. Most people now learn a foreign language to ______.
[     ]
A. read books and reports in a foreign language
B. talk to foreign friends
C. go to the other country to learn a language well
D. try their best to work better
5. The passage tells us that ______.
[     ]
A. the more you spend, the quicker you'll learn the language
B. it is possible for you to learn a foreign language in six weeks
C. it is not good for you to learn a foreign language by yourself
D. the quicker you learn a foreign language, the more you must pay for it

