 0  9333  9341  9347  9351  9357  9359  9363  9369  9371  9377  9383  9387  9389  9393  9399  9401  9407  9411  9413  9417  9419  9423  9425  9427  9428  9429  9431  9432  9433  9435  9437  9441  9443  9447  9449  9453  9459  9461  9467  9471  9473  9477  9483  9489  9491  9497  9501  9503  9509  9513  9519  9527  159627 

科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

                                             Who killed Martin Luther King?
    A man shot Martin Luther King in Atlanta on 4th April,1968. He drove away in a car. Who was he?The police found“Harvey Lowmeyer's”gun and“John Willard’s”car. So what was this man's real name?
Marks on the shirt and the car were sent to the FBI in Los Angeles. 3,000 detectives questioned people. At last one found a photo of“Galt”. Then detectives in Atlanta found a fingerprint(指纹). It was on a map
in“Galt’s”room in a small hotel. One fingerprint was enough, James Earl Ray's fingerprints were already on the FBI cards. The police watched railway stations,hotels and airports. 3,000 detectives were trying to find Ray without success. The Canadian police were helping,too. They looked at 240,000 photos in
their Passport Office.Then they found one of“Ramon George Sneyd”,“We gave this man a passport
last month,”they said. “He went to London on 2nd May. ”The man was wearing thick glasses,but he
looked like Ray.Then on l8th June,a detective at London Airport saw Sneyd's name on a passenger list.
   It was the end of the biggest manhunt in history. The FBI spend 1. 4 million dollars,but they got their
1.The key to settle the case was probably the murderer’s_____.
B. fingerprint
C. gun              
D. shirt
2. It took the police ______to catch the murderer.
A. 65 days
B.more than 2 months    
C. eight weeks
D. three months
3. Martin Luther King's murderer used the name of_______.
A. Harvey Lowmeyer when he bought the gun    
B. Jane Willard when he paid for the car    
C. Eric Starvo Galt when he lived in Los Angeles    
D. James Earl Ray when he carne to Atlanta
4. The detective at London Ajrport caught Ramon George Sneyd because_______.
A.Sneyd had a Canadian passport    
B. it was sure that he was the passenger    
C.Sneyd’s name was not on the passenger list
D.Sneyd was wearing glasses
5. What is TRUE according to the passage?

A.The police didn't get the murderer.     
B. The police got the man in Los Angeles.    
C. The murderer changed his name several times.    
D. The FBI looked at 340,000 photos in the Passport Office.


科目: 来源:模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     How could we tell time if there were no watches or clocks anywhere  in the world? The sun was 
probably the world's first  "clock" ,  except in  the far north, where the Eskimos (爱斯基摩人) live.  
There, it's  dark most of the winter, and light most of the summer.  But in most of  the world, people 
have used the sun for a clock.  Even today, if you  don't have a clock, you still know that when the sun 
shines, it's day,  and when it's dark,  it's night.  The sun can also tell you if it's morning,  noon, or 
     People who live near the sea can tell time from the tides.  In the daytime, for about six hours, the 
water rises higher and higher on the   beach.  And then it goes down and down for about six hours. The 
same   thing happens again at night.  There are two high tides and two low tides every 24 hours.        
     Seamen on a ship learn how to tell time by looking at the moon and  the stars. The whole sky is their 
     In some places in the world the wind comes up at about the same time every day or changes 
direction or stops blowing. In these places the wind can be the clock.       
     A sand clock is an even better clock.  If you had fine dry sand in a glass shaped like the one in the 
picture,  you would have what is called an hourglass. The sand in the hourglass goes from the top part 
to the bottom part in exactly one hour. When the hourglass is turned over, the sand will take another 
hour to go back again.   
1. According to the passage, there are ______ ways to tell time besides the clock and watch.
A. 3             
B. 4
C. 5             
D. 7
2. The Eskimos in the far north can't use the sun for a clock  because ______.                 
A.  they know very little about the sun                 
B.  the sun there never goes down in winter                
C.  it's too cold for them to go out to watch the sun                
D.  it has long dark winters and long light summers
3. The underlined word "tides" in the passage means  ______.         
A. 洋流            
B. 潮汐         
C. 海啸            
D. 波浪
4. In which page of a newspaper can you most probably read  this passage?           
A. News.               
B. Science.           
C. Business.           
D. Advertisement.
5. What's the best title for the passage?                 
A. Different Ways to Tell Time                 
B. Useful Machines to Tell Time                 
C. The History of the Clock                 
D. The Development of the Clock


科目: 来源:模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     (1) Although we may not realize it, when we talk with others we   make ourselves understood not 
just by words. 
 We send messages to the   people around us also by body movements. A smile and 
handshake(握手)show welcome.  Waving one's hand is to say "Goodbye".  Nodding   the head  
means agreement, while shaking it means disagreement. In China and some English-speaking countries,
 these body movements have the same meanings.       
     But not all body languages mean the same things in different countries.  For example,  nodding the head in some Asian countries means not "Yes" but "No".       
     When we speak a foreign language,  (2) to know the meanings of the body movements is important 
in the foreign countries.
  In Russia, France and some of South American countries men kiss (吻) each 
other when they meet.  Men don't kiss each other in China or English-speaking countries. In England, 
older people usually shake hands when they meet someone for the first time. However, young people 
don't shake hands.  (3) In France, people shake hands in the office every morning.  French people kiss
 each other more often than English people when they meet or leave.
1. 将(1)处译成汉语。
2. 将(2)处改写句子,句意不变。
3. 将(3)处改为被动语态。
4. Do all body languages mean the same things in different countries?
5. Who kiss each other more often when they meet or leave, French people or English people?


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

                             Table Manners in America   
          Don’t circle your plate with your arms. If you do so, you will
become the focus(焦点) of the table. Everyone would wonder,"Is
there anything wrong with the food?" This may give a wrong message
that you don't like the food or something like that. 
     Don't push the plate back when finished. Leave it where it was.
Do you want to let the hostess(女主人) know that you've just
done a labour?
     Don't lean(倚靠)  back and say"I'm through"or"I'm full". Just
put the fork and knife across the plate. That's all. 
     Don't cut up everything before you start to eat. Cut only one
or two bites(块) at a time. 
     Never take a huge mouthful of anything. Do you want to show
how hungry you are? Don't do that. It's not so good.    
     It's never good   to reach across the table for anything. If the
thing you want is not at hand, simply ask the nearest person for
help, like “Mrs Smith, could you pass me the dish?”

1. If you are at table and circle your plate with your arms,
other people will think              .
         A. you don't like the food
         B. the food isn't good for you
         C. there is something wrong with the food
         D. all the above
2. After finishing dinner, you should            .  
         A. put the fork and knife across the plate
         B. stand up and leave the table
         C. say “I'm full”
         D. say “Thank you”
3. If you want a dish far from you at table, you should           .
         A. stand up and reach across the table for it
         B. leave your seat to get it 
         C. sit there until others help you
         D. ask the nearest person for help


科目: 来源:模拟题 题型:阅读理解


     Most of us may play ping-pong,  but perhaps you don't know who invented it.  The story is that
 it started when two students at Cambridge University began knocking a cork (软木塞) to each other
 across a table, using old boxes.  In about the year 1800 an American businessman of sports goods 
produced a game that he called Indoor Tennis.  The Americans didn't find interest in it.  He shipped
(用船运) it to London and it soon became popular in Britain.  The game was then played across dining
 room tables, or on the floor with the net string (网) between chairs.  The players used a ball made of
 cork or rubber.  A few years later a hollow (空的) ball like the one we use today was invented.  
People all over the world loved it at once.  A man called Mr Wood in London, had the idea of covering 
the bats (拍子) with rubber. Later a London businessman called this game "ping-pong". "Ping" meant
 the sound of the bat hitting the ball, and "pong" was the sound of the ball hitting the table. 
     The game is played everywhere, but not everybody likes it.  Some even think it's a silly game.
1.  _______  at Cambridge University first played table tennis, using cork and _______.
2. A game called Indoor Tennis _______ in about the year 1800.
3. Although the American didn't like the game, _______ showed great interest in it
     and it became popular.    
4. After hollow balls were invented, the bats _______ were invented by Mr Wood.
5. 将文中画线部分译成汉语。


科目: 来源:黑龙江省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

    Cambridge (剑桥) is one of the top universities in the world, and it's a city as
well. To the surprise of some visitors, there are no walls around the university.
Classroom buildings, libraries and offices can be seen all over the city. Most of the
members of the city are the students and teachers of thirty-one colleges (学院). It got
its name "Cambridge" from the river called Cam and a bridge built over it. Before the
university was founded 800 years ago, Cambridge was a developing town. It developed faster
because of the opening of the railway and became a city in 1951. Now it has a population
of more than one million. Many young students hope for the chance to study at Cambridge.
Perhaps you'll be a member of Cambridge one day.
The 1______ some visitors No walls around the university
The origin (来源) of its name River Cam and a bridge 2______it.      
The time when Cambridge was 3______. 800 years ago
The 4______  why Cambridge developed faster The opening of the railway
The population of Cambridge now 5______ than one million


科目: 来源:河北省模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     We see money almost every day. With money the world becomes a big moving system (系统).
People work to get money. Then they use their money to buy things they want. Money travels from
person to person and from place to place.
     Money is usually coins and notes (纸币). Each country has its own currency (货币). Some have
their leaders' heads on the coins and notes, others have plants or animals. Still others have beautiful or
historical places on the front or the back of their currency. So you see,money also says something
about the culture of a country.
    The Queen's money
    British people use different kinds of coins. They have 1 penny, 2 pence, 5 pence, 10 pence, 20
pence, 50 pence, 1 pound and 2 pound coins. One pound is a hundred pence.
    Symbols of a culture
    The U.S. currency is the most widely used one in the world. There are $ 1,  $ 2,  $ 5, $ 10, $ 20,
$50 and $ 100 notes. They have American leaders' heads on the front and signs on the back..
     Chinese currency in your pocket
     On the front of the fifth set (套) of banknotes there is the head of Chairman Mao Zedong. On the
back there are different sights. They show that China is a big and beautiful country. If you look carefully,
you'll see characters from the languages of different minority groups (少数民族) on the back.
1. What do people use money to do?     
A. To buy things they want.                
B. To show their leaders' heads.
C. To have plants or animals.               
D. To tell their culture.
2. What can money be used as?
A. Symbols of the culture of a country.       
B. History of a country
C. Sights of a country.                    
D. Languages of a country.
3. How many kinds of coins do British people have?
A. 2.             
B. 3.            
C. 6.               
D. 8.
4. Which currency is the most widely used in the world?     
A. British currency.                      
B. Chinese currency.
C. The U.S. currency.    
D. All the above.
5. What might not be on the banknotes?     
A. Leaders' heads.                       
B. Historical places .     
C. Plants and animals.                   
D. A big country.


科目: 来源:河北省模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     As it is known to us all,there are 55 minority groups in China,each with its traditional customs and
culture. Now let's take a look at the Tibetan Minority.    
     The Tibetan Minority groups live in Qinghai, Gansu, Sichuan and Yunnan Provinces. And the
highest ridge in the world -beautiful and mysterious Tibet is their major living place. As there are rich
grass in Tibet, most people live on raising sheep, goats, cattle and growing a special kind of plant called 
 Qingke. Because of unique climate, people often wear warm and comfortable boots in winter, and they
always wear robes (长袍)which are made of the fur of sheep.Often they take off one sleeve (袖子) of
the clothes in order to work easily and use them as warm quilts at night.    
Both men and women are good at singing and dancing. When they meet an important guest, they will
present him or her a Hada, a piece of long white silk cloth to show their respect. And they will also treat
the guest to a special kind of drink called Suyou Tea.    
     The Tibetan Minority has deep emotions. The people there are very warm-hearted and friendly.
They live freely and happily on the spacious grassland. Their history and culture are very important in
China, so we certainly should protect them, make them happy and let them receive great respect they
1. What places do the Tibetan Minority groups mostly live in?    
A. Qinghai and Gansu Provinces.   
B. Tibet.   
C. Sichuan and Yunnan Provinces.    
D. Qinghai, Gansu, Sichuan and Yunnan Provinces.
2. What's the Chinese meaning of the word "ridge" ?    
A. 山脊    
B. 地方    
C. 屋脊      
D. 平原
3. Why do the people in Tibet often take off one sleeve of the clothes?
A. Because they are hot.
B. Because they can ride horses easily.    
C. Because they can run fast to catch the animals.    
D. Because they can work easily.
4. What do the people often give the important guest in order to show their respect?    
A. A sheep.                    
B. A glass of Qingke wine.    
C. Singing and dancing.        
D. A Hada and a cup of Suyou Tea.
5. What's the best title of the passage?    
A. The Tibetan Minority.                    
B. How happy the Tibetan Minority is!    
C. We should respect the Tibetan Minority.    
D. The life in Tibet.


科目: 来源:河北省模拟题 题型:完形填空

      Halloween (万圣节) is celebrated on October thirty-first. On that night, many people will dress 
up and  1  frightening vampires (吸血鬼) or ghosts (鬼魂). They do this with the help of  2  clothing 
and face with different colors.     
     Halloween traditions developed from people in ancient Britain. They believed that spirits (灵魂)
of  the  3  would return to their homes on October thirty-first, the day of the autumn feast (盛宴). 
They built huge fires to frighten spirits   4  when the night falls.     
    Historians say many of the Halloween traditions of today developed from  5  of ancient times. 
They say that burning a candle inside a hollow pumpkin recalls (回想起) the fires many years ago in 
Britain. And they say that wearing a mask (面具) to hide a person' s face is similar to the way ancient 
villagers covered their faces to force spirits away.     
     On Halloweeen night, American children   6  masks and other clothing. They go from home to home  
 7  "Trick or treat"!   8  the people in the houses do not give them a treat(招待), the children may play
 a trick on them.     
    Some adults put on costumes and attend Halloween parties. They also decorate (装饰) their houses. 
They might   9   the insides of pumpkins (南瓜) and cut funny faces on the surface. They place the
burning candle inside. Some hang fake (假冒的) bats, spider webs and other things   10  the home.
(     )1. A. look like
(     )2. A. beautiful
(     )3. A. die    
(     )4. A. out    
(     )5. A. those  
(     )6. A. dress  
(     )7. A. telling
(     )8. A. Unless  
(     )9. A. clean out
(     )10. A. in     
B. look at
B. special
B. died
B. off
B. these
B. put on
B. crying
B. Before
B. put into
B. beside
C. look for
C. usual
C. died
C. away
C. that
C. wear
C. shouting
C. Although
C. take back
C. around
D. look as      
D. simple      
D. dying        
D. into        
D. ones                    
D. pull on      
D. suggesting  
D. If          
D. fetch        
D. at          


科目: 来源:专项题 题型:完形填空

      There are many words in the English language. You will never     1    the meaning of every word in
English. When you read, you will often find many     2    you do not know. You will not have enough time
to    3    reading and try to find every new word in a dictionary. 
      Sometimes you can     4    a new word because you know some of the parts of the new word. For
example, if a word ends     5    the letters "er", that word     6    be the name of a     7    or a thing that does
a certain action (某个动作). A writer is a person who writes.     8    it is not     9    to know the parts of a
new word to understand it,    10    it will help you many times.
(     )1. A. know  
(     )2. A. books  
(     )3. A. stop 
(     )4. A. find  
(     )5. A. in   
(     )6. A. can   
(     )7. A. friend 
(     )8. A. Then  
(     )9. A. helpful 
(     )10. A. but           
B. learn    
B. letters  
B. enjoy    
B. get     
B. off     
B. might (可能)
B. boy     
B. Now      
B. useful            
B. and                  
C. find  
C. stories
C. keep  
C. study 
C. up   
C. should 
C. person 
C. Yet  
C. enough 
C. so                
D. look up      
D. words    
D. start        
D. guess    
D. by         
D. must       
D. girl         
D. Sometimes
D. good       
D. for                      

