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科目: 来源: 题型:

He will give me a present that I _____ for a long time.

A. expected    B. were expected    C. have been expecting   D. will have been expected


科目: 来源: 题型:







注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

      2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

After news spread which the eight-time Olympic gold medalist Michael Phelps used marijuana, a heating discussion took place in our class. Opinions divided on the issue.

Some classmates argued Phelps deserved to be forgiven as he has made a sincere apology to the public and had willing accepted his punishment. What’s more, they argued, we shouldn’t expect him to be perfect just because he is a public figure -after all, he is still a young man during his early twenties. We all make mistake and Phelps is no exception.

However, others disagreed because like a role model, Phelps’s behavior had a bad influence on thousands of our young fans.

As far as I am concerned, his success story can inspire us to be succeed; on the other hand, his scandal is also a lesson for us.


科目: 来源: 题型:

So far, scientists haven’t found any evidence of water that ______ life on Mars.

   A. holds      B. raises      C. brings     D. supports


科目: 来源: 题型:

The time isn’t far away ______ you will have to take the college entrance examination.

       A.when     B.as    C.until       D. since


科目: 来源: 题型:

The word “cool” has expanded to _________ many different meanings.

A. take on                B. put on               C. carry on        D. get on


科目: 来源: 题型:

----Jack, can you make a sentence to ________ the meaning of the new phrase?


A. show off               B. turn out                C. bring out               D. take in


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)

Bad moods can actually be good for you-an Australian study finds that being sad makes people less possible to be taken in, improves their ability to judge others and also improves memory.

The study, carried out by psychology professor Joseph Forgas at the University of New South Wales, showed that people in a negative mood were more critical of, and paid more attention to their surroundings than happier people, who were more likely to believe anything they were told. "Although positive mood seems to promote creativity, flexibility, cooperation, negative moods lead to more attentive, careful thinking and encourage people to pay greater attention to the outside world," Forgas wrote. "Our research suggests that sadness promotes information processing strategies best suited to dealing with more demanding situations."

For the study, Forgas and his team conducted several experiments that started with inducing (引起,导致)happy or sad moods in participants through watching films and recalling positive or negative events. In one of the experiments, happy and sad participants were asked to judge the truth of urban myths and rumors and found that people in a negative mood were less likely to believe these statements. People in a bad mood were also less likely to make quick decisions based on racial or religious prejudices(偏见), and they were less likely to make mistakes when asked to recall an event that they witnessed.

The study also found that sad people were better at stating their case through written arguments. Forgas said this showed that a negative mood may actually promote a clearer and more successful communication style."

"Positive mood is not universally desirable: people in negative mood are less prone to judgmental errors, and are better at producing high-quality, effective persuasive arguments" Forgas wrote.

56.According to the text, people in a bad mood are more likely to______________.

A. judge other people more exactly

B. believe anything they are told

C. make quick decisions based on prejudices

D make mistakes when asked to describe an event

57. We can learn from the text that Joseph Forgas______________

A. carried out the experiments alone

B. is a psychology professor in Britain

C. likes to deal with demanding situations in life

D believes bad moods might benefit people’s health

58. In what way did Joseph Forgas conclude the study?

A. By comparison   B. By explanation    C. By analysis   D By inference

59. The text is mainly about ______________

A. how to change bad moods into good moods

B. the differences between good and bad moods.

C. benefits of bad moods

D how to beat bad moods.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

It is often said that politeness costs nothing.In fact,it seems that a little more courtesy could save businesses£5 billion every year.

Frequently hearing the phrase “thank you” or “well done” means the same to staff as a modest pay rise,researchers say.

Praise and encouragement also makes employees more likely to work hard and stay in their jobs,saving on the cost of finding replacements.

A third of 1,000 workers surveyed by consulting firm White Water Strategies said they did not get thanked at all when they did well—and a further third said they were not thanked enough.

In both cases,staff said they felt undervalued,meaning they were less likely to exert themselves and were more likely to look for employment elsewhere.

The net result is around £5.2 billion in lost productivity from employees who would raise their game if they felt more appreciated,White Water claimed According to the company,praising staff has the same motivational kick as a 1 per cent pay rise—and works out much cheaper for bosses.

Three out of four employees said that regular acknowledgement by their boss was important to them,but only a quarter said they were actually given as much praise as they felt they needed.

The survey found that those in blue-collar and manual jobs were less likely to be given any recognition for doing well.

In regional terms,Scottish staff felt most undervalued.Four out of ten workers said they were never thanked and eight out of ten said they would like more praise.However,workers in the North-East are less impressed by being buttered up by the boss,as only 69 per cent said they felt the need to be told “well done” regularly.

Older employees and women need the most reassurance,according to psychologist Averil Leimon,a director of White Water Strategies.She said that words of praise did more than create a pleasant place to work—they could even boost profits.

51.The second paragraph means that_____________.

       A.employees ask for high pay instead of hearing “thank you” or “well done”

       B.bosses always think highly of their employees’ work

       C.bosses’ praise and encouragement are important to workers

       D.bosses should praise their workers from time to time

52.Why praise and encouragement are needed according to the passage?

       A.Most bosses feel it necessary

       B.Most workers didn’t work hard enough.

       C.Most bosses can make money from praise and encouragement

       D.Most workers will work harder and stay in their jobs from praise and encouragement.

53.According to tiffs passage,the majority of staff felt______________.

    A.there were thanked enough         B.they were undervalued

    C.they got satisfactory pay          D.they didn’t need encouragement

54.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

    A.Blue-collar and manual workers need more regular acknowledgement by their bosses.

B.A third of the workers surveyed by White Water Strategies never got thanked at all when

they did well.

    C.Old employees and women do not need to be appreciated as much as the young.

    D.Fewer than 20% of Scotiish felt that they never got thanked.

55.The main idea of the passage is that___________

    A.praise and encouragement may help employees work better

    B.workers are always demanding more praise and encouragement

    C.bosses in Scotland usually praise and encourage their staff enough

    D.if undervalued employees will certainly look for employment elsewhere


科目: 来源: 题型:

-----Jack is a student . He studies in Number1 Middle School.


   A .It was the same with Mike.         B. So it is with Mike.

C. So is Mike.                      D.So does Mike


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


  Allen Su’s life has always been a bit different from his peers (同龄人)—(快乐男生:苏醒)

He __21___8.5 in the IELTS (雅思) and then spent seven years in Australia . But since he entered the Super Boy (快乐男生) __22___show earlier last year ,his life has__23___ dramatically.

Allen was born in a well-off family in Xi’an Shanxi Province. He was a __24___student when he was at school and always got good marks. “My marks are getting lower and lower__25___ I am getting older and older,” Allen __26___in an interview.

Around a year ago, Allen came from Sydney and entered Super Boys, __27___ he finished second. Even though he did not come first, he won the__28___ of thousands of fans with his sunny appearance, life experience and humorous,   __29 _ English.

Allen always tries to do everything as well as he can.  __30___ Super Boys, he has improved his skills and become a more   __31___and better singer. Not only is he a good singer, Allen is now __32___ a host. He was the host of the Soccer Prince On Hunan Satellite TV in August.

Recently Allen   __33__in a stage play called A Mid-summer Night’s Dream, which was written by William Shakespeare. Acting is __34__ to Allen, but __35__ he is hard -working and modest (谦虚)enough to learn __36__ to do it .His new play appeared __37_stage in Beijing On November 2.

It is believed that Allen will have great __38__ in the future, because he is a brilliant and thoughtful person, just as he wrote in his __39__ which you can see on the Internet, “We smile, we cry, because we have __40__in our life.  

21.A.accepted       B.ranked      C.scored          D.dropped

22.A.talk           B.talent     C.picture          D.action

23.A.moved          B.started      C.touched        D.changed

24.A.top            B.sleepy       C.kind          D.cruel

25.A.as             B.before      C.since         D.because

26.A.replied         B.joked     C.explained       D.asked

27.A.which           B.when     C.where           D.that

28.A.cheers          B.belief           C.view          D.hearts

29.A.well-written     B.well-said   C.well-spoken     D.well-done

30.A.By            B.With      C.In             D.Through

31.A.experienced     B.interested  C.friendly        D.nice

32.A.even          B.yet        C.still           D.also

33.A.recognized       B.appeared   C.turned          D.recalled

34.A.new          B.kind      C.loyal         D.normal

35.A.luckily         B.really      C.madly           D.excitedly

36.A.what         B.why      C.how          D.which

37.A.at              B.on       C.in             D.to

38.A.success         B.faith      C.chance          D.progress

39.A.letter        B.book      C.game         D.blog

40.A.hopes           B.dreams   C.ideas         D.sweets

